Piracy is killing the movie industry.


May 18, 2003
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Record $9.62 Billion Year at the Domestic Box Office
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, Variety
January 3, 2008

Industry box office grosses in totaled $9.62 billion in 2007, or 5% more than a year earlier and 4% more than the industry's previous high from 2002.

Ticket sales also were up from 2006, with 1.41 billion admissions marking a 1% year-over-year uptick and the highest tally since 2004. In that year, admissions totaled 1.48 billion, or 5% more than in '07, before plunging to 1.38 billion in 2005.

Domestic moviegoers paid an average $6.82 per ticket in '07, or 4% more than in '06.

In another first, all six major studios jumped the $1 billion mark at the domestic box office, with 20th Century Fox crossing over during the last weekend of the year.

In terms of market share, Paramount won the crown thanks to DreamWorks, posting total receipts of $1.49 billion, up 55% from last year.

Warner Bros. posted box office of $1.42 million, gaining 34%. Disney came in third, posting receipts of $1.36 billion, down 9%.

Sony was down 27% from last year, with total box office of $1.24 million in 2007.

Universal posted receipts of $1.1 billion, a 38% gain.

Fox saw box office of $1.01 billion, down 28%.


Yup, it sure is dieng a slow and rich death. :hehe:
Domestic moviegoers paid an average $6.82 per ticket in '07
Under $7 on average? :confused:

I'm going to the wrong theaters ...or just going at the wrong time ...or maybe just in the wrong city.
People were bootlegging movies long before now. It's the movie quality.
I agree with Terry.

Movie's have gotten repetitive and bland recently. The downfall for me was SM3. :down

Doesn't help that my theater's are 9 bucks, and 7 for matinee.
People were bootlegging movies long before now. It's the movie quality.
I don't download them at all.
I think it sucks when you download them,
1.it takes too long
2.Movie looks crappy
3.it sounds crappy too
Man, put it this way i don't go to the movies.Too expensive.
The Pirate Movies aren't that bad.

Stealing movies is wrong, mm'kay?
Pirate movies are only crappy when you dunno what you're downloading. Reading coments is key.
People were bootlegging movies long before now. It's the movie quality.

Completely agree, if i know the movie will suck somewhat im not going to see it in theaters, il download it watch it, and it will suck than id be happy that i didn't shell out 10 bucks for a dam ticket.

i only see movies in the theaters when i know for a fact itl be worth it.
Haha, yeah The IT Crowd can be funny...when they wanna be.
well, ya know, it might help if they actually lowered the ticket prices...

that's just my opinion though
If I really want to see a movie, I bite the wallet, and go to the theater.

If I really want to see a movie, and I don't want to fork out 8 bucks, I wait until dvd.

If I really want to see a movie, and I don't want to fork out 8 or 4 bucks, I say "it's worth a download."
To be honest, the movie industry has the same problem the music industry has, and it's not "pirates"; it's releasing absolute drivel and then wondering why no one wants to see it and they lose their shirt on the production. Make films people actually want to see and they'll go see them. Pretty damn simple. Just because no one went to see your soaring epic doesn't mean they're just waiting to download it. In fact, it probably means that your soaring epic sucked ass and shouldn't have been made in the first place. Get a grip.

To be honest, the movie industry has the same problem the music industry has, and it's not "pirates"; it's releasing absolute drivel and then wondering why no one wants to see it and they lose their shirt on the production. Make films people actually want to see and they'll go see them. Pretty damn simple. Just because no one went to see your soaring epic doesn't mean they're just waiting to download it. In fact, it probably means that your soaring epic sucked ass and shouldn't have been made in the first place. Get a grip.


No more needs to be said.

Jag, destroyer of threads. :up:

well, ya know, it might help if they actually lowered the ticket prices...

that's just my opinion though

Ticket prices have nothing to do with it. I work at a theater myself and it's 6.00 for a matinee and 8.50 for after matinee. People still fork out the cash or credit cards to see a movie despite it being crappy or great. So, I think it's the quality of the films themselves and the overall disappointment after so much hype the film was given.

I know where I work is just one theater, but during the holidays, we had every show sell out and it was films that I know no one gave a **** about seeing. But because they had nothing to do they're willing to hand over 8.50 to see P.S. I Love You, This Christmas, or Awake.
Ticket prices have nothing to do with it. I work at a theater myself and it's 6.00 for a matinee and 8.50 for after matinee. People still fork out the cash or credit cards to see a movie despite it being crappy or great. So, I think it's the quality of the films themselves and the overall disappointment after so much hype the film was given.
to me it is... yes, the quality of the film does count for something, but I don't have that kind of money lying around the house to just spend needlessly, even if it is an incredible movie

Food is more important than a movie

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