SKATE Gameplay footage... TONY who????

I skated for a few years and I gotta say that is just awesome. Tony Hawk seemed to be making the games more for the "sk8er" crowd and this game looks like your watching a real skate video. Very nice especially to see Rob Dyrdek giving it kudos.
Thats my main problem with skating games (less so with Project 8), its nothing like real skating.

I have been saying for years to drop all this superfast and ultra unrealistic skating and focus on real world stuff.

Im just shocked that it took EA to do something about it :(
Yeah I mean that gameplay footage was like watching a real skate video... very impressive. Hope it has a roster with at least a few of my faves.
The last good Tony Hawk game was THUG, maybe THUG 2. That was the series at its highpoint. It has gone downhill there. AW was horrible and I hear Project 8 is garbage. I hate how MTVish and cartoony the series has gotten
Havok83 said:
The last good Tony Hawk game was THUG, maybe THUG 2. That was the series at its highpoint. It has gone downhill there. AW was horrible and I hear Project 8 is garbage. I hate how MTVish and cartoony the series has gotten

It's funny you mentioned this, considering that video is a clip from Rob and Big, that MTV show.

zomg, I loved the OWNED.:O
The Legend Link said:
It's funny you mentioned this, considering that video is a clip from Rob and Big, that MTV show.


MTV hits a key demographic for promotion but yes it still does suck.
Ain't Project 8 supposed to be crud?

Crud? Jesus who uses that word anymore?

Oh and Tony the Tiger was on the radio today.
Anyone remember 2-Extreme for PS1?
Hmm,guess I'm one of the few that enjoy Project 8. Alot more realistic than Wasteland.

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