Spider-Man Starts
Starts up with Peter Parker dreaming about when he was bit by a radioactive spider and was on his death bed due to radiation poisoning for 9 months. When he wakes up, Rodrrick Kingsley introduces himself as the Jack O Lantern and is sitting with Peter in a high school detention room and offers him a place in the Sinister Six.
Kingsley has Peter climb up to the top of the Daily Bugle with an antique camera only to get the beat down by J.Johah Jameson. Peter says he seeks the means to fight injustice and take down Wilson Fisk a.k.a. the Kingpin. He is introduced to another man who looks like Ned Leeds named the Hobgoblin.Peter and Kingsley have a falling out and after 3 weeks,Peter returns back to high school where Aunt May had declared him dead. Peter also is reaquinted by a girl we've never heard of before.
After being equipped with a new camera by Joe Robertson,Peter enlists the aid of Captain George Stacy and takes the Kingpin down.Later we find that Kingsley was the real Hobgoblin and that Mysterio,a man in a three piece suit and a fish bowl on his head who used to work in Vegas doing card tricks,are planning to destroy New York. In a heated battle on a run away train,Peter lets Kingsley die.He explains that he wasn't able to save him because a human being wouldn't be able to shoot webs from his body and that a bite from a radioacive spider would most likely end in death.
At the end,Peter and Captain Stacy find evidence left at a crime scene by a man calling himself the Green Goblin.