Season 3 Gripes Thread (+ SPOILERS)


It's pronounced "glee"
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Yes, negative review(s) within. This is what happens when you desperately want to like a show based on its premise and you're just not in the target audience.

So, I was all excited about Season 3, hoping, desperately hoping that it would be a return to form to the successful, beautifully thought out and gloriously intricate Season 1, as opposed to the, in my view, slapshod Season 2.

I felt as though I were treated to more of the same. A world revolving around a very small group of people, who generate increasing numbers of plot holes and cliches as the spotlight continues to stay on individuals who no longer need it to be great characters. It was more thought out than season 2, but just as shallow.

Things I liked.

- Peter in Jesse's body. It's not overdone, and the actor's good and it creates fodder for some interesting stories.
- Claire's inhumanity. Again, creative.
- Elle fired. The character has to grow now, booyah.
- Maury, Jessica, Knox, Adam and Sylar as a team. That's some scary stuff!
- Elle getting HRG out. Just a cool moment.
- Angela Petrelli and HRG. They were consistent, generally.
- It was Fu

Things I didn't like.

- The squandering of the God-as-the-source-of-powers storyline so beautifully set up in S1 on a skeptical, lampooned Nathan.
- The Hiro-Ando storyline. Hiro being to dull to see that future Ando was betrayed, when he said as much. Future Ando being able to even hit Future Hiro.
- Mohinder being a first class idiot, injecting himself. Also, his comment about if he had powers he might have been able to stop sylar makes zero sense.
- Mohinder's gratuitous chest scenes. I would have been okay if there had been equivalent female sensuality, but there wasn't. The show is for women, now?
- "Some people are just born evil." This is a one line excuse to give no character development. Not even in flashbacks if the characters stick around.
- Taking out Molly with a one liner. "She's somewhere safe."
- No Micah or Monica.
- Simplified Time Travel. They've gone with a conventional time travel theory instead of the flexible time travel they seemed to have had in S1.
- Tracy Strauss. I'll admit, though... I have a sore spot from how they've handled Nikki. MPD still does not explain disappearing/reappearing tatoos.

Things I hated

- Cheap shocks. To me, S1 shocks changed the entire universe. These shocks only change the characters they apply to. It made me feel like I was watching Lost, which sells the show on cheap shocks and following the same drawn out relationships over and over. Is that what Heroes is going to be now? A carrot on the stick. All answers come with just as many new questions?

- Another Nathan miraculous recoup. There's no suspense here. They can't kill Nathan because Peter and Nathan's relationship runs the show, now. The show is about them and the people that surround them and are attached to them. They are the focus. The joke in comics is "In This Issue, Batman DIES!" and its funny because Batman won't die, really, even if it is technically true. The fact that its Nathan's life in question again over the season break, and he again survives inexplicably (you don't survive long enough to get to the hospital when your heart and lung is punctured, likewise when you receive nuclear radiation poisoning and burns) to get a storyline-restoration to health is... abusive storytelling. They just did that last year.

- Claire can never die. Lets just say the premise is pretty silly. If you drop someone in a sun, or, hey, just take off their head, they die. Even if they can be reconstituted... if you don't reconstitute them, they die. And it highlights again, my major problem with the show right now. The world revolves around Nathan, Peter and Claire. They're the trinity, and have to be in the middle of every world crisis, ever. Right in the middle. Every single crisis. I think that's contrived at best. At least, its an admission: we are never going to kill this character.

It all comes down to...

I already know the problem. I'm not in love with Nathan, Peter, Claire or Sylar. I like HRG, I liked Mohinder before he lost his common sense. I liked Isaac, Simone, Ted, D.L, loved Micah and Monica, and these are types of characters that the writers just aren't interested in writing.

I loved how well thought out Season 1 was, how everything came together, every mystery was supported by everything that had come before it and the characters seemed like they had a destiny larger than themselves. Those writers are gone now, and they have been replaced by writers who are in love chiefly with the characters, chiefly: Peter, Nathan, Claire, Matt, Sylar and sometimes Hiro. They have an audience, other people who are also in love with those charaters. Ones who don't necessarily need a show that they can think deeply about, but just want to follow people they like to look at, or relate to.

And regardless of how much I love the basic premise of Heroes, and the epic mythology set up in Season 1 which captured the world... I'm not in that group. Peter, to me, at his power level, in his universe, is unwriteable. The things that made Nathan an awesome character have been diluted by his continued spotlighting in pointless storylines. Claire can't develop because they won't change her status quo naturally. Sylar is a one-note power fantasy. I'm not impressed with these guys. I want something new, something bigger than them, thematically.


