Scud figure leave feedback here


Shocker Toys

Scud figure leave feedback here!
This is the start of the 6-7" Indie Spotlight line featuring (Scud, ShadowHawk, Kabuki, Katchoo and The Maxx and constructive comments will help the line. We will try and answer your questions about the line here as well. We cannot give exact production dates or exact cost of figures at this time.
I think it's Log Man. He's made of logs.
I remember seeing Kabuki and Scud. Only problem is I can't remember Scud.
This looks like it's going to be one kick ass figure. The articulation looks super and looks like we will be able to put him into all the crazy cartoonish poses Rob draws him in.

I can't wait for this great job and I hope the rest of the line is as faithful to the respective artist's work.

I must say Shocker Toys, this is a lot better then anything I ever thought you guys could's actually downright decent........Actually it looks really good and Highly poseable.

Of course after this much time I should expect and singing, dancing, walking, talking piece of Solid Gold.

So yeah, this scud loosk good, but this whole line is taking way way too long and everything else I've seen from you guys is complete and utter ass in a cup.
I must say Shocker Toys, this is a lot better then anything I ever thought you guys could's actually downright decent........Actually it looks really good and Highly poseable.

Of course after this much time I should expect and singing, dancing, walking, talking piece of Solid Gold.

So yeah, this scud loosk good, but this whole line is taking way way too long and everything else I've seen from you guys is complete and utter ass in a cup.

wow rough, that was just rude... it appears theses people put a lot of time (and I mean ALOT OF TIME) and effort in making figures no one wants.
Wait, shocker toys has actually made stuff that's gone to production?
hey saint......they make Shokinis........and poorly molded feces
sure, he looks cool. but who really wants him ? maybe in the 90's you could have buyers. but he hardly can find a audience. beyond a few die hards
I've never read a Scud comic in my life. With that being said, I'd definitely buy that figure. If it comes out as solid as the prototype is with some good paint applications, I think he'd be an awesome toy to have.

I'm also gonna buy Shadowhawk and the Maxx if they turn out as good as Scud is looking. I've been waiting for a good Shadowhawk and Maxx for a long time. I sincerely want this line to do as well as possible, and I'm looking forward to Toyfair to see what else you guys can bring to the table.

A couple of questions about the rest of the line:

1) I've seen conflicting posts from various message boards about the Maxx. Is there a definitive word on whether he's going to be single-packed or a build-a-figure?

2) There was a painted prototype of Shadowhawk shown a while back with the shortly-lived re-designed costume that he ended his last series with. Will the Shadowhawk figure have a variant, or re-paint of his classic or original costume?

Thanks. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the line-up.
Roughneck has every right to be rude, Shocker Toys as a company is an utter joke.

They have horrible business practices and an even worse attitude. It's not like they showed up and everyone hated them, they showed up, acted like immature morons, and lost any respect anyone might have had for them.

To be honest, as Scud is one of my favorite designs in comics, I was heartbroken when I saw that he was staying with Shocker Toys instead of going to Marvel Toys. If only he had, Scuds would be lining the shelves of my Super WalMarts now in time for Christmas along with the rest of the LCBH.

The sculpt looks decent, the articulation looks great, but I fully expect to never see one in stores- if you even get out a few to specialty shops I will be downright amazed. Step it up and fast, or leave the toy making to people that can:

A) Get it done.


B) Aren't complete *******s about it.

Edit: Some more "constructive" feedback: Upon looking at it again, Scud's lower torso looks a little beefy. I know some images show him this way, but generally Scud's a wee bit thinner. That being said, if it takes another year or 3 just to get a resculpt, move along with the one you have now.
I wasn't familiar with Shocker Toys, so I went to their website. Is it just me, or do they specialize in toys that
a) knock off of mini-mates cutesy look and
b) have little to no articulation at all?
If so, I'm not surprised. They are making GWAR toys, and despite the fact that GWAR looks like my Warhammer collection came to life, I've never pegged them for having an intelligent fanbase (sorry to anyone here who does like them, this is just from many years of personal experience with GWAR fans).
I always thought of them as more of a Stikfas knock off, but yeah, I suppose you're right. Either way, they suck.
They're rather lazy looking. I mean, one sculpt and it's countless characters. Quick cash for Shocker toys.

