Really disappointed with want DC are doing with Batman


Aug 30, 2007
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Detective is only good when Dini is writing, (which is thankfully often) Batman is consistently lame, as is B&R.

And above all, i hate the crossovers and multiverse BS.:o

The Joker origin in Confidential is great, but the arc before it was terrible, and i fear that after Joker origin is over, it will go back to being terrible.

No one seems to be doing anything new in Batman though. Last time i truely enjoyed reading Batman was in the NML days.

I know many won't agree with me, but i just need to vent a long standing bile thats been buggling beneath the surface for a few years now.:csad:
I think you may have a point. In the UK we're kinda limited as to what actual comics we get, but the recent stuff has been rubbish. I've gone more into collecting TPB's because of this, rather than the actual comics themselves.

NML ruled, but I think Under The Hood and Hush were pretty solid. But this whole multi-verse has me mega confused as it's referenced in some books, and not in others and so on and so forth.

DC need to sort it out.
LOVE Dini's run on detective...

Everything else is crap or at least uninspriring - they just appear to not be trying anymore.

I mean, its expected with an icon which runs for nearly 70 years in continuous print but still... DC need to stop everything and take a good look at themselves.

Let Paul Dini run the company i say... cause i don't have much faith in the others right now
No one seems to be doing anything new in Batman though.

Bats having a son is new. Though he's annoying, and I agree Morrison's run has been lacking. Dini's run has been solid. And for something that's definately new and different, All Star Batman is awesome.
I hate the whole Batman has a son thing. What is all that about? Don't we already have a child side-kick?

Yawn, they need to go back to the 70's/80's and start writing well again.
I have to disagree. Batman comics are in a really good place right now, better than they have been for years. We have four VERY solid books running concurrently. All-Star, Dini's Detective, Morrisons Batman and Joker's Confidential. Just one of these books on there own would be enough to be grateful for. instead we've got four.

each is definitly moving Batman in new directions too. you can't say that nothing new happening at all

I hate the whole Batman has a son thing. What is all that about? Don't we already have a child side-kick?

Yawn, they need to go back to the 70's/80's and start writing well again.

^ have you read Batman & son? It sounds like you have not. It's not about being another side-kick (well that's what Damien was thinking about, but it isn;t the purpose of introducing him the story). It's about Batman - who has a plan for eveything - not being able to control of something that should be closest to him. his own son and heir.
Meh, recently I think the writing has been rather slack, no doubt the recent releases are good, but from what I hear Joker Origin is really dividing opinion.

I can't really judge, in the UK we're so out of wack with whats actually going on.
There should be only ONE Batman book. That way there will be a concentration of good writing.
i've dug this recent confidential arc. the previous arc was terrible though. i've been loving morrison's batman. dini's stuff has been decent, but nothing spectacular. all star has been entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons, its just a trainwreck that i cant look away from.

but like most long running titles, things come in waves. in a year or so it will be really good again, then it will slow down some, then probably suck, then pick back up again. thats just how it goes.
I've been digging Confidential and All Star. I dropped Batman months ago. And I stopped reaing Detective because of the giant cross over arc, but will pick it up again once Dini gets back on, or it goes back to the one shot style that it had going for it that was working pretty well.
the three ghosts of batman along with the future batman in issue 666 are interesting, as is morrisons new joker, but the main batman book has lacked a lot of momentum

All-Star should be an Elseworlds tale. Period.
All Star IS an Elsworlds tale. What the hell are you talking about?

And I dropped Batman after 666, as it's obvious Morrisons delays f**ked up the entire pacing of his own story, and he decided "You know what? F**k it, I'm still gonna put this issue here, regardless of it not making sense at all at this point."
I meant along the lines of a stand alone TPB Elseworlds. Its taken at least a year and a half and the story hasn't even finished the set up. The pacing is a joke, and the payoff isn't worth it.
And I agree especially the Clown at Midnight, Morrison seems to just be placing random stories throughout his arcs.
I meant along the lines of a stand alone TPB Elseworlds. Its taken at least a year and a half and the story hasn't even finished the set up. The pacing is a joke, and the payoff isn't worth it.
And I agree especially the Clown at Midnight, Morrison seems to just be placing random stories throughout his arcs.

I dont blame Miller for the delays, I blame Lee for doing about 15 different projects at once when the book was starting. The guy should know by now he cant draw a book on a regular schedule, and do covers for 4-6 different series every month and still expect stuff to come out on time.

I do agree that it'll probably read much better in a TPB though. It's already been better since getting back on schedule.
That pisses me off too. When he did Hush he made all of his deadlines, and he had a lot of projects at the time as well. Jim Lee is a good artist, but his style has seemed real off on a story like this. Miller is busy too, but his style would have suited the story a whole lot better.
That pisses me off too. When he did Hush he made all of his deadlines, and he had a lot of projects at the time as well. Jim Lee is a good artist, but his style has seemed real off on a story like this. Miller is busy too, but his style would have suited the story a whole lot better.

I think Miller's style is a bit too out there when he does Batman nowadays myself. I think it fit for DKR and DKSA, but I dont think it would for this. They should have gotten the Year One band back together for it, IMHO. Miller and Mazuchelli (sp?) finally doing a follow up.
If he did, it would have to be along the lines of his work in DKR, except with a better inker. The less said about DKSA the better in my opinion.
And it can be said that Mazzucchelli is one of the best Batman artists ever. His pencils are amazing.
And it can be said that Mazzucchelli is one of the best Batman artists ever. His pencils are amazing.
Definately, but I don't think his style would fit All Star, as it's being written. His style is very simple and realistic. I think the over the top crazy stuff Lee is doing fits the over the top crazy writing.
No we are not......

I am, personally, but if you're in Leeds you have a Travelling Man right? In York we have a miniscule local shop that only puts new comics up once the others have sold. Most of the UK is like that, only the major cities have big comic book shops that stick to the schedules and what-not.
That pisses me off too. When he did Hush he made all of his deadlines, and he had a lot of projects at the time as well.
thats because DC knew lee's problems with hitting deadlines, so they didnt print a single issue until he had a 100 pages of artwork done.
Very clever of DC. Doesn't he admit in the Hush artist interview that he has trouble hitting deadlines? I'm sure he mentions it somewhere.
hes a perfectionist, he typically wont even draw at conventions because he takes a long time to get every detail right.
That's dedication, but also risky. DC could easily just say see ya later, his stuff is good, but if an artist isn't hitting his deadlines, questions have to be asked.
That's dedication, but also risky. DC could easily just say see ya later, his stuff is good, but if an artist isn't hitting his deadlines, questions have to be asked.

He could always go back to Marvel, they dont care about deadlins *cough Dardevil: Target cough*

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