So now, Heroes is just another show to me. You couldn't find a bigger, louder, more invested Heroes fan than me two years ago. Now, because I'm not a Peter fan, I can see the show really isn't for me anymore. I'll watch it if its on, I guess, but I don't really care that Sylar is a Petrelli. I don't really care what Nathan does. I don't care that future Peter is so impotent in the present. I don't really care about Claire getting her humanity back. And that's what the show is about now, as far as I can tell.

Feel free to post your gripes, or if you must, rebuttals here. Try not to take it personal if Peter, Nathan, Claire or Sylar are your faves... or if you're as big a Heroes fan as I used to be. I remember wanting to slap guys who came in here claiming it was just X-Men.
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Seriously... it's like Sylar has a power that no one else has... when he gets around other characters, they get written horribly and then die so he can get another power. Doesn't help when you see the original plan for Sylar was him to be killing more and more people getting more and more powers while Elle is just stupid and can't catch him. Like in all those untold stories they had on the season two dvd.

I really hate that Niki/Jessica/Gina/Tracy/Cindy/Marsha/Jan/Etc... is back. We get it, you writers' have a hard-on for Ali Larter. That doesn't change the fact that you ruined the only good thing about Niki just to kill off DL, her actual logical redemption at the end of the first season... but no, she has to be not cured and actually have MPD instead of the Jessica personality showing up to just help her cope with her powers which wasn't needed anymore cause she dealt with her issues.

And I can't help but think only the interesting characters die and stay dead.
Things I liked.

- Peter in Jesse's body. It's not overdone, and the actor's good and it creates fodder for some interesting stories.
- Claire's inhumanity. Again, creative.
- Elle fired. The character has to grow now, booyah.
- Maury, Jessica, Knox, Adam and Sylar as a team. That's some scary stuff!
- Elle getting HRG out. Just a cool moment.
- Angela Petrelli and HRG. They were consistent, generally.
- It was Fu

who me?
Jeez, I know people have negative reviews but some of this stuff is ridiculous. You want answers to questions about certain stories, who's storylines were only cracked at the surface in these two episodes.

Claire, Nathan, and Peter have been central to the storyline since season one, it's whole Petrelli mythos and hasn't even been cracked yet.

- Mohinder's gratuitous chest scenes. I would have been okay if there had been equivalent female sensuality, but there wasn't. The show is for women, now?

Dude, you're complaining because you saw a guys chest? Come on now.

- No Micah or Monica.

It's only the first two episodes, there was already enough storyline in these two. With the conclusion last season, Monica & Micah's storylines weren't important enough to hit at it right off the bat.

- "Some people are just born evil." This is a one line excuse to give no character development. Not even in flashbacks if the characters stick around.

Uhm, we don't even know the villain characters yet to even have a real opinion on them. HRG was making a blanket statement with his observations, and we know how whacked out he can be at times.

- The Hiro-Ando storyline. Hiro being to dull to see that future Ando was betrayed, when he said as much. Future Ando being able to even hit Future Hiro.

We don't even know what caused the betrayel or even if it something logical or illogical coming from Ando's part. You're jumping to conclusions to early.
It's ****ing X-Men light.

Theres the Magneto guy, the Pyro guy, Suresh is basically turning into Hank McCoy, so on and so forth. I mean, yeah, there's only so many powers and powersets characters can have so theres bound to be overlaps, but come on. Seasons 1 and 2 had a pretty unique set of characters I thought, but now it's just getting a bit silly.

And Sylar being the third petrelli brother? Might as well call him Vulcan.
Also... for once those people that b***h and moan about it ripping off 4400... are right.
Kinda. 4400 was more badass though.
Your upset Monica and Micah were missing? I thought that was one of the best things about the first two eps.
Actually hearing the comparisons... it actually works more than "People have powers!!!!1!!!!"

This serum to give powers that if let out will cause many people to gain powers? 4400

A powerful man who used to be a huge jerk that just cares about himself being shot and then coming back a religious man? 4400
Jeez, I know people have negative reviews but some of this stuff is ridiculous. You want answers to questions about certain stories, who's storylines were only cracked at the surface in these two episodes.

Claire, Nathan, and Peter have been central to the storyline since season one, it's whole Petrelli mythos and hasn't even been cracked yet.

Dude, you're complaining because you saw a guys chest? Come on now.

