The Force Awakens Samuel L. Jackson Wants to be in Star Wars: Episode VII

Hunter Rider

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Oct 24, 2004
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Source: E! News
December 10, 2012

Recently it's been all about what directors do and don't want to get in on the Star Wars game, but now it has shifted to actors. Samuel L. Jackson, who portrayed Jedi Master Mace Windu in the prequel trilogy, has a lot of interest in coming back for the new sequel.

"I'm not surprised but totally geeked by the idea of there being more Star Wars," Jackson told E! News. "It's like, okay, Obi-Wan was dead when episode four started, so maybe everyone thinks I'm dead and we'll find out what happened to Mace Windu. I can come back as one-armed or a one-handed Jedi that's still around that didn't actually die."

"I could do that or be a ghost hologram. I don't care, I just want to stay associated with the franchise."

But what is it about the franchise that makes Jackson want to return so badly?

"I just always loved it. I always loved the idea of it, that there's this whole civilization out there somewhere else that's just as much fun and different and diverse and wild as we are."

Star Wars: Episode VII is scheduled to hit theaters in 2015.

Cyborg armed nomad Jedi Mace Windu? :D
Maul got sliced in half. If they could bring him back, Mace should be easy.
I never thought I'd say this but Samuel is already in the Marvel movies, haven't we seen enough of him already?

At this point Samuel is so recognized that it would no longer be Mace Windu but just Samuel L. Jackson as a Jedi.
Sam, if you come back, you better not act like a plank of wood this go round...
The idea of my favorite SW character coming back makes me want to dance on top of a skyscraper.

WE WANT MACE!!!:hrt::hrt::hrt:
Whose idea was it to cast Samuel L. Jackson as a Jedi?

A Mandalorian maybe. But a Jedi?
The idea of my favorite SW character coming back makes me want to dance on top of a skyscraper.

WE WANT MACE!!!:hrt::hrt::hrt:

Ahem. Clarification. You want Mace. :oldrazz:

I like Samuel L Jackson as much as the next guy, but the Windu character has zero depth, and is not interesting to me at all.

Personally, I would LOVE to see McGregor come back as Obi-Wan, seeing as I have a man-crush on the guy. Plus, Obi-wan is just pure dang awesome. It's just a fact.
At this point Samuel is so recognized that it would no longer be Mace Windu but just Samuel L. Jackson as a Jedi.

Now, if he'd act like Sam Jackson as well, that would actually be a change for the better. Maybe getting his arm cut off and lightning forced off a building, lodged that stick out of his ass. And maybe even loosened up a few screws in his head.

Ahem. Clarification. You want Mace. :oldrazz:

I like Samuel L Jackson as much as the next guy, but the Windu character has zero depth, and is not interesting to me at all.

Personally, I would LOVE to see McGregor come back as Obi-Wan, seeing as I have a man-crush on the guy. Plus, Obi-wan is just pure dang awesome. It's just a fact.

Mace has a unique personality and that came through even in his limited appearances in the trilogy. What's not interesting about a brooding, self-reliant Jedi? Even if someone doesn't know about the shatterpoint aspect of Mace, it should be obvious when Mace was ready to take Palpatine's life that he was no ordinary Jedi.

I'd love to see a meeting between Mace and Luke in Eppy 7. I'd crack up to hear something like, "I know who you are, Master Skywalker. I've watched you for a long time as Yoda did. You whined even more than your father did, but you turned out quite well, it seems."
I don't really want to see Mace. Would be too weird for me to see him in the same film as Luke Skywalker. Besides, I want to be able to continue to pretend that the prequels don't exist.
I don't think Mace is needed. He served his purpose in the prequels.
Agreed. Although we never actually saw Mace die. So I wouldn't be averse to his return. But I'd rather see SLJ do some more R rated fare a la Django Unchained.
I love Mace, but he should stay dead.
Ugh. I've got zero interest in seeing Arse Windu return.
Mace has a unique personality and that came through even in his limited appearances in the trilogy. What's not interesting about a brooding, self-reliant Jedi? Even if someone doesn't know about the shatterpoint aspect of Mace, it should be obvious when Mace was ready to take Palpatine's life that he was no ordinary Jedi.

If by "unique personality" you mean "none", then yeah, I agree. Maybe it's hard for you to separate the EU from the actual movies, but the guy was about as deep as a cookie tray in the trilogy itself. I couldn't describe a single personality trait of his if my life was on the line.

