"Pin Head" The Official Ken Leung/Quill Thread

Neto Magnus

Sep 11, 2003
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it's finally confirmed!

screencaps coming soon...
Not my first choice but oh well. What are his powers exactly?
I am surpised. LOL We were given the name "quills" we should have known...

Sunfire!! HA rofl
you know in gina's movie review, she said that leung had dots on his face to say where to place stuff with cgi....doe sthat mean everything else she said is..true??
Hahahaha And Everyone Thought It Was Sunfire!!! They Would Even Tell You To Drop Dead If You Said It Wasnt!!! Noww Whose Laughing!! Hahahahahahahahaha....
First, we need not mention that which has no name (Gina), and second, Simon Kinberg confirmed there are things that don't go according to the first script review. Trust me, everything will be just fine.
thats so unexpected that i dont really care anymore... anyone have a bio of quills/pin head?

I think he's there to represent the more freakish physical side of mutation; as a sort of nod to Spyke in X-Men Evo; because of his power to fire his deadly spines; and he may be based on the Marauder called Riptide who spun his body and unleashed shuriken blades made from resin secreted by his skin.

Maybe he's Asian because of those Asian pufferfish whose poison spines cause total paralysis (the kind that was used to create zombies, by making people appear dead for several days)... the fish can sometimes end up in sushi, there was a case of a man who became suddenly totally paralysed when he ate sushi containing pufferfish, all bodily functions reduced to such a low state that they thought he was dead.
X-Maniac said:

I think he's there to represent the more freakish physical side of mutation; as a sort of nod to Spyke in X-Men Evo; because of his power to fire his deadly spines; and he may be based on the Marauder called Riptide who spun his body and unleashed shuriken blades made from resin secreted by his skin.

Maybe he's Asian because of those Asian pufferfish whose poison spines cause total paralysis (the kind that was used to create zombies, by making people appear dead for several days)... the fish can sometimes end up in sushi, there was a case of a man who became suddenly totally paralysed when he ate sushi containing pufferfish, all bodily functions reduced to such a low state that they thought he was dead.

hes supposed to be the new quill? hes pretty new and a good guy... thats disappointing
He looks awesome, no one can say he doesn't.
I like the pufferfish theory... and hopefully we'll see him shooting some quills at Colossus... a la X2
X-Maniac said:

Maybe he's Asian because of those Asian pufferfish whose poison spines cause total paralysis (the kind that was used to create zombies, by making people appear dead for several days)... the fish can sometimes end up in sushi, there was a case of a man who became suddenly totally paralysed when he ate sushi containing pufferfish, all bodily functions reduced to such a low state that they thought he was dead.

God, I hope that's not the reason why they made him asian.
Why? It would be perfectly valid and logical to base his look/ability on a real-world spiny creature.
Well, there have also been several Quill characters in the X-Men history...

I guess they figured, why not make another one?.. :p

X-Maniac said:
Why? It would be perfectly valid and logical to base his look/ability on a real-world spiny creature.
But because he's Asian? Asian people don't look like pufferfish.
He is the Porcupine...Mags picks him up in the forest scene while feasting on some nuts.
He looks so freakin awesome. Here I was thinking he is Silver Samurai...
He looks so freakin awesome. Here I was thinking he is Silver Samurai...

Never thought he was SS. Kind of though Sunfire at first but Kinberg cleared that up. I went for Scrambler after that but now I get a pin cusion. He better have some good moves.
X-Maniac said:

I think he's there to represent the more freakish physical side of mutation; as a sort of nod to Spyke in X-Men Evo; because of his power to fire his deadly spines; and he may be based on the Marauder called Riptide who spun his body and unleashed shuriken blades made from resin secreted by his skin.

Maybe he's Asian because of those Asian pufferfish whose poison spines cause total paralysis (the kind that was used to create zombies, by making people appear dead for several days)... the fish can sometimes end up in sushi, there was a case of a man who became suddenly totally paralysed when he ate sushi containing pufferfish, all bodily functions reduced to such a low state that they thought he was dead.

Cool Pic and Interesting Info.

Wouldn't making Quills an Asian character because of pufferfish-sushi be a borderline offensive power, like making a Chinese girl shoot fireworks from her hands? Not that too many people get offended by that, anyway...
I think that the effects look good at least i mean they could look ALOT worse than they do. i like them alot

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