Pan's Labyrinth

It looks deliciously creepy. Not sure exactly what it's about, though.
Heard about this a while ago. Nice looking trailer.
Is it gonna be like labrynth with david bowie?

kol_lover said:
Is it gonna be like labrynth with david bowie?


Oh yeah, damn straight. Get ready to whip out a pad and pen and tally off the number of Bowie crotch shots.
Del Toro is one of my favorite (and greatest) directors, so i'll be seeing it.
I taught myself not to be hyped anymore, because I always get dissapointed. For example, Hitchhiker's Guide was a huge letdown.

But luckly Batman Begins made it up :)

Del Toro is really good with his indie flicks. I didn't like Hellboy though. I thought he tried to bring in the non-fans (like me) but it didn't work.
This movie is gonna be in english,right? But yea the creepiness rocks.
Octoberist said:
I didn't like Hellboy though. I thought he tried to bring in the non-fans (like me) but it didn't work.

I disagree. I had never read a Hellboy comic in my life but went out and got a bunch of back issues after I saw the movie. My Brother did too. It worked for me and my brother. :)
Sweet tapdancing Stephen Hawking that looks amazing!
Sandman138 said:
Sweet tapdancing Stephen Hawking that looks amazing!

That's an animated GIF just waiting to happen.
I like Guillermo del Toro, I just saw the Devil's Backbone the other day and really liked it. This movie looks cool too.
Because Spanish is such a nasty sounding language.:o

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