I completely understand your perspective on this. You don't want to be ragging on mods in public and humiliating them, because ultimately they have to have an air of authority to them and ragging on them in public will ultimately serve to put them in a situation where they're no longer taken seriously.
However your last statement is highly reassuring and this is what I meant by more open moderating. We as posters have to understand that there are processes that go on behind the scenes. It's natural that this should be the case in any chain of command simply because order has to be maintained. But until we know about it how do we know it's not simply being ignored.
Finally it's not like we're asking you to take Morg to task for this one incident. Yes we all get a bit peeved at times when a mod, in the poster's perception at that time, acts unfairly. However, can you name a single mod who has had the sheer number or consistency of complaints as morg?
The guy has been out of line for a LONG time and there comes a point where you have to start listening to people in this regard. One or two troublemakers complaining about a mod to cover their own asses is understandable, but I'm willing to be if you took a straw poll of this site at least 60% of people would say Morg should not be a mod. The same cannot be said about any of the others.
Thanks for being so upfront about this, it's refreshing and I must admit I'm enjoying the chance to get all this out in the open.