It's only the first two episodes, there was already enough storyline in these two. With the conclusion last season, Monica & Micah's storylines weren't important enough to hit at it right off the bat.

Uhm, we don't even know the villain characters yet to even have a real opinion on them. HRG was making a blanket statement with his observations, and we know how whacked out he can be at times.

We don't even know what caused the betrayel or even if it something logical or illogical coming from Ando's part. You're jumping to conclusions to early.

You've misunderstood my statements. I *don't* want answers. The way the questions were presented seemed so unentertaining to me, that I don't care.

"The Petrelli Mythos" is my problem. In my opinion, once we get the low-down on Arthur Petrelli, the Petrelli Mythos is explored, and we can get on to the business of cracking the mythos of the whole world and universe. Instead, the show is focused on the Petrelli Mythos, and I don't see any sign of that changing. I see three different storylines. World Blowing Up. Virus. Now, world cracking in half. For some reason, the Petrelli's are dead center each and every time. The mythos of the world may never be explored, or if it is, only as backup stories and supporting cast for the Petrelli mythos.

On Hiro: It doesn't matter how logical the betrayal is. Future Ando says to Future Hiro "you betrayed me" right in front of Hiro. Hiro concludes that Ando becomes a villain and can't be trusted. That's illogical, now, regardless of what happens later.

Some of my issues are peripheral, no need to discuss the double standards between male and female sexuality in the media or the effect of visual identification on the "importance" of the storylines of black characters. Those issues are really bigger than Heroes, and affect many shows. I had been foolish enough to think Heroes would be different, and better, based on season 1.

Your upset Monica and Micah were missing? I thought that was one of the best things about the first two eps.

I know. Many people loved the premiere and the cliffhangers. My opinion is not a popular one, merely a very strong one.
Yes, negative review(s) within. This is what happens when you desperately want to like a show based on its premise and you're just not in the target audience.

So, I was all excited about Season 3, hoping, desperately hoping that it would be a return to form to the successful, beautifully thought out and gloriously intricate Season 1, as opposed to the, in my view, slapshod Season 2.

I felt as though I were treated to more of the same. A world revolving around a very small group of people, who generate increasing numbers of plot holes and cliches as the spotlight continues to stay on individuals who no longer need it to be great characters. It was more thought out than season 2, but just as shallow.

Things I liked.

- Peter in Jesse's body. It's not overdone, and the actor's good and it creates fodder for some interesting stories.
- Claire's inhumanity. Again, creative.
- Elle fired. The character has to grow now, booyah.
- Maury, Jessica, Knox, Adam and Sylar as a team. That's some scary stuff!
- Elle getting HRG out. Just a cool moment.
- Angela Petrelli and HRG. They were consistent, generally.
- It was Fu

Things I didn't like.

- The squandering of the God-as-the-source-of-powers storyline so beautifully set up in S1 on a skeptical, lampooned Nathan.
- The Hiro-Ando storyline. Hiro being to dull to see that future Ando was betrayed, when he said as much. Future Ando being able to even hit Future Hiro.
- Mohinder being a first class idiot, injecting himself. Also, his comment about if he had powers he might have been able to stop sylar makes zero sense.
- Mohinder's gratuitous chest scenes. I would have been okay if there had been equivalent female sensuality, but there wasn't. The show is for women, now?
- "Some people are just born evil." This is a one line excuse to give no character development. Not even in flashbacks if the characters stick around.
- Taking out Molly with a one liner. "She's somewhere safe."
- No Micah or Monica.
- Simplified Time Travel. They've gone with a conventional time travel theory instead of the flexible time travel they seemed to have had in S1.
- Tracy Strauss. I'll admit, though... I have a sore spot from how they've handled Nikki. MPD still does not explain disappearing/reappearing tatoos.

Things I hated

- Cheap shocks. To me, S1 shocks changed the entire universe. These shocks only change the characters they apply to. It made me feel like I was watching Lost, which sells the show on cheap shocks and following the same drawn out relationships over and over. Is that what Heroes is going to be now? A carrot on the stick. All answers come with just as many new questions?

- Another Nathan miraculous recoup. There's no suspense here. They can't kill Nathan because Peter and Nathan's relationship runs the show, now. The show is about them and the people that surround them and are attached to them. They are the focus. The joke in comics is "In This Issue, Batman DIES!" and its funny because Batman won't die, really, even if it is technically true. The fact that its Nathan's life in question again over the season break, and he again survives inexplicably (you don't survive long enough to get to the hospital when your heart and lung is punctured, likewise when you receive nuclear radiation poisoning and burns) to get a storyline-restoration to health is... abusive storytelling. They just did that last year.

