

Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
I'm hoping there's not already a thread on this, because when my threads get closed, it makes em feel self concious. Mods, if you're reading this, make it known that whenever you close my threads, you're becoming the clerk at the party store who said none of the batman costumes fit me, and that perhaps i would be ebtter suited with a husky-sized spider-man; the juniors who laughed when i tried to explain that i was one of them and not a freshman and thus should not be hazed, and the girls who grimaced in pity when i tried to explain that my dork was small due to proportional issues.

...:dry: ....

...just kidding, folks.

Now that that's out of the way, does hellboy have a chance at being R? I mean, the first was somewhat gory, the comics are very dark, and Gulliermo Del Toro has built up some cred, presumably, thanks to Pan's Labyrinth (Which is awesome by the way, if you're a hellboy fan and you haven't seen it, It's a must-see.) And maybe this time Universal will let him make an R-rated movie. Now on the other hand, maybe Hellboy doesnt really merrit an R, because it has a lot of light and somewhat comedic elements. The first movie wasn't off-limits to kids. Usually studios tend to urge PG-13s to get a larger audience, but Universal seems to be cooler about that sort of thing. ANy thoughts?
No chance

summer movie with plenty of competition it has to be PG-13

there'll be a directors cut though

also though I don't see a huge need for it to be R, its not like the jokes will be any funnier with more cursing or the action sweeter
It will be a PG-13. But don't let that get you down, because it's a fun movie with a lot of action, delicious Mignola-esque stuff in it and a terrific cast. It is darker than the first in some ways, but the only thing that would put it into the R category is bad language and lots of gore, and it doesn't really need either. And, thankfully, it isn't 'dumbed down' to suit kiddies, as often happens. Many studios treat children like idiots - not GdT, and Universal is cool with that.

OH i have no issue with PG-13 whatsoever, some of my favorite movies are PG-13. BBut some people are gung ho that a movie should be R like ghost rider or daredevil or wolverine.
It will be a PG-13. But don't let that get you down, because it's a fun movie with a lot of action, delicious Mignola-esque stuff in it and a terrific cast. It is darker than the first in some ways, but the only thing that would put it into the R category is bad language and lots of gore, and it doesn't really need either. And, thankfully, it isn't 'dumbed down' to suit kiddies, as often happens. Many studios treat children like idiots - not GdT, and Universal is cool with that.


Does that mean it'll be a 12 or 15 here HM?

If so thats cool, the first one was pretty dark for its rating and we dont need blood everywere since HB will fighting monstors, who dont neccessarily have red blood.

I just hope GDT manages to bring it a little closer to the comics also. And its looks like it is going that way, does anyone else get a 'The Chained Coffin and Others' vibe from this movie?
Does that mean it'll be a 12 or 15 here HM?

If so thats cool, the first one was pretty dark for its rating and we dont need blood everywere since HB will fighting monstors, who dont neccessarily have red blood.

I just hope GDT manages to bring it a little closer to the comics also. And its looks like it is going that way, does anyone else get a 'The Chained Coffin and Others' vibe from this movie?

The last one was 12A here, and I think it will possibly be the same - don't quote me, but that what it looks like to me. But still, it's dark for a 12A. Who knows? I would like it to be higher, but I was okay with the 12A the last time.

OH i have no issue with PG-13 whatsoever, some of my favorite movies are PG-13. BBut some people are gung ho that a movie should be R like ghost rider or daredevil or wolverine.

its so different than a ghost rider/daredevil/wolverine, in essence those are all tragedies (or at least kinda the origin's of their stories are) Hellboy while boasting a rather nice "love through the fire" story is way more light hearted than all those characters put together

like Ghost Rider has a pretty vicious look at Satan (well Mephistopholies, who is essentially supposed to be the same thing but not really) which com'on if they showed him and Black Heart in all their glory they alone should deem it an R, also he punished the wicked so they should show the wicked being worse than GR

Daredevil "should" basically be Taxi Driver with a sane hero

Wolverine is an ultra violent foul mouthed man

Hellboy really isn't any of this, yeah he is the devil basically but he is so much more than just that
slightly, well, completely, off topic, but HM, what takes a girl from the 'Shire and gets her in with all this wonderful Hellboy-ness?
slightly, well, completely, off topic, but HM, what takes a girl from the 'Shire and gets her in with all this wonderful Hellboy-ness?

One Ring to Rule Them All, One Ring to -

Oops. Sorry. Wrong movie.

It's all that Ron Perlman's fault. No, really, it is.

Long story short - Perlman fan ... writing for The Perlman Pages ... big lug cast as Hellboy ... I join the film message board ... get to know Guillermo ... go to Los Angeles for the fan screening ... meet Doug ... hit it off with tall lean fishstick ... do fishstick's website ... Hellboy II greenlit ... Budapest set visit ... geek out ... and here I am.

Why does everyone think the first one was gory. The oinly blood I recall is in the mountains when the tourguide got killled.
The last one was 12A here, and I think it will possibly be the same - don't quote me, but that what it looks like to me. But still, it's dark for a 12A. Who knows? I would like it to be higher, but I was okay with the 12A the last time.


12A was ok for the 1st movie, and if they want to make as much money as possibly 12A sounds about right for this movie, but i do want it to go a little darker at the same time.
12A was ok for the 1st movie, and if they want to make as much money as possibly 12A sounds about right for this movie, but i do want it to go a little darker at the same time.

I'm cool with a same tone
It will definitly be a PG-13, specially considering the bigger scale of this one and original's not so great sales at box office.

Plus, most of recent PG-13 have been pretty intense. Look at Casino Royale or Live Free or Die Hard. I know nothing replaces a dark hard R but that's just not possible.
PG-13 for sure, it seems like movies can get away with a lot more even with that rating, plus more people can see it as well which will hopefully mean a bigger BO and another Hellboy movie :woot: This movie is going to be great. :hellboy:
I see no reason for it to be R. I'm happy with a PG-13 rating It helps BO ratings too. BO ratings might not last extremely long with TDK comming out the next week. I wish it could be released more than a week before TDK.That still seems kinda dumb.
I'm cool with the PG-13..wait until part 3 (if there is one) to pull out all the stops. About the only material from the comics I could see getting this an R would be Hellboy exploring his origins as in The Chained Coffin.
Hellboy seems to ride the line between PG-13 and R, as far as source material goes, but I don't see the need for an R. Hellboy is all about supernatural adventures (adventure being the key word here), and to have an excessive amount of gore and language would be going against the comics. Hellboy's more about atmosphere, it's not a hack n' slash gore fest.

Let's take Hot Fuzz as an example. Very funny movie. Great sense of humor. But the gore seemed to work against it. I don't have a problem with gore, but it's shouldn't be used out of place.
I should add though that it might have a hard time when it goes to the MPAA. Most movies like this take alot of heat when they go for their rating. Army of Darkness was filmed with the PG-13 mindset...but no amount of editing seemed to get it out of the R category. I guess even Serenity was a close call.

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