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**Spoilers of The New Teen Titans and The Teen Titans III appear in this article.**
Raven: An In-Depth and Lengthy Analysis on the Most Important Teen Titan
The New Teen Titans was always the story of Raven - a young, frightened girl, born of rape, forced to live apart from others, trained from birth to master her emotions while living in a world of ever-invading emotions. She was the daughter of the devil, and the devil was buried deep inside her. If she let herself surrender to her ever-hidden feelings, the devil would be reborn and she would bring about a hell on Earth. Not a legacy most of us would long for.
- Marv Wolfman
Marv Wolfman offered a one-paragraph description of Raven when The Terror Trigon trade paperback was released in 2003. It was the baseline of her nature; a quick way to define Raven.
This doesnt sound like a description of the Raven we see today. A quick summary of the two characters (by two characters, I mean Marv Wolfmans Raven and Geoff Johns Raven) proceeds this paragraph.
The Wolfs Raven
Raven burst into The New Teen Titans seemingly as an intelligent character who was able to join the second incarnation of the Teen Titans together because of her foresight and knowledge of psychology. Eventually, Wolfman and Perez developed her persona further to reveal more character traits such as timidness, self-consciousness, and grace, as well as being in a constant battle with herself. Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 explained even more about Ravens history and personality, which was, at that point, a sad story indeed. The other Titans tried to reach out to her only to be refused out of kindness. She didnt want to trouble anybody else with her problems, which led to her undoing. Above all, she was a pacifist empath.
Later, when she died (presumably) in TNTT #4-5, and reentered the comic in #28, we found her to have been cleansed of her fathers influence of her soul, this time exploring the wonderful new world (to Raven) of emotion. She was Learning to Live, and during this stage of her life she was the happiest she had ever been, and the reader felt that as well. She went to college. She fell in love to be let down, once out of misunderstanding of emotion, the other out of her quickness to trust, another trait that made this character unique. Regardless, she was happy.
However, this bliss was cut short during the incident where Jericho was possessed (which happened as a result of his using his abilities to possess Raven during TNTT #1; funny old world, aint it) and was written out of the comic in the 70s of the volume. She made appearances briefly as a golden spirit later, in TNTT #130 and The Titans #9, acting the same way she was during her short life without demonic influence.
Johns Incarnation
In the current run of Teen Titans, Raven was given a new body by the latest Brother Blood. For the first few issues, Raven acted, well, like Raven. Her overbearing self-consciousness could still be seen, and she still cared for her teammates more than herself.
This was not to last.
As time went by, Johns Raven started acting differently, and not in ways one would expect a veteran team member to act. She got angry with teammates (which she only did when not acting on her own accord in TNTT), her proper grammar was gone, and she had her IQ lowered by about 30. She started a relationship with Changeling, created an alias, started going to high school, and was rarely involved with the teams activities. The rest of this article will cover what happened during this time.
The Relationship
Garfield Logan and Raven are an unlikely match; but not in the way that you would expect them to come together eventually. In the entirety of The New Teen Titans (both volumes), they only acknowledge each others existence through dialogue about 10 times; and never to each other.
That being said, its not a bad idea. Its difficult to tell what they thought of each other during the New Titans, so any writer would have a clean slate to work with.
The problem was in how it happens. All of a sudden, randomly, Raven goes up and kisses Gar, with no backing story to it, no rhyme or reason. Johns has said hes been leading us up to it, but there are too few examples of this, and theyre so miniscule that its hard to see them or care about them. Some little things Ive found:
- In Keystone City during Titans Tomorrow, Gar carries Raven in one frame. Wow.
- Changeling shouts Raven! every time she gets attacked (which is too often). Wow again.
- Their eye colors match, a la The Mighty Ducks. Yeah, I got nothing.
The Costume
To be fair, its not a bad-looking costume. The problem lies in what the costume means.
The first time Raven ever wore pants was during an invasion of Brother Bloods church. She told Donna she was uncomfortable. Understandable. I wouldnt be used to wearing a kilt the second time I wore one. She mustve been wearing pants to school all the time to get used to them; therefore, this is acceptable.
But then theres that random nonsense gem belt the designer stole from the animated series. Marv Wolfman, if youre reading this, youre going to have to explain that during the Raven mini, because it has to mean something.
