Shia Labeouf says he's done making big studio movies...

I still don't get why he was cast in Lawless. He looks so out of place in the billing. You have all these amazing actor names, Hardy, Oldman, Pearce, Chastain... and then... LABEOUF! Sighh.

I guess he could prove me wrong and be unexpectedly great, but I kind of doubt it.
I wish him luck on wherever he chooses to take his career. And I'll be watching.
This reminds me when James Franco was bashing Rise of the Planet of the Apes before it got released and then afterward, it ended up being critically praised and making unexpected amounts of money. Granted, he can have his opinion and more power to him, but whenever an actor or actress says something outspoken like that, they come off as an ass.
He made a comment like this a few years ago. At his age im calling BS on statements like this.
"Why I'm Quitting Tobacco" by Don Draper...
I don't understand this 'decision'. This is LeBeef -- the same guy who starred in Michael Bay's ****. Seriously, when did he become that guy muttering about quality?
I still don't get why he was cast in Lawless. He looks so out of place in the billing. You have all these amazing actor names, Hardy, Oldman, Pearce, Chastain... and then... LABEOUF! Sighh.

I guess he could prove me wrong and be unexpectedly great, but I kind of doubt it.

He was the only one left from the original cast. It was supposed to be him, Franco, Gosling, Adams, and Johansson but everyone but him dropped out. He helped assemble the new cast.
He was the only one left from the original cast. It was supposed to be him, Franco, Gosling, Adams, and Johansson but everyone but him dropped out. He helped assemble the new cast.

F*** that wouldve been awesome

as for this. I mean, meh, he's a fine actor so good for him, but whatever really. It's not that big of a deal
He was not a bad actor. I am glad to see him stick up for his guns about being an independent filmmaker because the corporate studio system is exactly the way he describes it. He has the money this is a good decision on his part and more follow in this direction.
maybe because he finally realizes that he sucks?
He is probably gonna appear in a big summer movie in the next 2 years.

Good, because I was done watching him in those a while ago. Hopefully this new stage actually yields some good work.
What a darn shame. I really wanted to see continuation of Mutt Williams...:oldrazz:
I didn't like his action movies whatsoever. He was alright as Mutt Willams and Wall Street 2 though.

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