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Black Panther: The Man Without Fear

David Liss and Francesco Francavilla take T’Challa on a bold new adventure into the heart of Hell’s Kitchen

Posted: 2010-09-15 16:58:13 Updated: 2010-09-16 13:10:56
By Ben Morse

Beginning this December, T'Challa of Wakanda prowls a new kind of jungle and New York City gains a very different kind of protector as The Black Panther comes to Hell's Kitchen.

With issue #513, DAREDEVIL morphs into BLACK PANTHER: THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR under the guidance of writer David Liss and artist Francesco Francavilla as the fallout of Shadowland causes a drastic shift in the landscape of the Marvel Universe.

"T'Challa is no longer the king of Wakanda, and he has no more vibranium," says Liss, touching on recent changes to the life of his new leading man. "After the trials of DoomWar, he's looking to figure out who he is; what it means to be T'Challa without all the roles, responsibilities and powers that have defined him for so long. When an opportunity arises to relocate to Hell's Kitchen, it seems like exactly the kind of test he's looking for."

While Liss could not speak on what becomes of Hell's Kitchen's previous protector to necessitate this shift as those monumental events have yet to unfold in the pages of SHADOWLAND and its associated titles, he did reveal what brought an Edgar Award-winning novelist like himself to this project:

"I was extremely excited to have the chance to work on such an exciting reworking of an established Marvel hero and I've always been a big Daredevil fan, so the opportunity to tell a story set in that milieu was a real thrill for me.

"I am still relatively new to comics, but this is the third project I've done with Marvel, and I've learned an incredible amount over the past couple of years," continues the author, who last penned 2009's DARING MYSTERY COMICS 70TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL. "In many ways, scripting a comic book is a very different kind of writing [from doing novels], but in more important ways it is a variation on the kind of storytelling I've been doing for years."

Joining Liss and T'Challa will be artist Francesco Francavilla, who made a splash recently with his series of "Who Will Bet the New Man Without Fear?" posters and now looks forward to helping answer that very question.

"[T'Challa's look] is still very recognizable, [however] a few changes were needed since this is a new Black Panther who doesn't have all the high tech gear from Wakanda, but instead is more like an urban fighter in this metropolitan setting," explains Francavilla of his approach to the character. "The silhouette is still unmistakably Black Panther."

"Francesco is an amazing artist and I love seeing his spin on scripts," praises Liss. "His style is moody and atmospheric, but also vivid and dynamic. And this is my first time working with an artist who does his own colors, so it's great fun to get near finished pages showing up in my inbox."

But while Liss and Francavilla have forged a sturdy creative partnership, what has become of T'Challa's own partner, name his wife, Storm?

"Storm is with the X-Men in Utopia," reveals the writer. "[Her and T'Challa's] relationship has not changed; they are still married, in love and committed to each other. At the same time, they have their own things they have to do. Storm not only accepts that T'Challa has to be alone right now, she insists on it because she understands that is what he needs. T'Challa is out to test his limits and see what he's made of; that would be hard to do if every time he got in trouble Storm came flying in and zapped his enemies."

Expect those enemies to be a mix of faces familiar to longtime Daredevil fans as well as freshly dangerous threats such as the ominously-named Vlad the Impaler.
"I love the classic Hell's Kitchen villains and plan to bring some of them into these stories, but I wanted T'Challa to face someone new in the first arc," says Liss. "In the wake of Shadowland, it's a perfect time for an ambitious man who has been waiting for the right time to strike. Vlad is a Romanian immigrant who has been hired muscle for a long time but now is trying to establish himself as a power in New York City. He is a dedicated husband and parent, a fair and reasonable boss, and has a solid work ethic. He is also a brutal killer with super powers of his own [who] is determined to crush [T'Challa] before he becomes a real threat."

But external enemies won't comprise the Panther's only threats, as some of his greatest challenges come from within.

"As far as allies, he'll have some offers, but insist on going it alone and doing it secretly; it was important to me that I establish that T'Challa will never ask for help," Liss comments on the hero's outlook. "I also wanted to give him a secret identity that matters, so keeping to himself and keeping a low profile are difficulties he will regularly face.

"He will face a lot of moral dilemmas down the road. This is Hell's Kitchen after all, and things are very often not quite what they seem."

However, no matter how much the odds may be stacking up against The Black Panther, Liss still feels T'Challa can rise to the occasion-eventually.
"In this opening arc, we are going to see T'Challa take some blows, get beaten up, make some mistakes. He is still a man of purpose, honor and determination, but he is also figuring out his new limits, trying to make a place for himself in an alien culture and stepping into some very formidable shoes as he becomes a man without fear."
ADVANCED PREVIEW: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #513:
Official Press Release
Marvel is pleased to announce that best-selling author David Liss and the acclaimed artist Francesco Francavilla will be launching the all-new Black Panther: The Man Without Fear this December! The smoke has cleared from the ruins of Shadowland and a new protector of Hell’s Kitchen is on the prowl. His name is T’Challa, the Black Panther! In a city without Daredevil and a dangerous knew foe called Vlad the Impaler consolidating power in the underworld, the Black Panther must learn to become a new type of hero. Without his riches, his technology, and his kingdom can T’Challa truly be the man without fear? Find out in Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #513!

