self -defense


bang bang
Sep 24, 2005
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There are 22 ways you could kill someone with your bare hands . They are mostly considered illegal but could be very helpful in self defense. So thats what this thread is about . , How could it be illegal if it is self defense?

  1. TEMPLE - A very susceptibile vital spot. If struck with sufficient force, may cause unconsciousness or death.
  2. NASION - This is the summit of the nose. If struck with sufficient force may cause death.
  3. PHILTRUM - This is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose. Attack to this area may also cause unconsciousness or death.
  4. HOOK TO JAW - A powerful hook punch to the front side of jaw may snap an enemy's neck. Fatal.
  5. ADAM'S APPLE - A sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate.
  6. SOLAR PLEXUS - The small of back. May cause death.
  7. TESTICLES - The strong, focused pain of a vicious low blow may cause shock, resulting in death.
  8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM - A powerful blow to the nape of the neck, causing mortal damage.
  9. COCCYX - A powerful blow to the tail bone. Fatal.
  10. FULL NELSON - Stand behind the enemy, put your arms under his, and lock your hands behind his head. Bending the neck forward may either break neck, asphyxiate enemy, or cut of supply of spinal fluid to brain, causing brain damage or death.
  11. HALF NELSON - Again, standing behind enemy, but one arm is used to pin one of enemy's arms.
  12. BRAIN BUSTER - Bend enemy over towards you, placing him in a headlock. Grab the back of his belt, and haul him into the air, vertical, upside-down. Allow yourself to fall backward, landing on your enemy's head, which will absorb your combined weight. Most effective on concrete or gravel.
  13. RUSSIAN OMELET - Cross enemy's legs. Fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground upside-down and placing his legs above him. Sit on his legs, folding the bass of the spine. Fatal.
  14. HEART PUNCH - A strongman's attack, it is simply a powerful blow to the heart. (Many years ago, the wrestler Ox killed an opposing wrestler with this attack.)
  15. UPPERCUT - An upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand, causing the enemy's head to snap backward. May shatter vertabrae. Fatal.
  16. ABDOMEN - A substantial blow to this area may rupture a vital organ, causing death.
  17. RIB CAGE - A vicious shattering of the rib cage may cause grave internal bleeding.
  18. HEAD-TO-WALL PUNCH - A swift, hard, cold-cock punch to an enemy's face while he is standing near a wall may drive his head into it, causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally.
  19. PINNED DROP KICK - Standing behind enemy, holding his arms straight back. A drop kick to the back without releasing arms may severe spine, causing death.
  20. HEAD WRENCH - Grabbing an enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull, then twisting with a sudden, violent jerk to rend vertabrae, may easily cause death.
  21. CHOKE HOLD - Once a favorite of law enforcement officials, has often proved deadly. The right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder, and grips the back of the head. The left arm comes over his left shoulder, reaches across neck, and grabs own right forearm. With enough pressure applied, causes brain damage or death.
  22. HEAD YANK - Bend enemy forward, grab head, and pull back with convincing force. May seperate delicate vertebrae, causing death.
People break their Coccyx all the freakin' time. I've never heard of a coccyx-related death.

yeah that one does sound kind of iffy , some of these are only possible under certain circumstances.
but the average everyday person isnt trained in all those different methods of striking.....
how can you not be trained for punching someone in the neck?
but the average everyday person isnt trained in all those different methods of striking.....
Apparently somebody out there is well enough trained that a punch to your ass would prove fatal. :csad:
Not everyone is aware you can kill someone doing that....
Which is weird, because that's just about the most vulnerable exterior portion of your body. I mean, I think people intuitively know just how sensitive an area it really is, even if they don't ever think to hit somebody there.
this thread is going to cause murders all around the world
Did you know that the armpit is a sensitive spot? I read you can kill someone if you stab or hit them hard enough there
Apparently somebody out there is well enough trained that a punch to your ass would prove fatal. :csad:

It is the fabled Monkey's Ass-Punch Of Death! Your kung fu must be VERY strong to do it, otherwise you will just break your hand.

I can kill a man 16 different ways with a drinking straw....17 If I leave the wrapper on
regular drinking straw or one of the with the bendable end?
Some of these can only be done when standing behind an opponent. I'm pretty sure you can't call it self-defense when you're behind the attacker, unless it's a kidnapping or hostage scenario and you only have that one opportunity.
I was kidnapped once, I fought my way free with a NES controller, a rubix cube, and a copy of Lady Chatterleys' Lover
I was kidnapped once, I fought my way free with a NES controller, a rubix cube, and a copy of Lady Chatterleys' Lover

That's easy, just give one kidnapper the rubix cube, and the other the book. Then, while they're distracted, strangle them both at once with the NES controller's decently long cord.
Which is weird, because that's just about the most vulnerable exterior portion of your body. I mean, I think people intuitively know just how sensitive an area it really is, even if they don't ever think to hit somebody there.

The majority of people when striking another person will swing for the head/face area or try and grapple them to the ground out of pure instinct.

Precision striking to vital areas is in fact something that must be taught and does not come naturally to the majority of people. Keep in mind that most people have not learned how to think in combat situations, especially if they are caught off guard. To retrain your instincts and muscle movement (down to fighting the urge to blink or close your eyes) is something that is taught instinct and not a natural instinct.

If put in a situation where the swings are coming fast and furious, it is very easy to see where a wayward swing could inadvertently be lethal.
That's easy, just give one kidnapper the rubix cube, and the other the book. Then, while they're distracted, strangle them both at once with the NES controller's decently long cord.

That long chord does come in handy
Anyone that gets in a fight or scuffle will say it's self-defense...that's the first argument anyone uses when someone dies. Your word against theirs.
Anyone that gets in a fight or scuffle will say it's self-defense...that's the first argument anyone uses when someone dies. Your word against theirs.

Two things usually bring facts to light.

1. Were they in your home/on your property
2. Wittiness’s.

Very rarely do you have a case where the only two people around are the ones fighting.

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