Rocky 6


Movie Extra & Actor
Feb 23, 2004
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It's been confirmed Stallone is writing, directing, and producing the 6th film in the franchise. Filming starts in December. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing the character on screen again. Here's the story from Coming Soon:

Sly Stallone Starts Rocky 6 in December
Source: Production Weekly October 12, 2005

Sylvester Stallone will direct and reprise his role as Rocky Balboa in the sixth installment of the boxing franchise, reports Production Weekly.

In the film, lonely and retired boxer Rocky Balboa comes out of retirement, intending to fight a few low-profile local fights just to keep his hand in. But when he's approached to fight a match with reigning heavyweight champ Mason "The Line" Dixon, Rocky's modest little comeback becomes the center of a media firestorm.

Rocky 6 is scheduled to begin filming early December in Los Angeles.

The_Guyver said:
So is Diesel playing Dixon as rumoured...

I think Stallone said that character will be along the lines of Roy Jones Jr, so look for someone like Taye Diggs or DMX..........
Milkman95 said:
I think Stallone said that character will be along the lines of Roy Jones Jr, so look for someone like Taye Diggs or DMX..........

aah, I see. He should just get RJJ himself to play the character, I'm sure he's better than Tommy Morrison and he's always in great shape. Thanks dude.
I don't know which I want to see less, Rocky VI or Rambo IV....

Sly, please accept that you're an 80's superstar and move on. DOn't try and recycle your greatest hits, like Arnie did with T3 and Sharon Stone is doing with Basic Instinct 2. It only serves to remind us what you once were.

Sly has some actual acting ability, he could go into smaller character roles no problem. Get some real indy cred. That plus the nostalgia would revamp his career, but as a serious supporting middle-aged actor.
Kevin Roegele said:
I don't know which I want to see less, Rocky VI or Rambo IV....

Sly, please accept that you're an 80's superstar and move on. DOn't try and recycle your greatest hits, like Arnie did with T3 and Sharon Stone is doing with Basic Instinct 2. It only serves to remind us what you once were.

Sly has some actual acting ability, he could go into smaller character roles no problem. Get some real indy cred. That plus the nostalgia would revamp his career, but as a serious supporting middle-aged actor.

I see your point, but the Rocky Balboa character deserves a better finish than the one he had with Rocky V. Who cares if he's too old? I think people will enjoy seeing the character again - I'm sure the budget is $20m, so it will make money regardless. I read the script for the most part, and it's not bad..........
Amazingly, I really want to see this, more so than any new Terminator flick or Die Hard. If they can recapture the spirit of the character that was presented in Rocky and Rocky V, then it could be grand.
I'm sure I'll see it, even though I may hate myself afterward.

Mason "The Line" Dixon? I read this and thought it was really lame, but then I thought about the other people Rocky's faced: Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, Ivan Drago, and Tommy Gunn. Now it seems to fit right in.
Flame on! said:
Amazingly, I really want to see this, more so than any new Terminator flick or Die Hard. If they can recapture the spirit of the character that was presented in Rocky and Rocky V, then it could be grand.

I agree. If Stallone can capture that great character again, it should be great. I'm sure it will be an emotional story with Adrian having died and it just being Rocky, Paulie, and his son Robert.............
I love the olkd movies (even 5:D ) i am just unsure if this is a good idea,it might work but it depends on the script and if Sly doesn't go overboard with Rocky's heroics
hunter rider said:
I love the olkd movies (even 5:D ) i am just unsure if this is a good idea,it might work but it depends on the script and if Sly doesn't go overboard with Rocky's heroics

I think you'll like it Hunter - it's more emotional and real I believe. Read parts of the script in Stallone's new magazine............
Milkman95 said:
I think you'll like it Hunter - it's more emotional and real I believe. Read parts of the script in Stallone's new magazine............

Is that the one where he interviews porn stars ?:D
I'm definately willing to give it a chance and it would be cool to see Rocky go out in a better movie than Rocky 5
Can't be worse than Rocky V.
This will either be really good, as in one of the best movies of the year...or just a total disaster. There will be no middle ground.
Finally, another Rocky movie. This is good news to me. Hopefully when he's done with that, he'll do another Rambo movie too.
I have heard the following rumors:

- Mr. T returns as Clubber Lang. This time Lang has long since retired and is now a boxing commentator.
- Apollo Creed returns in a dream sequence (like Mickey in V).
- Adrian returns in a dream sequence.
Matt said:
This will either be really good, as in one of the best movies of the year...or just a total disaster. There will be no middle ground.

Yeah. Pretty much.
This will bomb, people are sick of boxing movies espcially underachievers, unless Stallone takes this in a direction where it's a social commentary about hte media and ****, or something that actually elevates it into a good movie and not another superhero movie it's going bomb.
:doom: dammit i assumed the story line would included Rocky the lonely and retired boxer who comes out of retirement and is then approached by a guy to do a relaity tv show. but he needs to spice it up cause as you know there's alot of competitions to top that up his main rival is a millonaire real estate attention ****e who's not only got the connection the Rocky needs to glam his show but the guy is so crazy he's actually bought every place that Rocky's put foot on yup he's bought the gym where he trained, the street that he lived on, heck even the whole strech that he ran through in the first movie. Due to which Rocky's got to fiight, not only for himself but for his neighbourhood and tv ratings.

Expect a scene where in the famous rocky statue falls and brakes into pieces
Dr. Evil said:
I have heard the following rumors:

- Mr. T returns as Clubber Lang. This time Lang has long since retired and is now a boxing commentator.

That would make it worth watching, even if its a real crapfest.
Doesn't Rocky have Dain Bramage? Why would they let him keep fighting? Maybe he will be fighting in the special olympics or something.
The plot for the that movie is a bunch of recycle rubbish.
well apearently addriane is dead. rocky jr. is rich.from what i read previously.

man will this thing tank at the box office. stallone doesnt even look 50, let alone able to box.

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