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Comics Sensational vs amazing

Sensational Spider-man vs. Amazing vs. Friendly Neighborhood vs. Ultimate

  • Amazing

  • Sensational

  • Friendly Neighborhood

  • Ultimate

  • other

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Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
In the past few years or so, which do you prefer? I have only read amazing and ultimate, but I have heard so many good things about sensational on this board, I just wanted to know what the majority of the people here preferred. Also, which recent spider-man trades would you recommend picking up?
FNSM > Amazing > Sensational > Ultimate.

Usually, I'm not a fan of Amazing, but this past arc has been great, IMO.
Sensational > Amazing > Ultimate > FNSM
I don't read Amazing so SSM>FNSM>Ultimate

It depends on my mood though
I don't see all the hate over FNSM. Peter David is a great writer. I enjoy both FNSM, SSM, and ASM equally. I don't read USM simply because I could never get into the Ultimate Universe, I'm more of 616 guy.
In the past few years or so, which do you prefer? I have only read amazing and ultimate, but I have heard so many good things about sensational on this board, I just wanted to know what the majority of the people here preferred. Also, which recent spider-man trades would you recommend picking up?

I voted Sensational, but you should've maybe given more options. Or a tie at least.

I noticed you said past few years.... Well if it's years, you have to remember SSM was originally Marvel Knights Spider-Man, with Mark Millar's,(and seemingly Marvel's last, for the time being,) edgy take on the traditional Spidey story. Secret identity being important and everything! (Lol)

Then it became quite mediocre with Reggie Hudlin's short run, before coming back into full force with RAS taking the reigns.

As we all now, over the last 6 years, JMS's ASM has had some great high's, and some REALLY piss poor lows.

In terms of achieving bold new changes, and getting to the core of Peter Parkers spiritual strength, and his own feelings, it's ASM.

BUT, in terms of overall consistency, respect to continuity, and taking advantage of Spidey's awesome supporting cast, Sensational wins hands down.

They both have their strengths, but I'd have to give MKSM/SSM the slight edge, due to the fact that it seems to have writers that love the Spidey lore in it's entirety. And it didn't spawn The Book of Ezekial/Sins Past/Skin Deep. ASM has had some badass highs, but did have **** like Gwen becoming a ****. Was that really needed?
Actually wasn't Sensational its own title before the re-vamp and Marvel knights? I remember Spider-man was the Hornet during identity crisis during that run.
Actually wasn't Sensational its own title before the re-vamp and Marvel knights? I remember Spider-man was the Hornet during identity crisis during that run.

Lol, that sounds like a bit of a Marvel/DC cross breed of info you got there lol.

But yea, that was a long time ago and a different book altogther. It was for psuedo-Spidey: Ben Reilly. (I normally NEVER wish death upon anyone, but thank God that's over.)

With all the name changes/re-launches/mini's, Marvel are making it hard to keep track of which book is which.
And I guarentee, mark my words, that an ALL-AMAZING won't last long either, I give it a year tops, before they relaunch all the amazing arcs into seperate titles that are more manageable again.

I REALLY wish they'd stop relaunching and re-naming and renumbering.

It'd be great to still be collecting WEB OF , for instance, and know what it is that I'm reading, and the history of it...backissue-wise. Easier to collect and talk about that way.

Everytime they rename and relaunch, Marvel is just repacking the same thing with a different name to try to drum up sales with a new #1. They're all still the same-Spidey, but with a new aritst or something when they relaunch. That is the trend now.

Coming up, Sensational will prolly still exist in theory, just under a new name of story arcs ALL called "Amazing".

I'd rather MArvel went back to all the classics, like Peter PArker Spec. SM and Web of SM,....and picked up where they left off number wise instead of CRAMMING everything under a magical heading of Amazing. That would have been more old-school, which is what JQ wants, he says.

Wouldn't THAT have been MUCH cooler??
And I guarentee, mark my words, that an ALL-AMAZING won't last long either, I give it a year tops, before they relaunch all the amazing arcs into seperate titles that are more manageable again.

I REALLY wish they'd stop relaunching and re-naming and renumbering.

It'd be great to still be collecting WEB OF , for instance, and know what it is that I'm reading, and the history of it...backissue-wise. Easier to collect and talk about that way.

Everytime they rename and relaunch, Marvel is just repacking the same thing with a different name to try to drum up sales with a new #1. They're all still the same-Spidey, but with a new aritst or something when they relaunch. That is the trend now.

