Should they make another Ghost Rider movie?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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Hollywood has already tried to make two Ghost Rider movies and neither one was very good. Should they make another one?
Would love to see more of Ghost Rider except without Nic Cage but then the new actor would probably be doing bad Nic Cage impressions.:eek:
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Nic Cage, terrible scripts, and crappy directors were the reasons the first two Ghost Rider films failed miserably.

Hopefully, Sony doesn't realize this and simply thinks the character does not make for successful movies...then they will let the rights lapse back to Marvel, who can actually make a GOOD Ghost Rider film.
If by "They" you mean Sony then: NO!

If by "They" you mean Marvel/Disney once the rights have reverted back then: Sure, why not?
Sadly, I suspect Sony will make another Ghost Rider movie. The sequel did poorly in theaters, but thanks to its ultra low budget, I'm pretty sure it did turn a profit. I suspect as long as they keep making money, and as long as Cage is willing to make them cheap, Sony will keep putting them out.
Sony needs to give it up. They don't have the balls to make a good GR movie.
Not for a long time and preferably when it goes back to Marvel.
Hollywood has already tried to make two Ghost Rider movies and neither one was very good. Should they make another one?

Not under Lions Gate. Didn't bother to even watch the last film.

Maybe if the rights reverted back to Marvel, a respectable Blackheart could show up in a Dr. Strange sequel.
Sadly, I suspect Sony will make another Ghost Rider movie. The sequel did poorly in theaters, but thanks to its ultra low budget, I'm pretty sure it did turn a profit. I suspect as long as they keep making money, and as long as Cage is willing to make them cheap, Sony will keep putting them out.

It lost money here in the States 51mill to be exact. But made about 80mil overseas.

It cost 57 million to make.
It lost money here in the States 51mill to be exact. But made about 80mil overseas.

It cost 57 million to make.

Given the studio only makes half of each ticket, it probably barely broke even after advertising.
Hope Marvel gets the rights back, then make a new movie and maybe include Dr. Strange
Build up to a shared Sony/Marvel Comics universe, and have Ghost Rider cameo in next successful Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, before they team up against giant mummies :p
Needs more Nic Cage. They need to have two if them fighting each other.
Marvel (if they were got get the rights back) would not even have to reboot if they made Danny Ketch the Ghost Rider in future films..
I think it'd be worth doing a full reboot if they wanted to go for a Marvel Knights type thing. Ghost Rider, Punisher, Blade, etc. All could do with reboots under the guise of Marvel Studios. We've got the Avengers handling the aliens invasions, let's get some street level heroes kicking the snot out of street level villains.
Sure...would love to see another GR movie...if they can manage to make it interesting.
I'm fine with the two films under Sony. They should retire the character for a while and let the rights revert back to Marvel/Disney. If Cage still wants to cameo as the Rider/Johnny, so be it, they can slip it in somewhere. Beyond that, GR is not a traditional Avengers hero. Maybe Defenders at best, also Marvel Knights, darker heroes.
I was watching the Spawn animated series and thought that format and animation style could make for an interesting Ghost Rider show or movie. Very dark, brooding and violent with a twist of black humor. It could focus on Blaze or Ketch riding around the country as a motorcross or stunt driver while secretly hunting down the agents of hell.

It could be a cheap way to get some of the minor supernatural characters exposure too.
I JUST saw Spirit of Vengence for the first time and unless they can do better with scripting I'd say no.
Don't get me wrong I BOUGHT the dvd I liked the film but the scripting just lacks something, everything else was better than the 1st one
They should get Andy Samburg to play GR and just make it a parody.
heh I got a kick out of the "Flame Thrower" bit.
Ghost Rider is an interesting enough character, but unless they recast GR himself and change the tone of the films into something darker and focusing on the supernatural and the otherworldy, then I don't think they should make another film.
I'd like the rights to go to Marvel (Or another company, whichever) but a part of me thinks they won't make the tone as dark as a GR story could/should be. Maybe that's just me.
I think We need to first get a heroes for hire film, focused on Luke Cage and Iron Fist, and for its sequel, you have the two of them recruiting heroes for specific jobs...

So it's never a set team, and maybe it helps a character like GhostRider... Essentially he could work better in a team film, as it won't be focused on him, with him just having some awesome action scenes, he could potentially be a crowd favorite like the Hulk in Avengers.

And maybe that gets a filmmaker to come up with abetter story for the character

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