Norman's scheme was what?? Get his company back. Ok, got that. Then what?? Make Spider-Man join him??
Rather disappointing grand plan. He should have had another bigger agenda too. Stan Lee always had him trying to take over the underworld. Movie Goblin just seemed to be winging it.
At least Ock had a deadly scientific scheme that threatened to demolish New York.
So what?? If a serial killer is caught before they go on a mass murder spree, does that make them any less deadly??
Several people went flying thru the tram windows when he shoved the passengers aside. Watch that scene again.
Oh yes, and Ock was so concerned about collateral damage and the safety of bystanders. Tossing the huge safe door in the bank at a bunch of bank customers. Raining showers of building debris on people as he smashed Spidey into the building wall, tossing a car into a cafe full of people, throwing passengers off the train, dropping Aunt May off the building "Butterfingers", he kidnapped MJ, and sped up and the ripped the brakes out of a train full of innocent people.
Oh yeah, he was a pussycat
Doc Ock > Green Goblin
I'll say this, Ock may have been written differently from the comics, but when he turned into a super villain, not only did he look completely badass, but he never let any stupid citizens give him any s***.
Why the hell did Norman just stand there and let all those people toss stones and sticks etc at him?? He's a friggin' super villain, go up there and bomb their asses man. You're the Green Goblin!!!
Well his performance was hampered by that awful costume.
Dafoe has a very expressive face [remember the mirror scene], but most of the time it was hidden behind that awful mask.
Don't get me wrong, I think he did a great job, but the costume diluted his performance IMO.