Preacher Preacher Season Three!

That was fantastic but ya know, most of y'all won't give it a chance anymore I guess
I’m going to watch it tomorrow but I’m glad you enjoyed it hellblazer.
I liked it. :) It's too early to tell if it's going to crash and burn. This kind of show can go in any number of directions. :p
I liked it. :) It's too early to tell if it's going to crash and burn. This kind of show can go in any number of directions. :p

well, I didn't expect Cass to spill the beans about him and Tulip right off the bat like that lol. All the fights were fantastic as well like Jesse/Cass, Jesse/Jody, etc. (COMIC SPOILERS) :
I hope the big, climactic fights Jesse has with both characters separately still end up happening in the show in some fashion
Quick reminder please.
Does Jessi still got the Voice of God ?
I forgot already. :p I think so?
I forgot already. :p I think so?

How could you forget? Of course he does.

Though they're kind of ruining it by not showing Jesse attempting to use it on Jody and not working at the time(for obvious reasons).
it doesn't work because he gave away that piece of his soul in s2
Another good episode. Nice to see Tulip can still pack a punch. :)
Cassidy hating The Big Lebowski will always be funny. :hehe:
I still have to disagree with him on that, though.
That was fantastic but ya know, most of y'all won't give it a chance anymore I guess
I am watching the season 3 premiere right now, to potentially clear some DVR space. This is neither Preacher nor all that good. So yeah, I don't like it. Probably going to just cut out now on the show. They have thrown all the quality dynamics of the source material out the window, and I don't know why. These aren't the same characters, these aren't the same relationships and well not particularly interesting in their own right. Considering the way things are going, this is probably the last season, so I considered just hanging on to the end. Maybe I will. But if I do, it will be because it is summer and the WC is winding down.

On another note, for a show about road tripping, they sure love to just stay in a small room for entire seasons.
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On another note, for a show about road tripping, they sure love to just stay in a small room for entire seasons.

I'd blame that more on AMC. They do that with all their shows.

Truth is, HBO would've been the ideal place for this series, but they didn't want to do it, so... Here we are. Are the changes frustrating? At times, yes. But they don't ALWAYS get it wrong. Betty Buckley has already been doing great work as Gran'ma and I find it to be an entertaining show in it's own right. No, it's not as great as the comics, but can you really top them? In terms of comics, Preacher is... Well, God tier. If you wanted a ****ing copy-and-paste of the comics, maybe some motion comic thing will come out for guys like you or some ****, or you could just, ya know, go back and read the comics yourself. For now, this is a fresh take on the story, doing it's own thing and therefore making it a pleasant surprise when they DO borrow elements from the comics. Garth Ennis himself is on board with it ( he's an executive producer of the show for cryin' out loud) and I think he, of all people, would know best, and even HE didn't want a straightforward adaptation.
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I'm enjoying it, but listening to you guys makes me glad I never read the comics. It's better when you have nothing to compare it with. :p
Also, since I've seen it in other discussion forums, I'm tired of all these damn comic purists being so intent on killing this show and ruining it for people who actually enjoy it that they keep saying **** like "this will be the last season, it won't make it to season 4" as if they're some sort of friggin authority on the matter. Get over yourselves . :whatever:

AMC rarely cancels shows that're 3 seasons deep. Breaking Bad hardly got many ratings when it was first being broadcast, and now? It's one of the most highly praised shows of all time, and one of the writers/producers of this show was also on BB. Do you REALLY think they're gonna throw that away??

I'm enjoying it, but listening to you guys makes me glad I never read the comics. It's better when you have nothing to compare it with. :p

I mean, it's absolutely true that it's better not to constantly compare the two to look for reasons to screech over the show's existence, but the comic series of Preacher is held up on such a high pedestal for a pretty damn good reason.
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So, interestingly enough, Satan in tonight's episode is played by Jason Douglas- same guy who played Tobin on The Walking Dead.
Jessie packing up Cassidy was priceless. :p
I'd blame that more on AMC. They do that with all their shows.

