Real life Popeye

I call BS on that being from a natural work out. If it was, surely his lower arms would be at the same ridiculous proportions.
*sigh* What some people will do to get attention these days.

P.S. Popeye had swollen triceps, not biceps. :p They've got it all wrong.
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*sigh* What some people will do to get attention these days.

P.S. Popeye had swollen triceps, not biceps. :p They've got it all wrong.
Popeye had swollen forearms. The triceps are the muscles on the backs of your upper arms. This guys massive triceps and biceps which, personally, I think look like the inflatable floaties little kids use in the pool.
With all the different extensors and flexors in your forearm, I feel like synthol injections would be near impossible to make it all look consistent. With that said, synthol injections are stupid. It just looks dumb as hell.

****ing moron he is. What does he think that makes him look good with that.
I hope it wasn't because of some insecurity, because if I looked like that, I'd be insecure to go anywhere that wasn't my home. He was a normal looking dude and pissed that away.
Maybe. Any stranger would obviously know it's fake, and there's a greater chance that they'd be disgusted rather than be in awe.
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Well...if he can't swim or float well, he's not s*** out of luck.


Now how the hell does he get that t-shirt on?

He actually put it on 6 months ago and has not been able to get it off since. But, seeing as he's a huge *****e, it stays fresh.
load of forearms are bigger than his..its like when you see these guys who only train their upper bodies..then see them on the beach with an impressive upper body but spindly chicken legs.
if you gonna train and look right your whole body needs it.
What happens when it deflates? Or does it not deflate? I only saw a video of a guy getting injected all over his chest.
I almost think it'll all explode on him, not deflate...

that's just nasty...
What happens when it deflates? Or does it not deflate? I only saw a video of a guy getting injected all over his chest.
Basically they have to drain the arm. Imagine a boil that size.
His state of mind is more disturbing than his deformed biceps and triceps. What sane person would do this to himself? And I bet he actually think he's a big shot.

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