In the past few years or so, which do you prefer? I have only read amazing and ultimate, but I have heard so many good things about sensational on this board, I just wanted to know what the majority of the people here preferred. Also, which recent spider-man trades would you recommend picking up?
I voted Sensational, but you should've maybe given more options. Or a tie at least.
I noticed you said past few years.... Well if it's years, you have to remember SSM was originally Marvel Knights Spider-Man, with Mark Millar's,(and seemingly Marvel's last, for the time being,) edgy take on the traditional Spidey story. Secret identity being important and everything! (Lol)
Then it became quite mediocre with Reggie Hudlin's short run, before coming back into full force with RAS taking the reigns.
As we all now, over the last 6 years, JMS's ASM has had some great high's, and some REALLY piss poor lows.
In terms of achieving bold new changes, and getting to the core of Peter Parkers spiritual strength, and his own feelings, it's ASM.
BUT, in terms of overall consistency, respect to continuity, and taking advantage of Spidey's awesome supporting cast, Sensational wins hands down.
They both have their strengths, but I'd have to give MKSM/SSM the slight edge, due to the fact that it seems to have writers that love the Spidey lore in it's entirety. And it didn't spawn The Book of Ezekial/Sins Past/Skin Deep. ASM has had some badass highs, but did have **** like Gwen becoming a ****. Was that really needed?