I was sort of amused that the trailer had just about all of the footage from the last trailer, just without any music from any rock bands. Guess Marvel learned it isn't nice to use without asking. The music for the series sounds good.
In some ways this 3-4 minute trailer goes over episodes worth of material. Part of me wonders if it was wise. I mean, it already explains that Xavier lived and where he wound up, utterly eliminating the cliffhanger from the "bombing" scene. I mean, hey, they COULD have killed him off. X3 did. Sort of.
My biggest concern is the same one I have had since the planning stage; Wolverine leading the X-Men and EVERYONE being happy about it. Even Xavier himself seems to approve, as if forgetting Scott was his first recruit. Wolverine-Worship has been a double edged sword to the X-Men franchise. There are some, and with valid reason, who claim that the X-Franchise owes a lot to Wolverine. The 90's were a shaky era especially with Marvel in the red for more than half of the decade, and Wolverine as the lynchpin helped maintain sales until Morrison and the movies. Some naturally felt that Wolverine starring in the films from the onset was a mistake, but X-MEN was written in 1998-1999 when Marvel was bankrupt and probably felt, best to focus on the one star much of the public knows. It was a strategy that led to a successful trilogy of films and merchandise. Wolverine remains the franchise's most popular character and considering the back-seat he took in much of X-MEN EVOLUTION from 2000-2003, some feel it is "his due".
The other side of the argument, of course, mostly comes from more well-rounded X-fans or the poor fans of other X-characters besides Wolverine who feel focus on him has cheated others of the spotlight. Lord knows Colossus has paid a heavy price for not being an anti-hero, as it looks even here he will be reduced to random cameo appearances. They also are irked about the movies and whatnot, or feel Wolverine has been the focus of the X-Men for a good generation of time and needs a rest. Or they simply resent the idea that Wolverine would complete his utter domination of the X-Men franchise by leading it, despite how other characters may feel about it. For instance, Angel used to resent Wolverine for quite a while in the comics. Xavier usually supposed Scott. Even Storm has had long tenures leading the squad.
To me, Wolverine works best as that rebel, the one on the team who questioned authority somewhat. Even when he "calmed down" he had that tension with Cyclops, that nerve to say when he disagreed with an order, or who occasionally did his own thing. Being a leader takes that away. It puts him in default hero mode.
But, lamenting about all that is moot. This is the direction of the show and that is that. The title reminds me of SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS in that it sounds almost like a circus act.
Naturally this show looks like a fusion of the comics and the films, and seems to introduce a few mutants who never had a large role in cartoons before, like Emma Frost (merely a rogue in the 90's) to Domino. It has a hefty animation budget and promises a lot of action and moody tension.
I hate Cyclops' design. I know it simply is his Cassaday suit with a trenchcoat, but I felt the skull-cap always looked silly on him, and it looks sillier with a trench. I guess they figured the visor wasn't enough to make him stand out next to Gambit (who looks cool). Logan & Cyclops seem to be switching roles here; Logan as the leader and Cyclops as the grim loner rebel. I really doubt it will work to Scott's favor, but it at least is something new.
It still looks promising, moreso than I thought when the first promo art started hitting the Internet, and frankly, if it is only half as good as Marvel's other new cartoon, SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, then it will still be watchable.
Basically, X-Men fans who enjoyed seeing the franchise without Wolverine being depicted as it's only worthwhile character and even savior, will have to be content with hunting down EVOLUTION DVD's and bootlegs of the last season (which was never commercially released by WB and probably never will at this stage). If you're willing to look past the premise, or if you're one of the Wolverine-Worshippers, then this should be good for you.