The Post DKR reboot- What I want to see

Film 1- The Caped Crusader

Based on- Partially based on All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder and War Games.

Villains- Black Mask, Penguin, Tony Zucco

Context- The continuity of the previous films would be hazy at best. This way if people want, it's pseudo-sequel of sorts, or a spiritual successor, or entirely new, similar to Superman Returns and Batman Forever.

Gotham itself would seem partially anachronistic. It would be the metropolis that an urban city would be, but there would also be vast stone spires and gargoyles. I'd really want the city to be a mesh of glass, steel and stone.

Plot- The film focuses on how the rot that poisons Gotham runs right from the lowly drug pushers to the Mayor. Bruce had taken a sabbatical from being Batman having felt he successfully dismantled the mob, and instead focuses solely on his philanthropic endeavours. However, with the dawn of the "freak" they have integrated with the mob leading to two new competing mob factions: Black Mask's and Penguin's.

Synopsis, sort of, but it's quite long, however, if you read it, I'd be grateful:oldrazz::

The opening would sort of set the tone of the film, like the Nolan films. But smaller scale. Black Mask and his men would be beating a Penguin thug tied to a chair. Black Mask would lose his temper exclaim his dominance as the new "King of Gotham" and just murder him in cold blood.

After that we would be introduced to Bruce at the Cave with Alfred, saying he needs to return as Batman, that the rise in crime is related to Cobblepot, who is near untouchable due to his relationship with the Mayor and rumoured to be running for the next election and Black Mask, who is an unknown quantity. It would also be established that Bruce has a new love interest that he has been seeing Julie Madison (It doesn't matter which love interest, they're interchangeable really).

As the "King of Gotham" Black Mask begins to extort the businesses of Gotham, so his thugs attempt to take over the Grayson Circus, before being beaten and thrown out by John and Richard. Zucco, a Penguin enforcer then threatens some of Black Mask's goons who are saying that because of the high profile event the circus is holding, everyone will know Black Mask owns Gotham. Zucco attempts to sweet talk the family into business with Cobblepot and is then physically humiliated by Richard Grayson, who is an adept fighter.

Bruce goes to see Lucius and tells him he needs all new equipment. He is given a new suit that is explained to be some kind of Carbon fibre nanothread meshed over separated, articulated Kevlar plates. He'd also inform Bruce that Sionis Industries is becoming a major threat to the future of Wayne Enterprises. The suit itself would look like a blending of these:




But maybe with the logo of this suit:

Bruce attends the circus with Julie and the event is attacked by Penguin thugs. Tony Zucco then kills the Grayson parents, out of malice, and a firefight breaks out between the two mobs factions and police, Bruce and Julie Madison are injured.

Grayson is taken to the police, and after words with Gordon, whom is now friends with Bruce, is allowed into his custody temporarily. Bruce talks with him and explains that he went through the same, but someone wise set him on a path that, allows him to be productive with his grief.

About a week passes with Richard essentially a prisoner in the Manor with Alfred, and Bruce is non-existent storming through Gotham and attacking both Black Mask and Penguin directly, looking for Zucco.

After a week, Richard is allowed to see what his future may hold if he so pleases, and is allowed free roam around Wayne Enterprises, where he could have a job in the future. He steals several little gadgets from there including specialist bomb goggles, a grapnel and other pieces. Over the next several nights we see both him and Bruce on the hunt for Zucco, both men trying to avoid Alfred and Julie in the Manor.

Richard and Bruce both find out where Zucco is on the same night. Before going after Zucco, Bruce finally catches a glimpse of the second person on the scene. He gives chase across the rooftops of Gotham and from the view of Grayson, loses him. But the Batman plays his "appear out of nowhere" card and captures him. He then captures Zucco, and takes the pair back to the cave.

At the cave, Bruce give Grayson the choice of killing Zucco, or taking the higher road, the road of justice. Richard initially wants to kill Zucco, but relents upon thinking of his parents. Bruce disposes with Zucco to Gordon and reveals to Grayson who he is and that, if Grayson so chooses, he will give him the tools to truly fight against what killed his parents.

Bruce confides in Alfred, that he is worried that he may be destroying Richard's life and that he may not be able to cope with the ramifications alone. Alfred reminds Bruce that Julie had found Bruce when he was in a worse place in his life, and that he should tell her. Which he does, he takes her to the cave, he reveals himself to her as Batman, and what he has done to Richard. She isn't happy but Richard tells them both that he would have continued to look for Zucco and probably ended up a murderer if not for Bruce. Satisfied that Richard still has the chance of a normal life, he and Gordon hatch a plan to quickly shut down Penguin's influence in Gotham, block by block.

Richard explains that when he is ready that he wants to take the name "Robin" as his codename. He explains that Bruce chose bats because they frighten him and that they indirectly caused the death of his parents, it is the pain that drives him. Richard chose Robin because it is a reminder of his parents undying love and that it will be forever what inspires him.

