Running time of spider-man 3



Does anyone know the running time of Spider-man 3?

What do you think it´s going to be?

I think it´s going to be around 130 - 140 minutes.
I´found on that the movie is about 156 minutes... but it´s imdb. com, you know.
Unlike with Fox and X-men 3, that's a running time I can actually believe.

Does anyone remember all the running time madness on the F4 and X-men 3 forums and how delusional the posters were? And how all their idiotic claims were proven to be idiotically false?
I want 156 min!!!!!
2h15 is so short!!! (allocine tells 2h15, tells 2h19...)
why are people so obsessed about such issues?

as long as a story is getting sinigicantly told, then it doesn't matter how long a film is

if it was 20 minutes long and did what it had to, i'd be happy.

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