- Claire can never die. Lets just say the premise is pretty silly. If you drop someone in a sun, or, hey, just take off their head, they die. Even if they can be reconstituted... if you don't reconstitute them, they die. And it highlights again, my major problem with the show right now. The world revolves around Nathan, Peter and Claire. They're the trinity, and have to be in the middle of every world crisis, ever. Right in the middle. Every single crisis. I think that's contrived at best. At least, its an admission: we are never going to kill this character.

It all comes down to...

I already know the problem. I'm not in love with Nathan, Peter, Claire or Sylar. I like HRG, I liked Mohinder before he lost his common sense. I liked Isaac, Simone, Ted, D.L, loved Micah and Monica, and these are types of characters that the writers just aren't interested in writing.

I loved how well thought out Season 1 was, how everything came together, every mystery was supported by everything that had come before it and the characters seemed like they had a destiny larger than themselves. Those writers are gone now, and they have been replaced by writers who are in love chiefly with the characters, chiefly: Peter, Nathan, Claire, Matt, Sylar and sometimes Hiro. They have an audience, other people who are also in love with those charaters. Ones who don't necessarily need a show that they can think deeply about, but just want to follow people they like to look at, or relate to.

And regardless of how much I love the basic premise of Heroes, and the epic mythology set up in Season 1 which captured the world... I'm not in that group. Peter, to me, at his power level, in his universe, is unwriteable. The things that made Nathan an awesome character have been diluted by his continued spotlighting in pointless storylines. Claire can't develop because they won't change her status quo naturally. Sylar is a one-note power fantasy. I'm not impressed with these guys. I want something new, something bigger than them, thematically.


So now, Heroes is just another show to me. You couldn't find a bigger, louder, more invested Heroes fan than me two years ago. Now, because I'm not a Peter fan, I can see the show really isn't for me anymore. I'll watch it if its on, I guess, but I don't really care that Sylar is a Petrelli. I don't really care what Nathan does. I don't care that future Peter is so impotent in the present. I don't really care about Claire getting her humanity back. And that's what the show is about now, as far as I can tell.

Feel free to post your gripes, or if you must, rebuttals here. Try not to take it personal if Peter, Nathan, Claire or Sylar are your faves... or if you're as big a Heroes fan as I used to be. I remember wanting to slap guys who came in here claiming it was just X-Men.

Wow I agree with you so much.
I am tired of the focus being on Peter, Nathan ,and Claire.
I think Claire being immortal is the STUPIDEST thing ever. It makes no sense as you said, if you remove Claire's brain, smash it or like put it in a blender...she will be dead (I know that sounds sick but its true.) and saying she is immortal really makes the purpose of the first half of season one futile.

Secondly, The family ties HAVE got to stop. Its really an overplayed gimmick. Its not original at know when a main villain is revealed to be the main heroes brother, and you knew it was coming, there is definitely something wrong :o
What made Season 1 work so well is that it was EVERYDAY RANDOM people who happen to have superpowers and through events become interconnected (ala 2005's crash.)...I DON'T want to see full house on a global scale.
Not everyone has to be related, it is super annoying now.

Can the writers not be afraid and kill of major Heroes for good. They introduce minor heroes and kill them off without even completing their arcs but they keep bringing back the same heroes that have completed their purpose.
Nathan should've died in Season 1 :o
Peter should've died, Maya,Nikki should've(is hopefully dead) and I love her...and it goes on and on. The show is introducing too many charecters and not letting enough go. In this case less is more. They should kill of charecters that have completed their arcs or remove them from the main storyline. Keep some very compelling charecters and expand from there.

A small thing that got a my last nerve: Maya.
If you are so close to your twin brother then why the hell are your eyes so dry the VERY NEXT day that you found out he died :whatever:....and to top it off, you celebrate his death by having sex with Mohinder, yeah...smooth :dry:
Can the writers not be afraid and kill of major Heroes for good. They introduce minor heroes and kill them off without even completing their arcs but they keep bringing back the same heroes that have completed their purpose.
Nathan should've died in Season 1 :o
Peter should've died, Maya,Nikki should've(is hopefully dead) and I love her...and it goes on and on. The show is introducing too many charecters and not letting enough go. In this case less is more. They should kill of charecters that have completed their arcs or remove them from the main storyline. Keep some very compelling charecters and expand from there.