A brooding, self reliant Jedi would be cool to see, I agree. But that's not what Samuel L Jackson presents us in the films (and it's not entirely his fault, because the script is awful). In every scene, he delivers the dialogue flatly, with no inflection, no passion, no intensity.And Mace being ready to take Palpatine's life only showed how frightened he was of this new "Sith Lawd".
If by "unique personality" you mean "none", then yeah, I agree. Maybe it's hard for you to separate the EU from the actual movies, but the guy was about as deep as a cookie tray in the trilogy itself. I couldn't describe a single personality trait of his if my life was on the line.

A brooding, self reliant Jedi would be cool to see, I agree. But that's not what Samuel L Jackson presents us in the films (and it's not entirely his fault, because the script is awful). In every scene, he delivers the dialogue flatly, with no inflection, no passion, no intensity.And Mace being ready to take Palpatine's life only showed how frightened he was of this new "Sith Lawd".

I'm not sure what movies you saw, but Mace was the very definition of intensity. He looked like he was a heartbeat away from stomping the "chosen one" when Anakin began moaning about not being a master. Mace cut off Jango Fett's head in front of Jango's "kid" and kicked the Emporer's wrinkled butt.

My biggest complaint about TPM is that there wasn't enough Mace Windu. If he's brought back, I'm 100% for it.
Yeah, well, there are plenty of black actors who can pull off sagely monk.

Jackson not so much.


I like Jackson in SW. WHAT IF: if he had played say, a bounty hunter so he could go back to acting like the angry Jackson we all know and love..........and..........INSTEAD OF HIM......they had MORGAN FREEMAN. As a Jedi.

Morgan. Freeman. As. A. Jedi.

Dont think it would have worked?
A Twin Brother that Mace never knew abour
If by "unique personality" you mean "none", then yeah, I agree. Maybe it's hard for you to separate the EU from the actual movies, but the guy was about as deep as a cookie tray in the trilogy itself. I couldn't describe a single personality trait of his if my life was on the line.

A brooding, self reliant Jedi would be cool to see, I agree. But that's not what Samuel L Jackson presents us in the films (and it's not entirely his fault, because the script is awful). In every scene, he delivers the dialogue flatly, with no inflection, no passion, no intensity.And Mace being ready to take Palpatine's life only showed how frightened he was of this new "Sith Lawd".

Um, Mace never once said Sith Lord like "Sith Lawd" in the movie... calm down.

Mace had personality in the movies, as he was really the only Jedi that told Anakin like it was and always 100% spoke his mind. He's also really the only Jedi that can use intensity and his love of battle to his advantage in his saber techniques without falling to the dark side. There's more to Mace than was shown in the movies, and even then, he's been explored in the movies enough for us to get a grasp on what type of guy he is.
I'm not sure what movies you saw, but Mace was the very definition of intensity. He looked like he was a heartbeat away from stomping the "chosen one" when Anakin began moaning about not being a master.

He wasn't intense. It seems like you haven't seen SLJ in very many movies. He looked bored the whole time in the PT. And his delivery of the dialogue was terrible! Do you remember the scene in AotC: "Remember Obi-wan, if the prophecy is true..."
Mace cut off Jango Fett's head in front of Jango's "kid" and kicked the Emperor's wrinkled butt.

Neither of those actions contribute to his character in the slightest bit. Any other Jedi would do the same thing...

My biggest complaint about TPM is that there wasn't enough Mace Windu. If he's brought back, I'm 100% for it.

If your biggest complaint about TPM is that Mace Windu isn't in it enough, then somehow, I'm not surprised that we're still having this conversation.
Um, Mace never once said Sith Lord like "Sith Lawd" in the movie... calm down.

It was a joke. I am calm... Have I said anything that would imply otherwise?

Mace had personality in the movies, as he was really the only Jedi that told Anakin like it was and always 100% spoke his mind.

So he told off Anakin, like once in the last movie he was in. It's just not enough. Way too little way too late. He's just generic and not interesting/compelling at all.

He's also really the only Jedi that can use intensity and his love of battle to his advantage in his saber techniques without falling to the dark side.
There's more to Mace than was shown in the movies...

You must have missed the part where I said I didn't care about the EU.

and even then, he's been explored in the movies enough for us to get a grasp on what type of guy he is.

No... No he has not. We wouldn't be having this discussion if he had any kind of character at all.

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