For the past several years Ive been complaining along with many of you, about how poorly Warner Bros has been mishandling its DC Comics properties. Most of us agree that they have put out some Epically Proportioned stink bombs along the way. Being an avid follower of the DC Universe for so long, it doesnt feel very good seeing the characters youve come to love and care about for so long being treated like garbage in the movies. Superman the Movie and Batman Begins in my opinion, are the only notable exceptions until now. The Dark Knight! To be perfectly honest, I wasnt expecting much out of this movie. I felt very negative about this movie up until the day it was released. Im glad I was wrong
For once DC fans can hold our heads high because this movie was a victory. Lets hope Warner can follow through with more. There is still a long road ahead but at least the Warner Flunkies are starting to pay attention.