Im pretty sure the majority wouldn't, at least not right away. And when the population is ready, Sony will have something similar out.
The thing is though, it might not need to go for that crowd at all. This isn't just specifically restricted to "proper" or "hardcore" gamers per-say. Kind of like the wii this could open a door to untouched fresh meat. I mean think about it, the ps3/360/wii combined would probably only make up a tiny faction of desktop/laptop/pc/mac's out there. What this does is allow all those diffrent variants of systems which couldn't turn into something that can. It's essentially (the idea anyway, this could go balls up) creating a potentially massive userbase of emulated high-end pc's that simply didn't exist before hand without anything other than a 1 megabyte download.
I mean IGN said they ran Crysis on it's highest settings on a Macbook
"The cool thing here is that your only requirement is a capable internet connection and some sort of computer. In theory, you should be able to play Crysis on a netbook. A handful of us have played the game, at its highest settings, on a MacBook Air with the service. Not only is the game not normally available on the Mac (outside of running Boot Camp), but the MacBook Air is hardly a gaming device, and yet we were able to hop in and play it as smoothly as a nicely-specced machine. We also played Burnout Paradise on a similarly-equipped PC laptop, and despite how quick that game is, it ran and played fine as well.
Do the games run at 60fps? Technically, yes, but the video stream makes it feel less so. They're still smooth, but Burnout wasn't as brisk as it is on a PS3, for instance. But make no mistake - everything we tried was completely playable (and most importantly, quite responsive), and being that you're able to play these games without any dedicated hardware, that's a huge, huge thing."
Probably just getting abit over-excited about it, it does need a fast connection and it seems abit too good to be true atm. If it isn't smoke blowing, it could have a massive impact.