Truth is, HBO would've been the ideal place for this series, but they didn't want to do it, so... Here we are. Are the changes frustrating? At times, yes. But they don't ALWAYS get it wrong. Betty Buckley has already been doing great work as Gran'ma and I find it to be an entertaining show in it's own right. No, it's not as great as the comics, but can you really top them? In terms of comics, Preacher is... Well, God tier. If you wanted a ****ing copy-and-paste of the comics, maybe some motion comic thing will come out for guys like you or some ****, or you could just, ya know, go back and read the comics yourself. For now, this is a fresh take on the story, doing it's own thing and therefore making it a pleasant surprise when they DO borrow elements from the comics. Garth Ennis himself is on board with it ( he's an executive producer of the show for cryin' out loud) and I think he, of all people, would know best, and even HE didn't want a straightforward adaptation.
Who said it had to be copied and pasted? You are setting up a false argument. This is like saying well you should just like Snyder's Superman and Batman, what did you want, a copy and paste? What is the point of adapting Preacher if the characters themselves are going to be so radically different, they aren't the characters from Preacher? Doing different things in adaptations work all the time imo. But when this happens, almost always the characters are in the spirit of the source material. Here, the characters are just ugly, dumb people, who do not resemble the characters from the comics at all.

Jesse is a grade A piece of crap, who only makes wrong decisions. Tulip is an awful human being, who just keeps doing progressively stupider things. The love triangle does Cassidy no favors, as all he does is whine about. And for some reason, they defanged all the villains and have created a general issue with the Voice, that only exist do to their own making. And the Cassidy thing I find particularly annoying, as I found him at least fun for most of the first two seasons, even as the others just treaded water in their awfulness and stupidity. The family stuff... well it makes no sense. All it does is make Jesse an even worse person.

Also, I just have a general problem with the show. It treads a lot of water, makes everyone in general a bad person, base entire seasons on dumb decision after dumb decision, and doesn't progress at all.
Who said it had to be copied and pasted? You are setting up a false argument. This is like saying well you should just like Snyder's Superman and Batman, what did you want, a copy and paste? What is the point of adapting Preacher if the characters themselves are going to be so radically different, they aren't the characters from Preacher? Doing different things in adaptations work all the time imo. But when this happens, almost always the characters are in the spirit of the source material. Here, the characters are just ugly, dumb people, who do not resemble the characters from the comics at all.

Jesse is a grade A piece of crap, who only makes wrong decisions. Tulip is an awful human being, who just keeps doing progressively stupider things. The love triangle does Cassidy no favors, as all he does is whine about. And for some reason, they defanged all the villains and have created a general issue with the Voice, that only exist do to their own making. And the Cassidy thing I find particularly annoying, as I found him at least fun for most of the first two seasons, even as the others just treaded water in their awfulness and stupidity. The family stuff... well it makes no sense. All it does is make Jesse an even worse person.

Also, I just have a general problem with the show. It treads a lot of water, makes everyone in general a bad person, base entire seasons on dumb decision after dumb decision, and doesn't progress at all.

I was gonna put spoiler tags but since you don't care, I don't care, lol

Jesse was revealled to have shown remorse for killing Madame Boyd's brother. He finally admitted to Cass that he sees him as his best friend and acknowledged the fact that he's been a real *******. He's putting on an act to save Cass/Tulip. He even tried to cancel the Tombs until Cass came back. This season is where Jesse L'Angelle will redeem himself and become the God huntin', wise crackin, honorable Jesse Custer we all know and love, mark my words. I was also worried about where they were going with his characterization, but now? I'm glad he has more layers instead of being a straightforward good guy. It's a darker take on him and, again, the seeds are set in for him to start behaving more like comic Jesse. That entire monologue he gives before announcing the tombs' cancellation is proof enough of that imo. That was pure Jesse Custer, from the "welcome, you motherless goathumpers" and the **** eating grin accompanying it, to calling out all of humanity on it's scumminess, to being pissed off at God's carelessness, etc. And c'mon, the top hat... That just looks ****ing cool lol.

Honestly tho, looking back on it, I'm not sure why everyone is acting like comic Jesse has never done some pretty cruel **** and made wrong decisions lol. Just look at what he did to Hoover (which he thankfully reversed cause even he knew it was ****ed and also, holy hell do I hope it happens in the show lol) .

