Prince: Cease and Desist of His Fansites


Mar 17, 2003
Reaction score
November 5, 2007


In an extraordinary, but not unfamiliar move, the rock legend Prince is using an army of lawyers to launch attacks on his own fans.

Several of the largest web communities dedicated to the artist have received notices to cease and desist all use of photographs, images, lyrics, album covers and anything linked to Prince's likeness.

It is our opnion that these threats are not made in an attempt to enforce valid copyright as Prince alleges in his threats, rather we believe they are attempts to stifle all critical commentary about Prince. We strongly believe that such actions are in violation of the freedom of speech and should not be allowed. Prince claims that fansites are not allowed to present any artwork with Prince's likeness, to the extreme that he has demanded removal of fan's own photographs of their Prince inspired tattoos and their vehicles displaying Prince inspired license plates.

Prince's representatives have requested that the fansites provide them with "substantive details of the means by which you [the fansites] propose to compensate our clients [Paisley Park Enterprises, NPG Records and Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG)] for damages..."

The owners of the three largest fansites supporting Prince:, and have come together to fight back to what amounts to an injustice to the fansites and the very fans who have supported Prince's career, many since the very beginning nearly thirty years ago.

It is their hope that Prince will reconsider his position and allow these fansites to continue their existence without constant threats from Prince and his attorneys. Should this not be possible, the fansites are fully prepared to defend their position in the proper court of law, as well as fully prosecute any claims to which they are justly entitled.

The owners of, and acknowledge that, while Prince is entitled to control of his copyrights, it should be within the law. The law clearly provides for displaying of images of a celebrity's likeness for newsworthy events or matters that are considered to be public interest. All three websites feel that the photographs and/or likeness displayed on their websites clearly fall within the public interest category. Additionally, the use of photographs is legal based on the fair use doctrine, i.e. the displaying of album cover art, or the collage headers created by website members using a variety of different photographs.
I can't think of anything else but "wow, what a *****e". seriously, it boggles the mind. :dry:
Wait....Prince has fans?

Yep. He's a great musician and very talented, but this is very unusual for him as it seems like a *****ebag thing for him to do. But if it is true then the stories of him being an egomaniac aren't too far off.
God I use to be a Prince fan but wow he has become a serious prick.
Wow... I personally enjoy a lot of Prince's music. His catalog is insane, but, damn. For him to do something like this? Like Jack said, its mind boggling.
Damn, who knew that someone of his caliber would act like that?

I mean, what is his issue really? All this is going to do is alienate the huge fanbase he already has. You don't see Michael Jackson, Van Halen, Elton John, Trent Reznor, David Bowie, Iron Maiden, or any other artist getting pissy because of fansites.

Most artists are THRILLED to still have their music, their pictures, lyrics, and other aspects of their art still used as it brings new fans.
It does seem odd, but considering the liberal interpretation of what is and is not copyright infringment....His side could claim that any unauthorized display of any images or music are copyright infringment and a judge would probably uphold it....
It does seem odd, but considering the liberal interpretation of what is and is not copyright infringment....His side could claim that any unauthorized display of any images or music are copyright infringment and a judge would probably uphold it....

Killjoy. :o
Yep. He's a great musician and very talented, but this is very unusual for him as it seems like a *****ebag thing for him to do. But if it is true then the stories of him being an egomaniac aren't too far off.

My old vocal coach was the keyboardist in an early incarnation of The Revolution (before Wendy & Lisa came around and Lipstick Lezzed everything up), and she's said that Prince was ten feet of pure ego in a 5'4" body.

My old vocal coach was the keyboardist in an early incarnation of The Revolution (before Wendy & Lisa came around and Lipstick Lezzed everything up), and she's said that Prince was ten feet of pure ego in a 5'4" body.


Whenever I watch Heroes and see in the opening credits music by Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman, I just think - Wendy is the water warm enough? Yes Lisa.:yay:

Defnitely pure ego. From the beginning of her career Madonna always made a point of owning her photos, I don't know about Prince. What a ridiculous ego, I hope legally this does not go anywhere and effect other fansites. I read somewhere a couple of years back that George Michael closed the forum on his official site because of "negativity" (people said he looked fat in his last video).
I thought it was common knowledge that he was an arrogant prick. Watch Purple Rain, it's self-evident.

However, except for select artists, fan-sites and the like aren't actually that important in the grand scheme of people who like the artist's music. He's at the very worst making a few hundred people angry. He's isn't alienating the majority of his fans or anything.
I thought it was common knowledge that he was an arrogant prick. Watch Purple Rain, it's self-evident.

However, except for select artists, fan-sites and the like aren't actually that important in the grand scheme of people who like the artist's music. He's at the very worst making a few hundred people angry. He's isn't alienating the majority of his fans or anything.

I just got a letter from Prince that says I can't post that anymore. :csad:

Don't worry....we're here for you....we'll help you make it through the night.
I thought it was common knowledge that he was an arrogant prick. Watch Purple Rain, it's self-evident.

However, except for select artists, fan-sites and the like aren't actually that important in the grand scheme of people who like the artist's music. He's at the very worst making a few hundred people angry. He's isn't alienating the majority of his fans or anything.

You know what?
You're 100% right.


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