The Dialogue
Lets get one thing straight: Geoff Johns has no idea how to write dialogue for Raven. Most of the dialogue hes written her has been imbued a sarcastic, annoying-teenager sound, and no longer does she speak with proper english. Ive compiled a list of the worst travesties:
Prepare....to scream. (Issue 16, pg. 10) - You can count the number of one-liners Ravens said on your...oh wait, there werent any. Before this, that is. Not only does this show she is, for some unexplained reason, not a pacifist anymore (not the way to go), this went against pretty much everything the old Raven would have done.
That green guy is an ass. (TT/Legion crossover- pg. 9) - I dont know who to blame for this, as it was a Titans-Legion special, but someone needs to do a little more research. Do peaceful, loving people say stuff like this?
Get out of my room! (Issue 20, pg. 8) - Screeeeeeech. There are too many things wrong with this entire scene for me to say right here, so Ill just glance the top.
A. Shes attacking a teammate? Granted, everyones wanted to smack Changeling before, but this is just silly. Raven would never do this. Once again, at her core, she is a pacifist empath. Ive been told they dont do stuff like this. B. Is this showing how Johns has been bringing them together? I can tell Raven absolutely adores Changeling from this scene. Also, lets all have a collective laugh at Rachel Roth. She didnt need an alias back when she went to college, why does she now?
Hey! (Issue 21, pg. 21) - (In response to Dr. Light - when my self-confidence was reduced to that of a teenage girl.) Comic relief or no, this is a fine example of butchering a character. Besides, shes not a teenager; and when she was she didnt have any confidence anyway.
I dont do cheers. (Issue 23, 8th last page) - Was Johns mimicking the TV shows incarnation of Raven, the gothic industrial-metal type? To put it simply: No cookie for Geoff. Bad, bad Geoff.
Lilith, wake up! (Issue 30, pg. 4) - This is what I meant when I said Johns dumbed down Ravens intelligence. Later Raven herself explains that the bodies had no soul; what told her that later, as opposed to her not knowing that at the time she said this? The rest of this dialogue bubble is pretty bad, too.
Did he just point at Superman? (Issue 33, pg. 20) - Rule of thumb: If the word dude could be used before, after, or anywhere in Ravens dialogue, its not Raven. Dude, Im gonna heal you, k man? Raven is not a skater, surfer, or stoner; dont force that kind of speech into her.
You can see where Im going with this.
The Conclusion (and what lies ahead)
Of all the Titans I co-created, Raven has always been my favorite. She was the character where the circumstances of her very birth created endless conflict. Because she had to be emotionless, she was the most emotion-filled. I felt for her more than any of the others because she needed me, as the writer, to care the most. Thats not a joke. Characters become very real, and we creators have to help them grow as if they were real. We cared about her but we were also frightened by her. The now overused cliché, Be afraid, be very afraid, says it all when talking about Raven. - Marv Wolfman
I think its about time Geoff Johns started caring about how he (mis)uses Raven. Its obvious that the comic is no longer about Raven; but its one thing to go your own direction with a group or character, its something completely different to utterly destroy one. Some quick points:
- Seeing as Raven is an intelligent veteran team member, the caring mentor role would suit well. Not the Im trying to fit in with these kids so I can finally feel accepted role. She already is accepted.
- Why is she going to high school? She was going to college a few years ago.
- Writers, stop looking for ways to cut Raven out of the story completely. During the fight against Luthor in The Insiders, she was sending her soul-self at Luthor in one frame, then she doesnt show up until the next issue. What happened? What could Luthor have done against a soul-self? That shouldve been the end of him right there. Also, during the Robin issues integrated into Life and Death, she cant go because the world of magic is changing. She cant go against Doctor Register because Vic sends her off to help Changeling. When will it end? If you dont know how to write a character, seriously, send her off somewhere else.
This is one reason you cant have an aggressive Raven. Plot-wise, its horrible. The internet word imba comes to mind (imbalanced, for us proper folk). Until Raven is fixed, writers are going to keep coming up with bad excuses for not giving her any action.
(Almost) anyone can write for Raven. Just follow the simple rules outlined and insinuated in this article and there you have a comic. Someone needs to bring some dignity back into this character; and hopefully I, or any other fan doesnt have to go to work at DC just to do it.
Note: For the record, I did come up with the name Talon before I saw Johns was going to use it as a future Teen Titan.
Go on dreamtheater.net, write a letter to [email protected], or even MooseTV.net/forum. End of pitch for MooseTV.
** End of spoilers **