Penguin resorts to bargaining with Black Mask to retain any influence in Gotham. Black Mask says that Penguin must surrender all his territories to him and he will allow him to be his 2nd in command, and that he will soon acquire Wayne Enterprises and will truly hold all of Gotham. Penguin agrees and sends out the order that Black Mask is an ally now. Black Mask of course double crosses him and leaves him bloody and battered to be found in Crime Alley by Gordon.

Richard reveals that he has pretty much designed his Robin costume to Alfred and it is somewhere between these two:


When Black Mask attacks the Manor, kidnaps Julie and Bruce and takes them to Wayne Enterprises where Lucius is already hostage. Black Mask tries to get Bruce and Lucius to sign over their controlling shares to Sionis Industries, they obviously don't and begin torturing them, as well as Julie. Richard beckons Gordon and tells him he is Batman's new partner and gives him details on what's happening, Gordon says he cannot condone this, but Richard disappears earning a reaction like "he even taught him to do that?!".

Robin begins working through the building, taking down the thugs silently. He rescues Bruce, who has spare suits at WE, obviously, that is where they are made.

But from here, I can't work out the rest of what the climax would be other than Julie would be killed in the crossfire.

Batman, Robin and Gordon then discuss that no matter what, the corruption will still continue, Batman says that he will be there to fight it, and that maybe now he has a partner, his life won't be so dark.

Batmobile (though it could do with being wider)
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Some nice ideas there. A 'loose sequel', with stylistic changes, does have a lot to recommend it, though I do think it would be a shame if we continued to miss out on some of the Batman mythos' great, operatic moments: The Joker being baptised and reborn in a vat of chemical waste, Two Face being disfigured from the witness box etc.
Gotham that doesn't look like a recognizeable city. Something European and gothic but and can be modern too. A combination of location, minatures, bigatures, and CG to create a place that you can see yourself going to, but one you can't find on a map.
Why not make the structures more diverse? With a combination of very stylized European-like buildings and more modern structures?
I hope Bat-Cow is featured heavily in the reboot.

I want the next series of films (connected or not) to be more fun. BTAS, I think, struck the right tone.
My wish list:

Batman doesn't give speeches! Speak only when absolutely necessary.

Gotham looks like Gotham, not any city, USA.

Batman stays in the shadows! No well lit rooms, or daylight, as in the upcoming film.

Batman is the true identity, and he must be brooding, both in and out of costume.

No rubber suits!

Batman must always be scary! Also, a detective and scientist.

Don't explain everything about Batman's tech.

Bruce's parents murder MUST be referred too.

Using Batarangs to disarm/knock out people!

Cape closes in front of him, and not look like a bath towel.

Romance's aren't necessary!

Batman must be an acrobat, and also swing between buildings.

Show Bruce putting on the mask for the very first time.

Whoever winds up playing Batman, the actor must be able to say a lot without speaking, aka, subtle acting.

The suit has to be able too look scary even if the cape was missing.

Batman's gotta be at least a little crazy.

I know it'll never happen, but I want an R rated film.
Some nice ideas there. A 'loose sequel', with stylistic changes, does have a lot to recommend it, though I do think it would be a shame if we continued to miss out on some of the Batman mythos' great, operatic moments: The Joker being baptised and reborn in a vat of chemical waste, Two Face being disfigured from the witness box etc.

I honestly think we've seen the last of Two Face on screen for a few decades. He's already had 2 shots (one admittedly more fully realized than the other) and he is not as essential as the Joker. So many other villains that could work well.
I'm the kind of Batfan who truly appreciates different interpretations of the character. There is no such thing (to me) as a DEFINITIVE Batman vision, although it's true that we each have our own definitive vision of the character in our minds. Batman is a character with such a rich history and so many layers , allowing for so many opportunities when it comes to filmmaking.

For me, I want the next series to be more stylized than Nolan's (something I think we ALL agree on). I want to see slow motion fisticuffs but without going overboard and only to accentuate something truly incredible or unbelievable. I want the overall tone of the film to harken back to film noir, maybe even featuring some voiceover from the Batman as he investigates crimes. Batman should be seen watching over the city. In past films, we've seen him perched on rooftops overlooking Gotham but he usually has specific missions in mind. Next time around, I want to see him roaming Gotham, stumbling on a crime scene that he analyzes, bringing evidence back to the Batcave to examine. He's gotta be smarter and more cautious, and by that I mean he wouldn't just walk into a situation without being prepared for all possible outcomes (unlike in TDK when Bruce travels on his bike and finds the cops in their undies, walks to the window and is like "What's this??").

His suit should obviously be less rigid, allowing for more agility, but I think it's important that he still be armored to a certain extent even if the film itself is a little more fantastical. Bruce Wayne is still a human battling against formidable foes. He needs to be protected, even if he's a master of all martial arts. If an unarmored Batman survives an explosion or gunfire, people will balk at the film's logic. He is not Captain America.