I'm not informed enough to know what you mean by "immature morons" though. What have they done in the past to warrant such titles?

Scud does look cool though. Too bad they're about 15 years too late. And even back then, it would have been far from a hit.
my worry is that they will use similar articulation designs on all of the figs where those types of joints really only work for Scud.

Also, why 6 to 7 inch line? Does that mean these are all going to be too big to be in scale with Toy Biz's LCBH?

What I love was when all those licenses jumped over to Toy Biz and folks got mad at the creators saying they shouldn't have changed over like that....but look, those guys now have figures made and they are phenomenal looking....meanwhile Jim valentino stayd on the sinking ship and is sitting around waiting for his ultra crappy looking shadowhawk figure for his least he has the McFarlane one to fall back on......
They're rather lazy looking. I mean, one sculpt and it's countless characters. Quick cash for Shocker toys.

I'm not informed enough to know what you mean by "immature morons" though. What have they done in the past to warrant such titles?

Scud does look cool though. Too bad they're about 15 years too late. And even back then, it would have been far from a hit.

Rough already touched on it above- Basically, Shocker Toys picked up a few characters and licenses, announced a ton more that were nothing more than preliminary talks, and promised a great, expansive line of Indie comic toys. A year later, they had literally nothing to show for their so called "efforts" so some of the extremely few licenses they picked up jumped ship on them. It turned out that these 2 or 3 characters, (Madman being one) as well of a ton of others, were taken in by an official deal with Marvel Toys(formerly Toybiz) and helped start the line Legendary Comic Book Heroes. Which, in less than a year, have already put out 2 absolutely fantastic waves of toys that are fairly easy to come by. When this line officially debuted, people involved with Shocker Toys went around badmouthing Marvel Toys, the creators of the characters, and the industry in general with juvenile insults I'd expect to hear out of a seventh grader who spends too much time getting his dumb ass suspended. In addition to throwing out every four letter word one can come by, they said things along the lines of how unprofessional Toybiz was being, how they were ****ting all over a smaller company just because they could, and so on.

The fact is that most of the creators involved and properties that Shocker Toys claimed to have in the pipeline were nothing more than preliminary- "what if" kind of talks- if that. But never the less, they announced it far before they were ready or had anything to show for it, and even after a year's time still had NOTHING to show for it, so 2 or 3 out of the 4 or 5 creators they actually did have the license for their characters decided to take their properties over to a large company with a proven track record, instead of staying with a company that could blow a minimal amount of smoke for over a year and not even have a spark of fire to show for it. If they were so concerned with making this line, perhaps they should have given it the attention it deserved back when they first had a shot in hell at making it.

Here we are, what, 2 and a half, almost 3 years later? And they are still working on the damn sculpt for ONE SINGLE FIGURE, then posting it up on message boards. A single person can get what's basically a custom figure out in small production runs in months- what the hell is taking these people so long? Wait, I don't give a ****.
i remember seeing a picture of the shocker toys panel this year at San Diego and hardly anyone was there. it shows the lack of interest for theses things.
Wow I didn't know any of the behind the scenes stuff on this company. It's a shame we will never see this Scud figure cuz it looked pretty sweet :(
I don't know who anyone but the Maxx is from the list provided. But if he was done properly, I'd buy him.
I don't know who anyone but the Maxx is from the list provided. But if he was done properly, I'd buy him.
The first one listed and pictured in prototype form is Scud the disposible assassin. I don't know all the details, never read the comics. But the basic plot is that Scud is a disposible assassin robot. In this world he inhabits it you really want someone dead you find an assassin bot vending machine put in $500 and out pops a Scud. You give it a picture of the target, the robot kills the target and itself explodes immediately after. Scud goes a bit sideways in that he some how becomes self aware and wants to keep living. So he saves his first target from dying and puts him on life support. Course then he needs money, so he becomes a professional assassin.

Shadowhawk is Image founder Jim Valentinos character. He's a Batman type character. His head gear is a lot like Hawkeye's though. And he's dead. Died from aids.

Katchoo is the angry blonde lesbian from Strangers in Paradise.
They showed a rough Proto of Shadowhawk once......two of em actually.....but he looked like an unarticulated piece of the metalocalypse figs they actually released, and I once saw a Proto of the Head for the Max.....Same crap Quality

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