Samurai movie Festival...envy me, you suckers!

I've never had the privilege. Watched a couple of his films in Japanese Film class, and the screen was nice and big, but not theater big.
Yeah, me neither :(
It will be awesome, I can't wait.

Tonight I'm going to see "Kill!" and "Harakiri", and tomorrow night is Kurosawa night, baby! Yojimbo and Sanjuro, back to back :D
It would be awesome if they saved The Last Samurai for the finale! :wow:

...Just kidding, of course.

I love every Kurosawa film I've seen, but it's rare I get to see them on the small screen, let alone a BIG one.

Have fun :up:
Kurosawa rules!

remember to wear your contacts so you can read all of the subtitles.
It would be awesome if they saved The Last Samurai for the finale! :wow:

...Just kidding, of course.

I love every Kurosawa film I've seen, but it's rare I get to see them on the small screen, let alone a BIG one.

Have fun :up:

I've never been that close to a heart attack AND a vomiting marathon at the same time, thanks :(
블라스;13846674 said:
I've never been that close to a heart attack AND a vomiting marathon at the same time, thanks :(
I'm just glad that Ken Watanabe was in that. He made it watchable. Well at least his scenes were watchable.
He just rules.
I wish they would make a movie with those two and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
this could go on for quite a while. there are to many Japanese actors that I want to see working together.
Enjoy :up:
Heh, it's going to be awesome.
Anyways, I'm also looking forward to Sword of Doom, I really cannot wait for that one....unfortunately, I have to, because it's going to be shown on February something :o
this is a genre that i really hope stays in Asia. We saw what an American samurai film looks like, and I think most of us would like to forget it.
Do you know any movies that tell the story of the 47 ronin?
I swear. That's the fastest 210 minutes of film you'll ever see. Seen the film three times now, and it's never a chore.
Oh, I've seen it (love it).
I've just never had the pleasure to enjoy it on the big screen.
Same goes for pretty much all of these classics.

Btw, "Kill!" was hilarious and so awesome, I totally recommend it to anyone looking for a different samurai film :up:

Saturday: "Yojimbo" and "Sanjuro" back to back.
Sunday: "Samurai Rebelion" with Toshiro Mifune.

First week of February: Hidden Fortress, Seven Samurai, Sword of Doom, 3 different Zatoichi movies, ugh I can't wait! :D

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