

Feb 19, 2011
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I've been reading the Shazam back-up in JL. Okay....I get more nice Billy. He's a little snot now.

But what I do not understand is why all of his powers "except" wisdom activate when he is Shazam????

He's robbing ATMs with Freddie now??

In an effort to do the "He's a kid in a man's body" thing (which I hate) they seem to ignore that one power.
Arguably, he's always been a kid in a mans body.......but before he was an exceptionally good and worthy kid (they really nailed it in the "Return of Black Adam" short); while now he is an ***hole punk......who will presumably develop into a worthy kid. I'm only grudgingly buying JL now for the Aquaman crossover. So far the New 52 interpretations of Captain Marvel and the former JSA characters are a complete travesty.:(
Arguably, he's always been a kid in a mans body.......but before he was an exceptionally good and worthy kid (they really nailed it in the "Return of Black Adam" short); while now he is an ***hole punk......who will presumably develop into a worthy kid. I'm only grudgingly buying JL now for the Aquaman crossover. So far the New 52 interpretations of Captain Marvel and the former JSA characters are a complete travesty.:(

I dont believe he was originally portayed that way Pre-Crisis On Infinite Earths 1985....

But this is a travesty.......

Again I ask.....where's his wisdom????
Pre-Crisis, the dichotomy between Billy and Cap was always a bit ambiguous. When DC bought the rights, his appearances were a bit sporadic so there was not a whole hell of a lot of development with his character. I do feel that both Jerry Ordway and Alex Ross really nailed it in their portrayals; too bad neither of them are involved currently (though I heard Ross agrees that this new stuff sucks too). Still they probably would be told what to do anyway.
But I digress.....sorry.
Apparently the New 52 version of Solomon is a wise ass punk.:cwink:
I will say this about is great....story sucks.
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"Wisdom is the judicious application of knowledge. It is a deep understanding and realization of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgements and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions. Wisdom is also the comprehension of what is true coupled with optimum judgment as to action."
Define wisdom.

Seriously??? Ok..........

How about Solid judgement......the opposite of "foolish".........Not vandalizing someone's car for kicks, definitely not robbing an ATM!!! Not being pulled around and influenced by others and Freddie is clearly doing that to him.

Making good decisions......... I have seen him fly, lift cars, run fast, and shoot lightning......all the "cool" powers are fully manifested immediately. Accept boring ol' wisdom.

And we cant sluff it off on the "he's a kid" card. Why?? Because kids dont have super speed and strength as a norm. And yet he is showing those abilities. The writers seem to be ignoring the wisdom piece to make this more interesting.

But it makes no sense.
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So... New 52 Shazam is basically no good, yeah?
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Good point, Shazam. They could have made him amoral without sacrificing wisdom.
Good point, Shazam. They could have made him amoral without sacrificing wisdom.

I just think that "ALL" of his powers should manifest while in this form. When he transforms back to "Billy", then let him be who he is normally.

But I think that over time, even the Billy part of him could still learn and grow into a more settled person.
we were disappointed billy batson changed

but shazam is the best thing our the geoff is writing right now in his opinion
That's so typical of everyone in entertainment. How often have actors and musicians claimed that their latest work is the best work they've ever done or at least measures up to anything they've ever done......and it turns out to be crap! :barf:
So it is with comic creators as well; they are their own biggest fans (and they just believe what they tell themselves).
Maybe he doesn't know how to access or use the wisdom yet? Just like he's learning everything else.
Maybe he doesn't know how to access or use the wisdom yet? Just like he's learning everything else.

Doesnt make sense........It's part of his power set. Its the "S".....

He doesnt say "HAZAM!"

I think the writers cant tell the story they want to tell, if Billy thinks differently while in his Shazam form.

I think it would be a more interesting story....
Doesnt make sense........It's part of his power set. Its the "S".....

He doesnt say "HAZAM!"

Oh yeah. I forgot immediately after he transformed he did all of that other stuff and had it mastered completely in the first panel. My bad.
Oh yeah. I forgot immediately after he transformed he did all of that other stuff and had it mastered completely in the first panel. My bad.

If he had the wisdom, aspect of his powers, it should have kicked in and prevented him from vandalizing that man's car.....everytime he needed the other powers , they kicked in. Why? Because they are a package deal. They rob an ATM!!

It aint happening....why isnt Wisdom kicking in?

Because Johns thinks the Billy the juvenile delinquent is more interesting.

But it makes no sense.
I don't know, that's pretty wise. You need money. It's in the machine. Take it out of the machine. :confused:

Guy's being a *****e. *****e loves his car. F**k *****e's car up.

He's wise. Wisdom doesn't = morality. Wisdom simply cuts trough the boos**t.
I don't know, that's pretty wise. You need money. It's in the machine. Take it out of the machine. :confused:

Guy's being a *****e. *****e loves his car. F**k *****e's car up.

He's wise. Wisdom doesn't = morality. Wisdom simply cuts trough the boos**t.


Breaking the law is wise?? Theft and vandalism? Are you just being obtuse on purpose? :huh:

He didn't need money. They both have a home to live in and food there. Wisdom says, "Hey Freddie, let's not get in trouble by taking what's not ours and ruining someone else's property."

Wisdom is inherently "good". You can't separate the two.

Don't confuse wisdom with being "crafty" or "scheming". Those lead to consequences.
He's a walking Pantheon. What are they gonna do?
And what consequences are there from the cops?
Ok....I think you both must be kidding........

Just because the cops might not have the means to bring consequences, that doesnt mean he will have a good out come.

Is Billy's intent to at odds with the law and society?

Is his intent to be at odds with the entire superhero community as a wanted super-villain?

No. That is foolishness....not wisdom.
Pfft, Superman's gonna bring a guy in for messing up some *****e bags car and stealing from the corrupt banks that ruined the economy and totally got away with it? I don't think so.

Didn't you hear? This years Superman hates the establishment. :o

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