PS3 outsold Wii in Japan this week


Jul 26, 2004
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Latest hardware sales figures show that the new 40GB SKU and ceramic white model have proven popular in Sony's homeland while 360 sales plummet.
By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK
Posted Nov 16, 2007 7:42 am ET

The new model PlayStation 3 landed in Japan on November 11, coming with a couple less USB ports, a 40GB hard drive, no backwards compatibility, a cheaper price tag of 39,980 yen (approx $341), and a new colour--ceramic white.

The move seems to have paid off for Sony as the latest hardware sales figures from Media Create, for the week November 5 to 11, show the PS3 outselling the Wii for the first time, with sales of Sony's console having tripled week-on-week.

The PS3 sold 55,924 units last week, compared to the Wii's 34,546. The handhelds remained on top of the charts, with the DS Lite selling 78,854 and the PlayStation Portable 58,964 respectively. Bringing up the rear were the PlayStation 2, with 9,043 units, and the Xbox 360 with 5,817 units.

Last week's figures showed the Xbox 360 experiencing a surge in sales due to the release of Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, which saw it sell 17,673 units. The DS Lite reigned with 78,552, followed by the PSP with 59,714, and the Wii with 37,617. The PS3 sold 17,434, and the PS2 10,209.;title;4

w00t! PS3 is finally making a comeback. :woot:
one they can pull it off continuosly, then nintendo has to start worrying........
People said PS3 would never pass Wii in Japan, and I think the consensus was that it wouldn't even be able to temporarily. But it did. I think that the price drop was a big success, and now, Sony needs to make sure they supplement it with a good software lineup!
one they can pull it off continuosly, then nintendo has to start worrying........

Nintendo has nothing to worry about. Because they are Nintendo. Sony should be worried since MGS4 was delayed again, and Smash Bros. comes out in February.
Seems it wasnt just a one time thing bc the PS3 has beaten the Wii for the 2nd straight week in Japan

The latest sales are in from Japan for the week starting 12/11 and ending 18/11, and surprisingly, the PS3 is holding on in there with its new 40GB model, fighting off Nintendo’s Wii for another week. The Xbox360 saw a rise, and Super Mario Galaxy and Heavenly Sword also had respectable sales. Find out the numbers after the jump.


DSLite: 81,000
PSP: 66,000
PS2: 8,800
PS3: 53,000
Wii: 36,000
Xbox360: 5,700
I can't see the PS3 outselling the Wii past week 4, but I haven't looked too closely at the release lists or anything. Winning Eleven just came out and sold 150k on its first day on the PS2 and 100k on the PS3, so the PS3 will probably beat the wii again this week.
Everything will be beating the Wii soon.
My country will find a new fad shortly. I hear that Hannah Montana girl is big...
You want to have sex with Hannah Montana :huh:
I don't know how old she is, but pending a wikipedia search, my answer may be yes...
Well not publicly, geez, have some class Zenien, she's only 15. She deserves my love in secret.
Wouldn't this just put him in your pedophile club, not exempt him from calling you one. Besides he hasn't actually had sex with a minor, unlike a certain Mexican who hates Metal Gear.
Pffft, the Wii is going to be even bigger when new games hit :rolleyes:
But I don't know, Japan loves Sony, right?
Come on guys, let's stay on topic!
Gamera = dirty old man who ****ed a girl so young he had to explain sex to her 15 minutes before hand.

GFreeman = kind, polite, wholesome young man who has never had any kind of inappropriate physical relationship with someone after becoming an adult, and would never want too, despite the disgusting speculations of perverts and degenerates.

I can still call you whatever I like, Gammy the pedo monster.
We only tease because we love (Even Stephen). :csad:
Yeah, I mean you're right, I have no right to live.
What was I thinking?
Thanks, GFreeman. Thank you for showing me what I have to do.

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