This might be the only time I'll agree with you, and it's only a partial agreement. I agree that the book has some gratiutous shots in it. But the artists is Frank Cho, and that's his forte. I truely believe that it's all tongue in cheek. It's definitely not for everyone, and definitely not for young kids. I did notice the "
All Ages" rating on the book, which is a little surprising to be honest. I'm not sure how much good Marvel's rating system does, but itf you're going to slap it on the books, might as well make it accurate and consistent, right?
All Ages"? I missed that part. That makes what Marvel is doing even worse. Their rating system stinks.
As for the "bad language", I have to disagree. It's not even bad language, Slim. It's a series of %^&!@. That's not exactly the same as a four letter word begining in "F" and ending in "K". Comic books have long used that approach to cursing, so I don't see why you'd have a problem with it now. I mean, you have to understand that core audience of is made up of adults. You're telling me you don't utter a swear word or two when you're upset?
Believe it or I don't curse and never have. I was turned off by it as a child. Plus I don't need to curse. My vocabulary is extensive enough to express my thoughts without it. And it is bad language. We know what those symbols mean. And you can almost hear in your head, what was meant to be there. And yes...the core audience have been adults for quite some time...."without all this foul language". Why the need for it now?
That said, I can understand you reasoning to not want the book in the hands of your children. That's acceptable, and frankly, probably responsible. But it's meant for them. It's meant for you. So for you to take offense to this book is overreacting a little. Do you only watch G-rated movies because you have kids? No, you watch adult movies too (and I'm NOT refering to porn), because you are an adult. Same thing applies here, Slim.
Did you just say that it had an "All Ages" rating? That means they meant it for me and "my kids". And that's just wrong. I'm glad that you at least see part of my concern.
Your argument is pretty weak, but I can sort of see where you're coming from.
problem is that I know that you're a
ultra conservative. And I grew up in a house like that, so I know you guys are scared to death of pee pee parts. I realize you'll grow out of that, but I thought perhaps I could give you my point of view as well.
First of all you start off with the assumption that being conservative is a problem. I could say that maybe your ultra-liberalism is the problem. And you assume that my parents were conservative because I am. Maybe you grew up fearing your pee parts. If so, God bless you. But that wasn't me. My dad is still pretty much wearing his Democrat contact lenses to bed. I formed my own opinions as a grew older and grew in my faith.
Now, I've tried my hardest to respond to your post thoughfully and respectfully, so I'd hope you'd do the same, if you choose to reply back.