Coming up, Sensational will prolly still exist in theory, just under a new name of story arcs ALL called "Amazing".

I'd rather MArvel went back to all the classics, like Peter PArker Spec. SM and Web of SM,....and picked up where they left off number wise instead of CRAMMING everything under a magical heading of Amazing. That would have been more old-school, which is what JQ wants, he says.

Wouldn't THAT have been MUCH cooler??

Agreed. I'd like three Spidey ongoings: Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel Team-Up, and Peter Parker: the Spectacular Spider-Man...

Amazing features Spidey and classic rogues..PPTSSM features Peter and his supporting cast (and the occasional new villain)...and Marvel Team Up features Spidey and a different Marvel hero every issue or two (but concentrate more on characters that are closely associated with, or otherwise got their start in a Spidey book: such as Dr. Strange, Daredevil, Human Torch, Punisher, Prowler, Black Cat, Cloak & Dagger, Silver Sable, etc.,...)

It doesnt get any more classic then THAT. :word:
Hard choice.

In the past few years my favorite has been USM. It was the title that pulled me back into comics and I still enjoy reading it.

ASM had a really bad period going for it in the past year or so, but has recently been really really good. The Back in Black storyline has been great even if it is a bit depressing to read such a "dark" version of Spider-man.

SSM has been great since the start. Its a shame that the title is coming to an end soon.

All in all, I love the Spider titles at the moment.
I picked Amazing, but I like Ultimate and Amazing the same. There the only comics I read.

2. Friendly Neighborhood SPIDER-MAN

3. The Sensational SPIDER-MAN
Sensational is the best. Period.

FNSM gets second, simply because it has Peter fighting super-powered folk in it.

Spider-man Family gets third. It collects some classic tales, along with some nice little odd stories. I've actually enjoyed this more than I thought I would. It would rank over FNSM, if it wasn't for that hefty 4.99 price tag...

I'd give Amazing fourth...simply because it's not Ultimate Spider-Man, which hasn't enthralled me in years. The last issue had Spidey getting his ass kicked by a nomral person....AGAIN. Electra, the Enforcers, Moon Knight/Ronin....who can't beat Ultimate Spider-Man in a fight? I'm betting Flash Thompson jumps him and beats him to a pulp in a few issues. Although I do love Bagley's art.

Ultimate is last. I WANT to like USM, but I just can't. I keep waiting for Spidey to do something cool, and he just gets his ass kicked. Every. Issue. Every. Villain. The only person he hasn't lost to yet is Shocker....and I'm sure that's coming.
Lol, that sounds like a bit of a Marvel/DC cross breed of info you got there lol.
Um, no. Spider-man had a story arc cross-over called identity Crisis, where he took on the guise of four new superheroes because being Spider-man was too dangerous.
As much as I love Sensational, it's a companion piece. All the big stuff happens on Amazing. Although I like Peter David as a writer...his Sin Eater stuff in the 80's was great, he hasn't impressed me at all on Friendly. He's been hit and miss for me.

For me it's

I didn't know that Peter David did the "Sin Eater" storyline.

Is there any way to get that story in TPB? I have the issues, but they are pretty much falling apart.
I would say Amazing is best, but its starting to... lose it's touch.
Once they get rid of these choices of titles of ours...and make it AMAZING 3X or nothing at all...

will the next poll thread be WEEK ONE, TWO OR THREE??

Based on past two years

2/ Sensational
3/ USM
4/ ASM

But truthfully they've all had problems in the past few years...

FNSM = Evil Ben and Jumping Tracks
Sensational = at times too dark and extremely anti-climatic endings to arcs
USM = One word, Clones
ASM = Just been bad since about and including "Skin Deep" for me with the odd sprinkling of strong writing "Hydra arc"
Um, no. Spider-man had a story arc cross-over called identity Crisis, where he took on the guise of four new superheroes because being Spider-man was too dangerous.

UUuuuummm... That was a joke, Identity Crisis?

Mate, you don't need to give me an explanation either. If you bothered to actually read, my next line was

wolvie2020 said:
But yea, that was a long time ago and a different book altogther. It was for psuedo-Spidey: Ben Reilly. (I normally NEVER wish death upon anyone, but thank God that's over.)

Ugh. I don't know why I try sometimes...:huh:
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