

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Caught the movie a few hours ago....... :doh:

You have to wonder...why did they even wanna do a sequel when it is not that much better than the original ? And put in the rock who basically plays the same character in fast 5 (he has the same look too).

I give it 5 out of 10. The moutain scenes with snake eyes and storm shadow's sister were pretty impressive. Guess they will look better in 3D (i caught mine in 2D).
I thought it was better than the original . The only issues being some plot holes and occasionally poor dialogue. Also I wish they brought back or used more of the characters from the original film. Flint was kind of a boring character. Jaye was nice to look at, not that interesting either. Rock is great though. I like the scenes between him and Tatum. I think it was a mistake to kill off [BLACKOUT]Duke[/BLACKOUT].

The action is great. I love the ninja fight scene on the mountain. That looks really good in 3D. Once again Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow steal the show. RZA sounded corny as hell though. The new look and voice for Cobra Commander is a huge improvement. Also thought Stevenson was great as Firefly. Pryce really hams it up this time. I think they could of gotten a better actor , but he's decent.

I'm really hoping for a third film. It will be interesting to see where they go with Storm Shadow's character and if Destro is used in the sequel.
Channing Tatum plays the same guy in all his films.
Yes, Magic Mike is the exact same character as the lovable lunk head from 21 Jump Street. :whatever:
This movie is sooo bad.

Dialogue terrible

Acting terrible

Direction terrible

Story terrible

There are no epic scenes in this movie. Everything is one cliche after another. Character development sucks. No suspense at all. They try to make Duke and Roadblock's friendship real BUT even failed on that one.

There are some cool scenes like the mountain and Cobra Commander was pretty cool.

But wow this movie is poorly made. The director is suppose to be a fan?

The animation Resolute is what a true director fan looks like. Resolute obliterates this garbage.
I mostly had fun with the film but the movie should have been more over the top. Oddly it takes the movie an hour to get going because they are too busy trying to clean up and or fellow the plot of the last terrible movie. They should have just ignored. that damn film. I liked the Rock and the Ninjas but the. villians were far more fun to watch.

The movie is better than the 09 peice if trash but it's not good enough for me to ever care about this franchise. And oh yeah, although the mountain side scene was awesome you could see the lower budget because nothing else was as big as that one scene.
After watching G.I. Joe: Retaliation i still wondered why the film was delayed from its original release date of June 2012 to March 2013.It definitely wasnt delayed to add some rousing content,or to add more scenes featuring the very popular Channing Tatum.It seems more likely the delay was due to the fact that the studios Paramount and MGM knew they had a mediocre product on their hands,and that it wouldnt be able to compete with The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man.

GIJR isnt a complete miss fire,there are some great action sequences,the mountain top battle featuring Snake Eyes (Ray Park) and his apprentice Jinx (Elodie Yung) is the stand out.Jonathan Pryce has some great one liners.
All of the other characters are bland Flint(D.J Cotrona) looks bored and Lady Jaye (Adrianne Palicki)is fun to look at but there is no spark to her character,watered down versions of the popular
characters from the animated series and comic books.

Scale of 1-10 a 6½ Wait for the DVD
I enjoyed it a lot. It's far from perfect or a great movie in anyway, but I think John Chu and the writers did the original comic and cartoon justice. Plus they had to play clean up to the mess that was the first movie. I would have liked to see Scarlett and general Hawk return. Plus it would have been good to see more Cobra villains like Major Bludd.
Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow definitely stole the movie. I don't have issues with Channing Tatum this time around. It seems like he is loosening up as an actor. The scenes with him and The Rock were good. (the video game and gun range stuff). I thought Cobra Commander was perfect, we just needed more of him and Stevenson's Firefly was great. I even liked the redneck accent. Flint was very dry. I wish they would have had him in his beret at least. Lady Jay was ok, but they needed to explorer her character a bit more. I went in with low expectations and generally enjoyed myself.
I grew up reading the Marvel series, watching the cartoon and playing with the toys. I was obsessed with GI Joe and it was for me a great feeling seeing my childhood represented very well in the movie. It had the "realism" of the comics and the outlandish story of the cartoon and the imagination of the toys.
I'm looking forward to the third one and where they take us. I'm hoping for Serpentor.
Now that I've seen it, I can't even begin to understand how peeps are saying this is so much better than Rise of Cobra. ROC was The Dark Knight compared to this turd!

