More Resistance 2 Info: Some Rumours Put to Rest
The big reveal of Resistance 2 was a sight to behold on the forums. “Shock and Awe” might be an appropriate catch phrase, though that may be copyrighted for another invasion.
In all the commotion some details were lost in a web of forum excitement. Insomniac enlighten us on some misconceptions, in addition to letting us in on some new nuggets of information.
Firstly, Insomniac’s recent Full Moon Show podcast lets us in on how much progress has been made on Resistance 2. The 8 player online co-op mode is coming on nicely, where they are making it as fun and feature full as possible before they pretty up the visuals.
Described as “freaking awesome”, with enemies on all sides in the co-op creates a sense of chaos, with cooperation the key to succeeding in this visceral, always on edge gameplay.
As for the single player, you’ll be amazed to know that so soon after thee completion of their second PS3 game (Ratchet and Clank Future), Insomniac have roughly completed all of the levels in Resistance 2’s single player campaign. That is, the campaign’s outline is finished, with the next step being tuning and moulding the levels to form the game.
It’s also divulged that the quality and success of Resistance 2 can be measured by the amount of ideas and content they’ve already cut from the game, to make sure only the very special content is left. This contrasts to a typical developer view of “we’ll make it work before the time is up”. Think of Insomniac’s method as picking out the weak plants in your cabbage patch to ensure you achieve the best crop.
Now onto dispelling some of the misconceptions that arose from the exclusive Game Informer article. A new enemy was revealed in the text - the Chameleon. Described as an enemy that stalks its prey, many presumed that it was an upgraded Stalker shown in the new screenshots. This is not the case. The screenshot was of the redesigned Stalker. The Chameleon is not a vehicle, but a living creature that stalks its prey.
Secondly, the “random level generation” mentioned is only for co-op levels, and not for the tightly designed single player campaign. Furthermore, the co-op levels will not be procedurally generated, but their diversity, variety and set-up will change.
Lastly, new soldier classes were mentioned to be part of the competitive multiplayer. This is also untrue. These different classes have only been confirmed for the 8 player online co-op, and not the online 60 player multiplayer.
With three misconceptions put to rest, we can end with a final piece of positive news. Resistance: Fall of Man was criticised as not looking that spectacular up close, especially when compared to the high-res textures of Gears of War. However, with the addition of texture streaming, advanced shaders and normal maps - Resistance 2 will look much better up close than it’s predecessor