Oh man, I want!

lol SideShow practically has a "Throne Series" now.... with Ultron and Doom. wouldn't shock me if there's a Loki and Mephisto one too....

looks great though
That is awesome... Too bad it's so damn expensive.
Yeah, I still only want the Hasbro Ultron coming out
Yeah, I still only want the Hasbro Ultron coming out

I second that emotion. It's going to be hard to wait until fall. Plus we'll have Wolverine Legends and Thor stuff. It shall be glorious.
Yeah, I still only want the Hasbro Ultron coming out

I wonder how that new ML Ultron will compare to the Select Ultron that just came out. I really like the Select version. I'll have to wait and see. The Select is a little big, but he works great with the Legends.

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