Not necessarilly. Think about it. This simulation might run for a million in years in a second for them. Just like our weather simulations do a whole century in 10 minutes. And considering there are 7 billion humans in this maybe earth, maybe simulation, it could be difficult to keep track of what every human is thinking in that method.
Or maybe they just don't care if we think of this.
this could be to study our social evolution or even our physical evolution. Who knows.
I'd like to think this isn't a simulation, but that oxford professor brings up an interesting argument.
I've started to realize though it doesn't even matter if it is a simulation. It actually makes our world no less real. Either way. Were still just neutrons and electrons and protons. Who decides when it stops being a simulation and becomes real? Whether god made it, or the big bang made it, and were just a wrinkle in space time, another time line, oir what. Who's gonna know the difference? Does it make another person's suffering or happiness any less real?