US PS3 Sales Triple in November


Aug 25, 2006
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US PS3 sales triple in November

[UPDATE] Price cut convinces North Americans to pick up Sony's console; extrapolation from NPD figures points to nearly 322,000 units sold so far this month.

By Emma Boyes, Tor Thorsen, GameSpot UK
Posted Nov 27, 2007 7:12 am PT

Sales of the PlayStation 3 in North America were given a shot in the arm last week by the price cut, and more than tripled during the Thanksgiving holiday week. Sony has informed GameSpot that its newly discounted console saw a 245 percent increase in units sold in the week of November 18-24 compared to the previous week.

Sony asserts that the surge in sales is largely due to the price cut, which was introduced in the US on October 18 for the 60GB model, and the new 40GB model, which was released on November 2. The new prices put the console more in line with the Wii and Xbox 360. The 80GB PS3 costs $499 and the 40GB PS3 $399, compared to $249 for a Wii, and $279 for the Xbox 360 Arcade.

[UPDATE] From the introduction of the 40GB model on November 2nd to November 24, Sony says PS3 hardware sales have increased by a massive 298 percent. Though Sony did not provide is actual sales figures, one can extrapolate an estimate from the three-week period from the October NPD reports, which said 143,000 PS3s were sold in the US (121,000) and Canada (22,000) during the month. That means roughly 107,250 were sold in North America in three weeks last month.

According to Sony, that rate of sale has roughly tripled, so it's likely around 321,750 PS3s were sold in November through Black Friday in North America. If those sales stay constant through the end of the month, then roughly 429,000 PS3s were sold in the US and Canada during the month. That's a marked improvement for the console, which has not sold more than 200,000 units in a single month this year.;title;1
I dont think they will reach the 500k mark but still Nov has been a good month
Yeah the Wii is going to be like 1.3 million for the month, unless shipments dry up.
And these figures aren't even including the recent Wal-Mart sales are they?
And these figures aren't even including the recent Wal-Mart sales are they?

The Wal-Mart sale isn't going to have all that big of an impact...but the updated figures should prove to be great.
Cool. I wonder how much of an effect Uncharted and RCF had on PS3 sales.
VG Chartz posted their Black Friday Week numbers:

Nintendo DS: 684,202
Wii: 421,419
Xbox 360: 254,680
Playstation Portable: 194,723
Playstation 3: 174,045
hippie_hunter said:
VG Chartz posted their Black Friday Week numbers:

Nintendo DS: 684,202
Wii: 421,419
Xbox 360: 254,680
Playstation Portable: 194,723
Playstation 3: 174,045

I just imagined Zenien's face contorted like that, yelling "KHAN", and burst out laughing really loud. People around me are going to stare :csad:
I see this coming out if a few weeks: US Suicides Triple in December :o
Was I the only one who didn't realize that only the more expensive PS3 is sort of bakcwards compatible, but the cheaper one is not at all?
Was I the only one who didn't realize that only the more expensive PS3 is sort of bakcwards compatible, but the cheaper one is not at all?
Wow, you are pretty late, like 2 months late. Its not something they tried to hide as they came out and said that the minute hte system was announced back in October. Im surprised you didnt know since people were b-tching about it all over the net and definetly here
Was I the only one who didn't realize that only the more expensive PS3 is sort of bakcwards compatible, but the cheaper one is not at all?

It's more than just "sort of backwards compatible," it's about 80-90% compatible.
If cutting backwards compatibility leads to better prices, then good riddance. A PS3 is bought to play PS3 games anyways, not to play things you probably already played to death half a decade ago.
If cutting backwards compatibility leads to better prices, then good riddance. A PS3 is bought to play PS3 games anyways, not to play things you probably already played to death half a decade ago.

That's your opinion. Not everyone has played or had a PS2. BC was one of the main reasons I wanted and bought a PS3. There's a boat load of PS2 games I have never gotten to play and therefore having the PS3 be able to play them is a great plus.

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