I don't want to be an ass to anyone who enjoyed it, but DAMN! :o
This movie is proof that The Powers That Be do listen to their fans. Its like they heard most of the complaints from the first one and made this sequel to fix all that. No stupid cybersuits and more believable action (aside from Snake Eyes mountainside fight with The League of Shadows) instead of the Die Another Day-like nonsense we got in The Rise Of Cobra. I just love the irony they were able to make a better movie even without most of the original cast returning. I look forward to a third film if they stick with the "realistic" approach.

Dwayne Johnson proved his worth of being an A-Lister. His charisma is amazing.

I was really shocked about
Duke. I figured he'd show up at the end coming out of his coma following the explosion, but he didn't. He wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. No one checks his pulse. Nobody tries to revive him. Roadblock is in damn near tears over his body before he takes his dog tags. No, nothing. He's dead, Jim.

Jayne has a nice ass. Jesus!

Bruce Willis was more John McClane in this than the recent Die Hard movie.

It was cool to see Walton Goggins make a cameo appearance.

Luke Bracey did good in his role which surprised me because I wasn't expecting
Cobra Commander
to come back in this. His onminous voice is what Bane should've sounded like.

London getting fu**ed up was awesome!

My only gripes:

Even though there were Joes missing, they could've at least mentioned what happened to them.

I didn't agree with how Storm Shadow was booked.

No Sgt. Slaughter cameo again (legalities prevented his appearance)

Sienna Miller should've been in this.

No cliffhanger ending or post-credits scene.

Overall, if you like action movies, go see this movie. If you like GI Joe, go see this movie. If you liked the first GI Joe film, go see this movie. If you hated the first GI Joe film, go see this movie!
I thought somebody smeared feces across the screen, until I realized G.I. Joe: Retaliation begun 40 minutes ago.
I thought somebody smeared feces across the screen, until I realized G.I. Joe: Retaliation begun 40 minutes ago.

If you think Retaliation is this bad, then I'm curious to know what you felt about Rise of Cobra.
I give this a 6/10 rating.

Totally not better than the 1st one. They improved the music/action scenes and CGI. But the story was just poor and it felt uninspired and too quick.
This film was just bad... I can go through the list of just all these ridiculous things but I'm sure you guys already know!! The film was good until they killed all the joes then it just went downhill from there!

There were sooo many characters in the film that were there just to sell toys, because they done absolutely nothing in the film!! (Looking at Jinx, the ninja girl)....

Once again The only story of note, was between Storm Shadow n Snake Eyes.... I think they should just make a Snake Eyes n Storm Shadow film, because clearly they the only characters that these film makers can contour up a storyline for.

I give it 3/10 ... They didn't even try to make a story, just random words to connect action scenes.
The good ?

Firefly (I like the way he is shown as un unstoppable and mad force of evil)

The design of the costume, way better than the first.

Lady Jaye anatomy (and Adrianne Palicki isn't bad in the role)

Roadblock is cool and a good leader.

Channing Tatum isn't as annoying and bland as in the first.

The bad ?

Well, everything else.

No script, just some random fight scenes badly filmed.

The dialogue are terrible

The direction is terrible

Flint is really bland.
Seems like the only thing they were retaliating against was the fanbase with this godawful pile of mule ****.
Much better than the first one. Hardly movie of the year, but a lot of fun for what it is. I agree about Tatum's character, it was a shame after having his scenes with The Rock. I never cared for anyone in GI Joe 1, but I like his character in this one.
It was okay, but I liked the first movie much better.

There are a number of plot holes / weak moments in Retaliation:

- Cobra Commander looked and sounded cool, but wasn't much of a character. Somehow I felt he had no real purpose in there and the movie would have worked without him.

- Why is everyone at Cobra behaving like "Yeah, our commander is back", "great you are here again", "we missed our commander"? Before he got arrested, he wasn't the commander, he was just the organization's scientist Dr. Mindbender. Why is every Cobra member remembering him as commander?