Maybe I'm the only one, but I REALLY don't want to see Robin. I think it's inevitable, but they should hold off on him until the second film and have him be murdered by the Joker at the start of the third film (whether it's Dick Grayson or Jason Todd, it doesn't matter because it's all about the drama), leaving Batman to become even more ****ed up and angry than he always has been.
Batman's inner voice is a really big aspect of the comics, so it would be nice to have it in a movie, but it would be hard to see how that could work without seeming a bit cheesy. One of the big advantages of using it would be that you can experience a "mystery" along with Batman, without the requirement for long and boring scenes where Batman has to rehearse everything he knows to another character in order to make sure that the audience has caught up.
I wouldn't say it is a "problem" considering Nolan's films have literally been the MOST well recieved and widely praised Batman films around.

eeeh dont know about being the BEST recieved by everyone in the world. i think they are the best recieved by the comic book fans mostly, though i honestly dont know why considering how nolan changed the characters so much. but i guess people have bought into this thing that nolan can do no wrong (even when he does, which is fairly often) cuz he took batman "seriously". and not the fun kind of serious, like spiderman or the original batmans, but i mean SERIOUS. as in, taking all the fun and excitment out of batman and making him a law and order-esque hero. ZZZZZZZ. i think its all just hype and marketing, and the fact that people want to feel "smart", especially after a travesy like B&R. but you dont have to see B&R to see that nolans movies are not as good as others claim it is. for me, the nolan batman movies are a good example of what happened in "The Emperor's New Clothes". long story short, two con men convince everyone that they've made luxury clothes for a king when in reality, they have made nothing. according to them, only those worthy enough can see the clothes. everyone fakes that they can see them, including a very naked king, so that they can feel worthy. see, this fits what happened with the nolan films perfectly. at least to me. i dont see whats so goshdarn great about them. when did mundane-ness become popular? they arent proper superhero movies to me. they are a cluttered humourless mess. i wish they would bring back the batman of the late 80's/early 90's and breathe the life back into the franchise instead of dumbing it down by trying to make it "realsitic", whatever that means.that goes for the 007 movies as well. batman aint realistic. a guy who dresses as a bat deserves to have a fun exciting movie, not a CSI drama.
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I hate the Nolan movies too theman.

glad im not alone in here. i just think they are highly overrated films and dont even feel like batman/superhero movies should imo. i dont care for them not just because they arent fun, but because they changed the characters soooo much from the comics and i just dont care for that.
Do crossovers. The Nolan films are the definitive Bat films. I don't think it will ever be surpassed, and if it happens we would have to wait an awful lot of time.
glad im not alone in here. i just think they are highly overrated films and dont even feel like batman/superhero movies should imo. i dont care for them not just because they arent fun, but because they changed the characters soooo much from the comics and i just dont care for that.

We have sooo much we could talk about. lol
For me, I want the next series to be more stylized than Nolan's (something I think we ALL agree on).
If by stylized, you mean gothic and taking cues from the 30's, 40's, and 50's, I'd say, I sure as hell am not one of those fans who wants that. I'd rather have Gotham be modern, but look really grimy and dirty. Rusted metal, chipped paint, people smoking outside, a person being beat up in an alley by a guy in a hoodie and baggy pants for the more run-down, poor areas of the city. And very nice looking buildings for businesses and such.
It could be both, though. Cities that are more than 20 years old will inevitably contain buildings that evoke a style from a former age. Art Deco, Neo Classical and Neo Gothic buildings can all sit beside and in between modern corporate spires without being incongruous.

TDK's Gotham looked peculiar to me precisely because it looked like the whole metropolis had just been built.
i think they should do with batman is what they did to superman with smallville.

New batman tv series live action called Gotham City.
Personally, I don't think the Batman "brand" could stand the indignity of something like Smallville.
I'd like them to use a Batman title to kick off a whole DC universe that they could interlink different hero's perhaps with subtle nods,etc like Marvel did linking their universe superheroes together. Doing this leaves doors open for interesting films they can do after. Just an idea!
I wouldn't mind THE BRAVE & THE BOLD as the basis for a new series of Batman movies...I'm definitely not gonna hold my breath waiting for WB to develop a live-action big-screen DCU any OTHER way, frankly, no matter what their current "plans" are (and personally I don't want to see them imitate Marvel's approach anyway).
It could be both, though. Cities that are more than 20 years old will inevitably contain buildings that evoke a style from a former age. Art Deco, Neo Classical and Neo Gothic buildings can all sit beside and in between modern corporate spires without being incongruous.

TDK's Gotham looked peculiar to me precisely because it looked like the whole metropolis had just been built.
Oh, then in that case, I wouldn't actually mind it. That sounds interesting.
Ryan Gosling should play Bruce Wayne/Batman. Hints of Bruce Wayne in Crazy Stupid Love and for Christ's sake; Drive is to Ryan Gosling what American Psycho was to Christian Bale. Gosling can pull it off. That said. I don't think he'd be up for it.
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I'd actually like to see Batman done in the same style as Sin City. Almost like a black and white comic book with a bit of 1940's style thrown in. The first 4 films had a bit of everything from dark to cheesy,and Nolans series went more for realism. I'd like to see this new series go a bit for the fantastic with villains like Clayface and Killer Croc.
^I'd sure like that,Personally..I just can't wait for news on the next film's new director/cast/crew/characters&story since it's already confirmed by WB that they are indeed rebooting!!

I like the Nolan films But I really want it to end already ASAP&WB going forward with a new reboot in a few years!!

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