As for the rest ; Tulip, like Jesse, is a product of her environment, trying to get out of that vicious cycle of her upbringing like Jesse. Oddly enough, you could say that might make them even MORE fitting for one another. Cass, kinda like, oh, gee, idunno, comic Cass, is envious of Jesse and Tulip's love and wants Tulip to himself (also, I truly believe both versions of Cass always wanted to be Jesse's friend, but his true nature and infatuation with Tulip ruin the friendship in both versions of the story, albeit in different ways). Whining about it? Did you forget the scene in the comics where he drunkenly moaned on to Tulip in a bar about his "love" for her as SOON as Jesse turned his back? It's kinda what he does, dude, lol. It's all a part of his manipulation, I say. The love potion could be an interesting way to replace the method Cass originally uses to take advantage of Tulip (hell, maybe they'll even use BOTH) and I like how they decided to hold off for now. It's sort of Preacher's equivalent to the ricin in Breaking Bad now. As for defanging? I think you may be speaking too soon. Odin Quincannon and Sheriff Root lacked the racism they so openly expressed in the comics, but that was the first season, and I don't think the general audience would've went with random N bombs dropped every five seconds. Sometimes, you gotta reel em in before you gut em, if that makes any sense.There's veeerry subtle hints of the racism of the L'Angelles this season, at LEAST with Gran'ma. ( The black boy in the opening of the premiere being scared of being "locked up and sold" or something along those lines, Gran'ma stating she made her love potion with "an old recipe from slavery days", Jesse breaking up with Madame Boyd out of fear of what could happen if Gran'ma found out and calling her a "piece of trash", etc.) They still all do pretty awful things, still have been shown to treat Jesse like trash since childhood, the coffin is still there, the "is this the day you're finally gonna beat me?" dynamic between Jesse and Jody is still there... Hell, even the "**** communism" lighter is still there, and the whole voodoo thing is simply an expansion of the concept/question of " what exactly did these people do in their spare time? How do they make a living?" And I think it's a very fitting addition to Gran'ma's character, as it stays true to the fact that she likes to control people despite being in an old,fragile state. In a way, she's almost WORSE than her comic book counterpart, cause ****, she was bad enough as it was in the comics, but running a business of taking people's souls and turning them into slaves made to fight for the entertainment of sickos? That's just ****ing dark lol

Yes, I said it. There might be elements of the show that're not only done well, but potentially better than in the comics. Not all of them, of course, but Fiore and DeBlanc alone were far more fleshed out in the show than they ever were in the comics and that's an objective fact, and I was MUCH more charmed by them than the comic versions. Sorry not sorry.

Herr Starr legitimately feels like he walked straight out of the comic pages. I don't see how any comic fan CAN'T appreciate what they're doing with him.

Saint Of Killers... Hopefully they stop having him get pwn'd every now and then but he's still the swift, destructive killing machine he was in the comics, and Graham McTavish has been doing a wonderful job acting as him, plus you gotta give him bonus points for already having been a fan of the source material when he was cast ( at least I think he was, last I heard)

AMC, again, wasn't really the ideal network for this, but many ads for this season have stated that for the easily offended, NOT to watch, meaning the anti-PC attitude of the original story should still be intact. I expect them to make good on their promise, and so far, they already have. Season 2 had Humperdoo and rape jokes ffs
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holy ****, they actually did The Duke and everyone here was too busy ignoring it
By Duke do you mean the super fat bishop guy? (not sure if that was supposed to be the Pope). I noticed that but was offended enough not to comment. I do realize this is satire and not to be taken seriously but I'm Catholic enough to chafe just a little bit... :(
By Duke do you mean the super fat bishop guy? (not sure if that was supposed to be the Pope). I noticed that but was offended enough not to comment. I do realize this is satire and not to be taken seriously but I'm Catholic enough to chafe just a little bit... :(

The fat pope dude is the Allfather. The Duke is the nickname of John Wayne, Jesse's childhood idol. He plays an important part in the comics as Jesse first started seeing/talking to him when he was put in the coffin as a child and he has visions and conversations with him ever since (think Clarence and Elvis in True Romance, if you've ever seen it). He's also responsible for giving Jesse's dad the "**** communism " lighter . They've dropped at least one John Wayne mention each season and I thought saving the actual reveal of the Duke for when Jesse needed him the most (i.e. being put back in the coffin) was a brilliant move on the show's part, and the scenes with him were great. But ,ya know, even when the show is doing the comics some justice, people on here STILL don't care. :whatever:
I've never read the comics and I'm not a huge John Wayne fan. All that went right by me... :p

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