- Why was Destro left behind at the prison escape? He did nothing to fall in disgrace.

- While the character Zartan had a lot of screentime, actor Arnold Vosloo had about 1 minute of screentime ("I cut my face"-scene, very short flashback showing how [BLACKOUT]he killed Hard Master[/BLACKOUT], [BLACKOUT]death scene[/BLACKOUT]).

- Are Heavy Duty, Scarlett and Ripchord dead too? And if they aren't, why didn't Roadblock and the others try to contact them when they needed support?

- Concerning Storm Shadow... [BLACKOUT]he switches sides and is used to infiltrate Cobra. But the Cobra Commander probably knows that Storm Shadow was captured and taken away from the Himalaya stronghold and brought to Japan. Did no one at Cobra ask Storm Shadow what happened there and why he is free again? Shouldn't they regard him with suspiscion?[/BLACKOUT]

Great himalaya fighting scene though.
- Why is everyone at Cobra behaving like "Yeah, our commander is back", "great you are here again", "we missed our commander"? Before he got arrested, he wasn't the commander, he was just the organization's scientist Dr. Mindbender. Why is every Cobra member remembering him as commander?

- Why was Destro left behind at the prison escape? He did nothing to fall in disgrace.

I don't remember the first movie that well, but it seemed to me that Cobra Cdr was supposed to be the "real" power behind the throne, and was waiting for an opportune moment to oust Destro once his resources were more fully under CC's control. Remember he injected Destro with nanomites at the end of GI Joe 1 and told him to "call me commander" right before the Joes arrested them. So leaving him behind at the prison was just a case of "you have outlived your usefulness" while he went off to resume control of his infrastructure.

Not that I blame you for the confusion. The first movie handled this rather horribly, with CC only being built up as Duke's "friend" and not so much "secret leader of an upstart terrorist cell" with only a last minute twist that's more of a shout out than a plot point. Not to mention Cobra isn't even named until we're almost at the credits, another baffling move.
Remember he injected Destro with nanomites at the end of GI Joe 1 and told him to "call me commander" right before the Joes arrested them. So leaving him behind at the prison was just a case of "you have outlived your usefulness" while he went off to resume control of his infrastructure.

Sorry, I still don't get it.

"Now I am your commander. I change your face. I call you Destro. You are now under my control and will follow my orders.... oh no, wait, we get arrested... oh no, we are put in a tank... oh good, we are finally freed! I know, Destro, I just said that you are now my new servant, but I just decided that you are of no use for me, I leave you here."

Sorry, I still don't get it.

"Now I am your commander. I change your face. I call you Destro. You are now under my control and will follow my orders.... oh no, wait, we get arrested... oh no, we are put in a tank... oh good, we are finally freed! I know, Destro, I just said that you are now my new servant, but I just decided that you are of no use for me, I leave you here."


Well, storytelling isn't this series' strong suit.
I saw it today and thought it was a lot of fun, the over the top plot, the vehicles, the one liners, all if it fit well for me. The Rock was good as Roadblock, Adrianne Palicki was good as Lady Jaye and Byung-hun Lee just has great charisma as Storm Shadow, Ray Stevens was also ok as Firefly. The only weak point was Flint, he was dull and seemed to only exist to make Rock look bigger and cooler and to make goo goo eyes at Lady Jaye, his parkour gimmick wasn't even used to much effect.

Bruce Willis was getting money for old toffee here but I still felt his presence was a welcome addition, and he enhanced rather than detracted from the overall film.

I loved the way they used Cobra Commander, the voice was great and the way he was filmed and presented every time he entered a scene was great.

The action was pretty good all the way through but the mountain Ninja battle was amazing!!! I'd go as far as to call it an instant classic and worth the price of a ticket alone to see on the big screen. I also thought the final fight between Block and Firefly was inventive, mixing CQC with gun-play.

Overall a pure fun popcorn movie!

I thought it was ok, passable, at least better than the first with some nice action set pieces with Snake-Eyes/Storm shadow being the highlight.

I didnt go in expecting much so maybe that helped.

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