PSP Positives & Negatives...


Aug 14, 2005
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What the goods, & the bads of the PSP? Besides battery life.
If you want one, get it, if you don't, don't.
After 2 f**king days that is the reply I get! No wonder people don't come in here!
LOL, sorry dude, I missed this thread.


- Some great games avalible like Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPS, Daxter, Silent Hill Origins, Final Fantasy Tactis, Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters etc.

- Great connectivity with PS3... if you have one.

- Online PSP store enable you to download demos to your PSP etc.

- PS1 games can be downloaded to play.


- Some games now/going to be availible on PS2 (Silent Hill, Ratchet and Clank), so check what you're buying it for.

- Lack of 2nd analog nub leaves many shooters to be... well crap.
After 2 f**king days that is the reply I get! No wonder people don't come in here!

Well, do you really need to make a thread about something you could very quickly look up yourself? All you're going to get in this thread are "Good games" "One analog stick, shoulda been two"

The battery life isn't even all that bad. So, like I said, if you want one, and think the games look good, get it. It's certainly not considered a bad system by anyone's standards.
LOL, sorry dude, I missed this thread.


- Some great games avalible like Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPS, Daxter, Silent Hill Origins, Final Fantasy Tactis, Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters etc.

- Great connectivity with PS3... if you have one.

- Online PSP store enable you to download demos to your PSP etc.

- PS1 games can be downloaded to play.


- Some games now/going to be availible on PS2 (Silent Hill, Ratchet and Clank), so check what you're buying it for.

- Lack of 2nd analog nub leaves many shooters to be... well crap.


Well, do you really need to make a thread about something you could very quickly look up yourself? All you're going to get in this thread are "Good games" "One analog stick, shoulda been two"

The battery life isn't even all that bad. So, like I said, if you want one, and think the games look good, get it. It's certainly not considered a bad system by anyone's standards.

You couldn't have just said that in the original post.:dry:
it's not really portable enough. also what's with the dust magnet holes on the back. only one analog nub. nub not good enough. the slim lite one might be an improvement in some of those regards
then the next handheld is not portable enough either.
I almost bought one, but it seems now almost every high calibur game that is released on the PSP, soon is ported to the PS2. What's the point of the PSP after that?:huh:
IDk, but if I get CoO and it comes to the PS2 I'll be super pissed. I've waited this long, I can wait another year.
I thought PS1 games can be played on the PSP using the original PS1 disc ?
PSP positives and negatives....

Ok, negatives, low ram. Things can take forever to load on some games. If they can overcome that, that's pretty much the only negative I've come across.

Positives, remote access control of your PS3. You can get on the internet, watch videos from your comp, listen to music and so on anywhere with a Wifi connection. You can also pop a PS1 game in your PS3 and play it on your PSP. Take Rival schools, was playing it on my PSP the other day, and the chars actually looked significantly less blocky on the small screen.

Another positive is the PSN, you can download PSP demo's is you have a lack of games. The graphics are another positive, for a handheld they are very close to PS2 graphics, and the screen is quite large.

Honestly, as you can probably tell, I really really like the PSP. When combined with a PS3 it makes a good MP3, video game, video player that can access the internet and play old PS1 games.
I almost bought one, but it seems now almost every high calibur game that is released on the PSP, soon is ported to the PS2. What's the point of the PSP after that?:huh:

Ummm... I'm gonna go out on a limb here... portability?
  1. Great game titles - GTA, Syphon Filter, Pursuit Force
  2. Slim design
  3. Video and Audio Playback (movies, tv shows)
  4. Expandable Memory
  1. Your neck will kill you after a few hours
  2. Sort of bulky
  3. Attracts fingerprints.
  4. No 2nd analog stick
I love mine though and it works easily.
Ummm... I'm gonna go out on a limb here... portability?

I have my DS for that. If a PSP game is going to get ported a better version to the PS2, then I'll just wait for the PS2 version.

The DS gives me unique experiences that I can't find on consoles, and while the PSP does that to a degree, most of them are just portable PS2 games.
Frankly I feel that the point of the two handhelds and that's why I own both. The DS gives me the innovation in handheld gaming that the industry needs and the PSP gives me traditional gameplay and better graphics.

Best of both worlds if you ask me :up:
I guess I should add second analog stick to my cons, but it honestly doesn't phaze me. The only game genre I could see needing one for is FPS which I don't care to play on a small screen. So it's a negative, but not a big deal to me personally as most games I play seem to have a good control setup.
Yeah, so far I haven't encountered a game on the PSP where a second analogue is really needed. They should focus more on making the one already there better. It does feel awkward at times.
  1. Great game titles - GTA, Syphon Filter, Pursuit Force
  2. Slim design
  3. Video and Audio Playback (movies, tv shows)
  4. Expandable Memory
  1. Your neck will kill you after a few hours
  2. Sort of bulky
  3. Attracts fingerprints.
  4. No 2nd analog stick
I love mine though and it works easily.

I agree with this. The Slim isn't too bulky though. It's like 20% thinner and 33% lighter.
You can also pop a PS1 game in your PS3 and play it on your PSP. Take Rival schools, was playing it on my PSP the other day, and the chars actually looked significantly less blocky on the small screen.
i have a PSP but not a PS3 and i'm wondering why i would want to put a PS1 game into my PS3 and play it on my PSP rather than on the PS3 itself. what's the point? or is it like the location free player that you can play it at an enormous distance from the PS3?
Well I haven't tried it at too far a distance, I still got a connection out by my mail box when I was watching a youtube video while checking mail. However from my understanding, as long as your PS3 is hooked up to the net you can access it with your PSP anywhere it can get wifi. When you set your PS3 up to remote play, and then click on remote play on your PSP it asks if you want to connect via Internet or Private, Private is being within range of your PS3, Internet I guess is the option you choose if you want to via Wifi. I heard some ppl say they were accessing their PS3 from their PSP from a few states away.

Basically your streaming video off your PS3 and the PS3 is doing the work. I've also heard you can turn your PS3 on and off with the PSP, but again haven't tried it. Also it's not just PS1 games you can stream, I streamed the Pixel Junk Monsters demo from PSN to my PSP, I hear you can play Lair (PS3 game) streaming. It's fun tho to play games like FFVII or Twisted Metal 2 on the go is all.
Also on that note I should mention that the Playstation Network lets you DL PS1 games, but it's not an extensive list yet. Which is why you have to stream PS1 games off of your PS3 sometimes. However they have games like the above mentioned Twisted Metal 2 ($4.99), and Castlevania Symphony of the Night ($9.99, most expensive PS1 game), the Crash Bandicoots, and so on. When you buy them you can download them on both your PS3 and PSP with that purchase, so it's another positive. However if you don't have a PS3 I'm pretty sure you can still access the Playstation store via your PSP through your computer so you can still purchase those along with other downloadable PSP games/movie trailers and other items. I think that's part of the reason I like the PSP so much, it does a lot, and you can just keep a bunch of games on one memory stick, music/videos on another, and just switch out memory sticks when you want to do something else.
What's the main difference between the psp and the ps3?

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