Sequels Singer Interested In X4/Wolverine Spinoff?


May 30, 2004
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Singer acknowledged that he has also been approached to direct the next "X-Men" movie — he directed the first two well-received films before turning over the reigns for the third installment to Brett Ratner — but said he wouldn't have time to take on another large-scale project before the next Superman gets underway. He is interested, however, in seeing the script for the "X-Men" spinoff "Wolverine."

He and Jackman are close friends.....
Yes, url please.
If Fox would have him, Singer can do any X-Men movie he pleases.
LOL! LOL! This is almost as a good as Election in America the other night.

Fox came to Singer to have him direct X4! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Comeupance much!
Bryan , please reconsider it ..

pleaseeeeeee :o :hyper:
Really Singer, DO IT!!!!!!!!
GOOD At least this would get him OFF the Superman franchise and get him back on to what he does best... ****ING X-MEN... X-2 BLOODY ROCKED THE HOUSE While Superman Returns was a decent film but had the potential to be so much better

GET HIM OFF SUPERMAN... MAKE HIM DO X4... Unfortunately he refused it, bastard
echostation said:
GOOD At least this would get him OFF the Superman franchise and get him back on to what he does best... ****ING X-MEN... X-2 BLOODY ROCKED THE HOUSE While Superman Returns was a decent film but had the potential to be so much better

GET HIM OFF SUPERMAN... MAKE HIM DO X4... Unfortunately he refused it, bastard

Regarding SR, many said the same thing about the first X-men. So who knows, if Singer does the sequel we may have another X2 on our hands.
he didn't need to introduce the characters in SR everyone knows who they are unlike the x men he had the free reign to get right into the story like he said about X2 and it didn't happen.
GoldGoblin said:
What would Singer bring to X4?

Rogue and cyclops(the actors are singer fans)
continuity (day/night in X3 was bad)
good humour
and the sanity if the fans:huh:
04nbod said:
Rogue and cyclops(the actors are singer fans)
continuity (day/night in X3 was bad)
good humour
and the sanity if the fans:huh:
good enough for me :p
GoldGoblin said:
What would Singer bring to X4?

In my view the movie will go back to a pace that is way to slow and overly-sensitive. Other than that the movie will still be good.
Singer must come back to X4, he must.........I have faith he will.

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