The New Teen Titans was always the story of Raven - a young, frightened girl, born of rape, forced to live apart from others, trained from birth to master her emotions while living in a world of ever-invading emotions. She was the daughter of the devil, and the devil was buried deep inside her. If she let herself surrender to her ever-hidden feelings, the devil would be reborn and she would bring about a hell on Earth. Not a legacy most of us would long for.
- Marv Wolfman
Marv Wolfman offered a one-paragraph description of Raven when The Terror Trigon trade paperback was released in 2003. It was the baseline of her nature; a quick way to define Raven.
This doesnt sound like a description of the Raven we see today. A quick summary of the two characters (by two characters, I mean Marv Wolfmans Raven and Geoff Johns Raven) proceeds this paragraph.
The Wolfs Raven

Raven burst into The New Teen Titans seemingly as an intelligent character who was able to join the second incarnation of the Teen Titans together because of her foresight and knowledge of psychology. Eventually, Wolfman and Perez developed her persona further to reveal more character traits such as timidness, self-consciousness, and grace, as well as being in a constant battle with herself. Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 explained even more about Ravens history and personality, which was, at that point, a sad story indeed. The other Titans tried to reach out to her only to be refused out of kindness. She didnt want to trouble anybody else with her problems, which led to her undoing. Above all, she was a pacifist empath.
Later, when she died (presumably) in TNTT #4-5, and reentered the comic in #28, we found her to have been cleansed of her fathers influence of her soul, this time exploring the wonderful new world (to Raven) of emotion. She was Learning to Live, and during this stage of her life she was the happiest she had ever been, and the reader felt that as well. She went to college. She fell in love to be let down, once out of misunderstanding of emotion, the other out of her quickness to trust, another trait that made this character unique. Regardless, she was happy.
However, this bliss was cut short during the incident where Jericho was possessed (which happened as a result of his using his abilities to possess Raven during TNTT #1; funny old world, aint it) and was written out of the comic in the 70s of the volume. She made appearances briefly as a golden spirit later, in TNTT #130 and The Titans #9, acting the same way she was during her short life without demonic influence.
Johns Incarnation
In the current run of Teen Titans, Raven was given a new body by the latest Brother Blood. For the first few issues, Raven acted, well, like Raven. Her overbearing self-consciousness could still be seen, and she still cared for her teammates more than herself.
This was not to last.
As time went by, Johns Raven started acting differently, and not in ways one would expect a veteran team member to act. She got angry with teammates (which she only did when not acting on her own accord in TNTT), her proper grammar was gone, and she had her IQ lowered by about 30. She started a relationship with Changeling, created an alias, started going to high school, and was rarely involved with the teams activities. The rest of this article will cover what happened during this time.
The Relationship

Garfield Logan and Raven are an unlikely match; but not in the way that you would expect them to come together eventually. In the entirety of The New Teen Titans (both volumes), they only acknowledge each others existence through dialogue about 10 times; and never to each other.
That being said, its not a bad idea. Its difficult to tell what they thought of each other during the New Titans, so any writer would have a clean slate to work with.
The problem was in how it happens. All of a sudden, randomly, Raven goes up and kisses Gar, with no backing story to it, no rhyme or reason. Johns has said hes been leading us up to it, but there are too few examples of this, and theyre so miniscule that its hard to see them or care about them. Some little things Ive found:
- In Keystone City during Titans Tomorrow, Gar carries Raven in one frame. Wow.
- Changeling shouts Raven! every time she gets attacked (which is too often). Wow again.
- Their eye colors match, a la The Mighty Ducks. Yeah, I got nothing.
The Costume

To be fair, its not a bad-looking costume. The problem lies in what the costume means.
The first time Raven ever wore pants was during an invasion of Brother Bloods church. She told Donna she was uncomfortable. Understandable. I wouldnt be used to wearing a kilt the second time I wore one. She mustve been wearing pants to school all the time to get used to them; therefore, this is acceptable.
But then theres that random nonsense gem belt the designer stole from the animated series. Marv Wolfman, if youre reading this, youre going to have to explain that during the Raven mini, because it has to mean something.
The Dialogue