A small thing that got a my last nerve: Maya.
If you are so close to your twin brother then why the hell are your eyes so dry the VERY NEXT day that you found out he died :whatever:....and to top it off, you celebrate his death by having sex with Mohinder, yeah...smooth :dry:

First of all: Yes, yes, and yes. And yes also.

This third effect is precisely what made me feel like I was watching Lost. They also had the decency to put their fave characters in flash forwards. "We are not going to kill these characters" was clear, right there in the storyline. It's weak, but at least its curteous and doesn't drag you on with false suspense.

My list of should'ves is extensive.
  • Nathan should have died soon after the explosion, or in it, for maximum glorification.
  • D.L. should've had his deleted scenes from episode 1 in flashbacks... and not gotten shot all the time.
  • Matt should've died at the end of season 1.
  • Sylar should have had Peter's amnesia/painting/Kaitlin/Adam storyline.
  • Peter, and maybe Claire should have had Nathan and Matt's "The 12" storyline, except actually found Arthur Petrelli... played by someone utterly awesome, like Patrick Stewart or Sean Connery.
  • The last paintings of Isaac should have continued to be the murders of the 12 instead of the weak replacement storyline they did.
  • Maya and Alejandro should have met just about everyone by chance on their way to New York. Alejandro should've still been killed though.
  • Should have been a full flashback episode to the 70s when "The 12" were in full swing. Contact with Chandra Suresh would show how his daughter got the Shanti Virus and when his theroies started.
  • Jessica, logically, would have been revealed as Nikki's sister who manifested a mind jumping power as she died.
  • No miracle blood. Somebody would have stayed dead.

I'll stop. Becaues anymore, and it'll sound petty.
My only complaint is also the bringing back of dead characters. One is enough to shock us but characters need to stay dead if they die.
I hated two things.
1. Syler being Peters brother
and 2. The show took plotlines from another Universal/NBC show The 4400.
My list of should'ves is extensive.
  • Nathan should have died soon after the explosion, or in it, for maximum glorification.
Agreed. Nathan's character arc was done after season 1, contributed almost nothing for Season 2 except play the part of the drunken hobo, and now we have him as some stereotypical "I've been touched by God" setup. I mean, if that's the route they were going, why didn't he have his religious conversion when Adam Monroe first healed him?

  • D.L. should've had his deleted scenes from episode 1 in flashbacks... and not gotten shot all the time.
Not to mention the absolute cop-out why he died. They have him survive being shot in season 1 only to be killed by being shot in season 2, WTF!

  • Matt should've died at the end of season 1.
I don't know about that, but they definitely need to do some exploration with him. I mean, we still have no clue as to exactly why he and his wife got divorced (although it's implied that he's not the father of his unborn son).

  • Sylar should have had Peter's amnesia/painting/Kaitlin/Adam storyline.
It certainly would have been more interesting than his being depowered and stuck with the Latino Wonder Twins, that's for sure.

  • Peter, and maybe Claire should have had Nathan and Matt's "The 12" storyline, except actually found Arthur Petrelli... played by someone utterly awesome, like Patrick Stewart or Sean Connery.
I have a feeling that Arthur Petrelli is going to be revealed to be alive this season, that he's pretending to be Linderman, and, like his son Peter, can mimic other people's powers, meaning he has all the powers of the original Founders of the Company.

  • The last paintings of Isaac should have continued to be the murders of the 12 instead of the weak replacement storyline they did.
Absolutely. Not to mention we still don't know what most of their powers even were.

  • Maya and Alejandro should have met just about everyone by chance on their way to New York. Alejandro should've still been killed though.
But then we wouldn't have gotten all those Sylar seducing Maya scenes. :oldrazz:

  • Should have been a full flashback episode to the 70s when "The 12" were in full swing. Contact with Chandra Suresh would show how his daughter got the Shanti Virus and when his theroies started.
I imagine this is precisely what Season 2 would have done had not the writer's strike happened. Remember, the original plan was that the virus got loose and that Odessa had to be quarantined. It stands to reason that Hiro or Peter could have gone back in time to do just that and also have a rematch with a "younger" Adam Monroe.

  • Jessica, logically, would have been revealed as Nikki's sister who manifested a mind jumping power as she died.
I think the multiple personality angle worked just fine.