Written by DAVID LISS
Rated T+ …$2.99






"Former Black Panther Still Missing! Presumed Dead!!!"...And Foggy!
I'm not a fan of all the straps and pouches on his costume. I'd rather see T'Challa taking down thugs will nothing but his own bare hands. He doesn't need all that crap.
Ok....that artwork has sold me on this. Still...where will Matt be during this??
Even though I dont think this gimmick will necessarily get new readers interested in Panther, I think this is a step in the right direction. I think BP will work well in the "urban jungle" setting as opposed to his wacky adventures in Wakanda. lol
Even though I dont think this gimmick will necessarily get new readers interested in Panther, I think this is a step in the right direction. I think BP will work well in the "urban jungle" setting as opposed to his wacky adventures in Wakanda. lol

like he would have in the Crew
That art is pretty f-ing badass! I never heard of Francesco Francavilla......
I think it is a really stupid idea to make Black Panther the new Man Without Fear. So T'Challa once again leaves his kingdom to go play hero in New York? What's worse is that this time the country really is in shambles because apparently Maberry made Wakanda so reliant on vibranium that they can even flush the toilet without having it coated in vibranium.

Unless there is some huge, looming threat to Wakanda in Hell's Kitchen, this makes T'Challa look like a jackass. He leaves his home and people in the worst state they have ever been to be a hero in Daredevil's playland? So Hell's Kitchen is more important to T'Challa right now instead of his own damn kingdom? It's **** like this that cripples Marvel creatively. No wonder why new heroes can't get a chance to grow on fans. Everyone knows that what happens in New York is all that matters, so nobody gives a rat's ass when World War III is happening over the other side of the world unless Wolverine shows up and eats a cheeseburger.

^^What he said.
I like the art. I'm going to give it a shot since it kinda involves two of my favorite characters, and it could turn out to be a well written story despite my issues with the premise of the story.
I don't know. The art really is great, and I'm interested in Foggy there, but I just don't think I want to deal with this. If there is no real connection to Daredevil Reborn I'll likely pass on it.
I'm liking the art in this new series. WAAAAY back in Daredeveil #52 T'Challa and DD first met. In #69 T'Challa told DD that he knew his secret identity.These two go way back.If this leads back into T'Challa returning to Wakanda as a reinvigorated leader-great.
Spidey rules except in Wakanda
Thanks for the info Donald Thomas, i was gonna ask if DD and BP were ever close at all. They havent really been around each other recently.
His new costume reminds me of when Kasper "White Tiger" Cole was briefly Black Panther. In fact Kole would make more sense in this new role than T'challa...
His new costume reminds me of when Kasper "White Tiger" Cole was briefly Black Panther. In fact Kole would make more sense in this new role than T'challa...

exactly...infact there are other street level heroes who would have made more sense
Iron Fist
White Tiger
What would make more sense is if T'Challa was in New York doing business with the United Nations after Wakanda's issue with Doom, and knowing that Matt isn't Daredevil again he decides to look after Hell's Kitchen while he's stuck in New York dealing with bureaucracy or something else political. He needs to have a damn good reason to be outside of Wakanda for this to work. Maybe Kingpin has the key to vibranium or something. Of course that make Wakanda look like a bunch of dumb asses if some crime lord from New York knows more about vibranium than all of their experience using it for 10,000 years.
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I like the art. I'm going to give it a shot since it kinda involves two of my favorite characters, and it could turn out to be a well written story despite my issues with the premise of the story.
Agreed. This is pretty much how I feel regarding the whole thing.
Thanks for the info Donald Thomas, i was gonna ask if DD and BP were ever close at all. They havent really been around each other recently.

Thanks. If memory serves me correct, there was also a time when T'Challa posed as DD to help him out. Can anyone prove or disprove that?
Spidey rules except in Wakanda
If memory serves me correct, there was also a time when T'Challa posed as DD to help him out. Can anyone prove or disprove that?

I remember that from an old issue of Marvel Team-Up.
No one knows the answer?
Hint-It WAS NOT in an issue of Marvel Team UP! :cwink:
Spidey rules except in Wakanda
Nobody? Well I guess this is one of those times it pays to have a long memory.
T'Challa is one of the first super heroes to know that Matt Murdock was DD.In DD #92,DD asked T'Challa to come from Wakanda to wear his DD costume to protect his secret identity.While we have not seen the two together in a long time, they have been friends since the 1960's.The idea of BP being the new Man without Fear(for a while) is very consistent with DD continuity.
Spidey rules
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