Lets get one thing straight: Geoff Johns has no idea how to write dialogue for Raven. Most of the dialogue hes written her has been imbued a sarcastic, annoying-teenager sound, and no longer does she speak with proper english. Ive compiled a list of the worst travesties:
Prepare....to scream. (Issue 16, pg. 10) - You can count the number of one-liners Ravens said on your...oh wait, there werent any. Before this, that is. Not only does this show she is, for some unexplained reason, not a pacifist anymore (not the way to go), this went against pretty much everything the old Raven would have done.
That green guy is an ass. (TT/Legion crossover- pg. 9) - I dont know who to blame for this, as it was a Titans-Legion special, but someone needs to do a little more research. Do peaceful, loving people say stuff like this?
Get out of my room! (Issue 20, pg. 8) - Screeeeeeech. There are too many things wrong with this entire scene for me to say right here, so Ill just glance the top.
A. Shes attacking a teammate? Granted, everyones wanted to smack Changeling before, but this is just silly. Raven would never do this. Once again, at her core, she is a pacifist empath. Ive been told they dont do stuff like this. B. Is this showing how Johns has been bringing them together? I can tell Raven absolutely adores Changeling from this scene. Also, lets all have a collective laugh at Rachel Roth. She didnt need an alias back when she went to college, why does she now?
Hey! (Issue 21, pg. 21) - (In response to Dr. Light - when my self-confidence was reduced to that of a teenage girl.) Comic relief or no, this is a fine example of butchering a character. Besides, shes not a teenager; and when she was she didnt have any confidence anyway.
I dont do cheers. (Issue 23, 8th last page) - Was Johns mimicking the TV shows incarnation of Raven, the gothic industrial-metal type? To put it simply: No cookie for Geoff. Bad, bad Geoff.
Lilith, wake up! (Issue 30, pg. 4) - This is what I meant when I said Johns dumbed down Ravens intelligence. Later Raven herself explains that the bodies had no soul; what told her that later, as opposed to her not knowing that at the time she said this? The rest of this dialogue bubble is pretty bad, too.
Did he just point at Superman? (Issue 33, pg. 20) - Rule of thumb: If the word dude could be used before, after, or anywhere in Ravens dialogue, its not Raven. Dude, Im gonna heal you, k man? Raven is not a skater, surfer, or stoner; dont force that kind of speech into her.
You can see where Im going with this.
The Conclusion (and what lies ahead)

Of all the Titans I co-created, Raven has always been my favorite. She was the character where the circumstances of her very birth created endless conflict. Because she had to be emotionless, she was the most emotion-filled. I felt for her more than any of the others because she needed me, as the writer, to care the most. Thats not a joke. Characters become very real, and we creators have to help them grow as if they were real. We cared about her but we were also frightened by her. The now overused cliché, Be afraid, be very afraid, says it all when talking about Raven. - Marv Wolfman
I think its about time Geoff Johns started caring about how he (mis)uses Raven. Its obvious that the comic is no longer about Raven; but its one thing to go your own direction with a group or character, its something completely different to utterly destroy one. Some quick points:
- Seeing as Raven is an intelligent veteran team member, the caring mentor role would suit well. Not the Im trying to fit in with these kids so I can finally feel accepted role. She already is accepted.
- Why is she going to high school? She was going to college a few years ago.
- Writers, stop looking for ways to cut Raven out of the story completely. During the fight against Luthor in The Insiders, she was sending her soul-self at Luthor in one frame, then she doesnt show up until the next issue. What happened? What could Luthor have done against a soul-self? That shouldve been the end of him right there. Also, during the Robin issues integrated into Life and Death, she cant go because the world of magic is changing. She cant go against Doctor Register because Vic sends her off to help Changeling. When will it end? If you dont know how to write a character, seriously, send her off somewhere else.
This is one reason you cant have an aggressive Raven. Plot-wise, its horrible. The internet word imba comes to mind (imbalanced, for us proper folk). Until Raven is fixed, writers are going to keep coming up with bad excuses for not giving her any action.
(Almost) anyone can write for Raven. Just follow the simple rules outlined and insinuated in this article and there you have a comic. Someone needs to bring some dignity back into this character; and hopefully I, or any other fan doesnt have to go to work at DC just to do it.
Note: For the record, I did come up with the name Talon before I saw Johns was going to use it as a future Teen Titan.

** End of spoilers **