Pre-Order "The Killing Joke" in hardcover


Jul 3, 2004
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"The Killing Joke" will be reissued in hardcover on March 19. The cost (as of the creation of this thread) is merely $12.23 + shipping. I'll bet we can rocket this book up the Amazon sales chart. Buy 1, buy 2, tell your friends.

Buying it for a friend would be more likely. I'm sure that 90% of the people who post here already own 1-2 copies of Killing Joke already.
Nice find. Glad they didn't change the cover, it's a classic.
i just ordered 3, one to read another for display and the last one to sell in 10,20 years
Hmm, I've never read it.

You need to. Excellent book. I wanted to get a copy of TKJ for my little brother for Christmas, but I couldn't find one for less than $40. So I'm getting him a copy of this HC. I want him to read it before he sees TDK.
i preordered mine from B&N but am nervous that it may run out before they ship it to me! ! ! !

Should I be worried???????
I dunno. Never ordered from B&N. I've always been able to rely on Amazon for pre-orders, though. Haven't let me down yet.
if you have not read this...and you are a joker fan...DO IT NOW!!!
Agreed. That's why I really want my little brother to read it before seeing TDK. I think it'll give him a much different perspective on the character than what he's previously seen on BTAS and such.

ha...indeed! it's like doing history homework...KNOW YOUR SH@#!:grin:
You need to. Excellent book. I wanted to get a copy of TKJ for my little brother for Christmas, but I couldn't find one for less than $40. So I'm getting him a copy of this HC. I want him to read it before he sees TDK.
"I'll look into it.":word:
Jesus I've been looking for a copy of this in this price range for a long time. I gotta get me a copy of this before TDK hits. Not becuase it's a pre req for seeing the movie obviously , It's just a personal want.
Man, I must be lucky than some. I got my own TKJ in it original print not too long ago. Probably around Sept. or Oct. of 2007. And I got it for a good price at $5. The book is in good condition & show no sign of any use thankfully. :joker::up:
I preordered mine from B&N but am nervous that it may run out before they ship it to me! ! ! !

Should I be worried???????

Don't know. Perhaps you should speak with someone at B&N regarding this. See if they will be able to fulfill all of their pre-orders, and if not, tell them you would like a refund so that you may purchase the book from another outlet. That's my advice, anyway.
Doenst a pre-order mean they reserve a copy for you?

Sometimes they take too many pre-orders and do not receive enough copies to fulfill their obligations. Maybe they take too many pre-orders through negligence, or the publisher doesn't send them enough copies, etc. It happens.

I've pre-ordered a video game at GameStop and showed up on release day and they're like, "Sorry, we didn't get enough." When you've been waiting a long time for something, that'll really piss you off.
Sometimes they take too many pre-orders and do not receive enough copies to fulfill their obligations. Maybe they take too many pre-orders through negligence, or the publisher doesn't send them enough copies, etc. It happens.

I've pre-ordered a video game at GameStop and showed up on release day and they're like, "Sorry, we didn't get enough." When you've been waiting a long time for something, that'll really piss you off.

I KNOW... that's what scares me because I had that happen to me w/ Batman: Year One Deluxe Edition

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