  • No miracle blood. Somebody would have stayed dead.
Not to mention that it ignores an obvious plot hole--unless Claire or Adam's blood is type O, then their blood would be incompatible with other blood types.
is Sylar really Peter's brother. I thought Angela was just being silly and saying sylar was going to make her proud in doing something.
Griping about Suresh's experiment going wrong and that it copies this or that is ridiculous. Every superhero comic has had a scientist's experiment goes wrong on himself plot for a long time.
Matt should've died at the end of season 1.

Uhm, what? Matt had a great Season 2 arc, I'm happy they didn't kill him off.

Should have been a full flashback episode to the 70s when "The 12" were in full swing. Contact with Chandra Suresh would show how his daughter got the Shanti Virus and when his theroies started.

There actually was a episode titled "1975" that was going to flashback to the 12 in the 70's for the second half of season two, but because of the writers strike, that episode was cut out.

The last paintings of Isaac should have continued to be the murders of the 12 instead of the weak replacement storyline they did.

The majority of the "12" were already dead before those paintings were found. The only ones that were alive at that point were Angela, Bob, and Victoria. Go back and watch I think it was episode 6 or 7when Matt is doing his investigation. Everyone is labled as "Deceased" except for Bob, Angela, an Victoria.

Maya and Alejandro should have met just about everyone by chance on their way to New York. Alejandro should've still been killed though.

You talk about reptitive storylines alot, but didn't we already do that continuously during season one? Them not meeting other characters was the least of their problems - Maya and Alejandro's story was not strong enough for it to have gone on for as long as it did.

Jessica, logically, would have been revealed as Nikki's sister who manifested a mind jumping power as she died.

Why does it have to be a Mind Jumping power? What's so wrong with excepting that because of her past alcoholism, the lingering death of her sister, her husand in jail, the stress of being a single mother, and being under Lindermans thumb that she developed a split personality to deal with all that stress? Not everything has to do with powers, it's just simply a woman pushed to the breaking point mentally.

Seems like most of these things are personal gripes, not taking into account that most of these things couldn't have happened because of things already established or because of the writers strike that screwed up the second season.
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why has no one asked why sylar still has telekinesis? if he lost all his powers, why would he still have that one? lame... and he sucks at using it too... he coulda had claire in a second... and how dumb is she? she can heal from any wound, just JUMP OUT A WINDOW! and hiro is to stupid for words... maya is friggin annoying, she should have died...
Uhm, what? Matt had a great Season 2 arc, I'm happy they didn't kill him off.

I wasn't. I thought they made the best of a ridiculous setup.

The majority of the "12" were already dead before those paintings were found. The only ones that were alive at that point were Angela, Bob, and Victoria. Go back and watch I think it was episode 6 or 7when Matt is doing his investigation. Everyone is labled as "Deceased" except for Bob, Angela, an Victoria.

Hmmm... I thought they had the paintings by ep 3 or 4, but I'll go ahead and double check. I distinctly remember looking forwards to such a storyline and having those dashed when the majority of the 12 were killed by a single line of dialogue.

You talk about reptitive storylines alot, but didn't we already do that continuously during season one? Them not meeting other characters was the least of their problems - Maya and Alejandro's story was not strong enough for it to have gone on for as long as it did.

People meeting each other by chance isn't a storyline, it's a motif. No one's storyline is strong enough to go on isolated and unanchored as theirs did.

Why does it have to be a Mind Jumping power? What's so wrong with excepting that because of her past alcoholism, the lingering death of her sister, her husand in jail, the stress of being a single mother, and being under Lindermans thumb that she developed a split personality to deal with all that stress? Not everything has to do with powers, it's just simply a woman pushed to the breaking point mentally.

That doesn't explain a mark appearing on her shoulder when she's Jessica. The mark, incidentally DOES have to do with powers. The mind jumping is the only thing I've been able to come up with that makes sense in the context of the show. Unfortunately, canon does not make sense.

And also, MPD is not nearly as cool, or interesting, or deep.

Seems like most of these things are personal gripes, not taking into account that most of these things couldn't have happened because of things already established or because of the writers strike that screwed up the second season.

I disagree. I think the change in writing staff had a lot more to do with the lack of quality than the looming strike. The only thing that would have been hard to get in before Christmas was the "1975" episode. Everything else was hidered by writing rather than lack of writing.
- Mohinder's gratuitous chest scenes. I would have been okay if there had been equivalent female sensuality, but there wasn't. The show is for women, now?

Uh...Maya? :huh:
Yes the show is for women when we saw Maya side boob, have a cast of gorgeous women, and we have easily the sexiest and seductive cast member still around, Ali Larter.

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