So does anyone have a wooby?


Member of the NRA
Aug 29, 2003
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According to Urban Dictionary: A Wooby is a
Security blanket, teddy bear, or any physical item (for children) or emotional feeling (for adults) that gives you that safe, fuzzy, warm aura.

I was thinking of this lately. As a small child I had a stuffed animal that looked like a German Shepherd in the sitting position I called Ruff Ruff. I still have him. I would chew on his plastic nose. I should take a picture of Ruff Ruff.

As I got older and put away stuffed animals, I got attached to what I called tickly things. These were like the satin lining around blankets or the corner of a jacket pocket. I noticed I rub my fingers on the corner of one of these satin lined blankets more when I am stressed. I have one on my couch that my cat lays on and I have the corner right by me and I've noticed that I rub it more when things are going bad to calm me down. I think it takes me back to when I was a kid.

So what is or was your wooby?


So this is Ruff Ruff after almost 36 years. He's looking rough.
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I have a small cozy blue blanket. I guess that would be my wooby. When I was younger I had Teddy Ruxpin
When I was a little kid I had this very small clear blue rubber pterodactyl I got out of one of those capsule toy machines. I always slept with it, and it's a wonder I never lost the thing. My mom still has it around somewhere.
Winnie the Pooh from 1978 that my dad bought me when I was born.
my mom crocheted a blanket for me when I was a baby I still have it to this day as it is SO big it can cover a queen size bed. I also have a stuffed dog that was called Danny Dog and had a yellow silk ribbon around his neck my grandma got me when I was 7 when my brother was born (he is 30 now you do the math :hehe: ).
my mom crocheted a blanket for me when I was a baby I still have it to this day as it is SO big it can cover a queen size bed. I also have a stuffed dog that was called Danny Dog and had a yellow silk ribbon around his neck my grandma got me when I was 7 when my brother was born (he is 30 now you do the math :hehe: ).

I had hundreds of stuffed animals up until I was 15, which I guess is the age all mothers force their children to rid themselves of all that is wonderful.

But for my past birthday, I received an obnoxiously orange stuffed ducky that has brought back all my wooby feels...
my security blanket would be my leather jacket. it has my soul trapped in it. never far from me.
I still have a (now) ratty, twisted blanket that I originally got as a baby.
The scars on my back from all the childhood whippings are my woobies. I run my fingers along the marred flesh to calm myself. That's normal right?
My mum recently 'accidentally' gave away all my childhood toys :(

Fortunately, she hasn't managed to make me give up this guy:


I got given him by a random customer at the bar I worked in about 4 or 5 years ago. My Mum has hated him ever since. She keeps trying to insist I get rid of 'that damn awful thing', but he comes with me everywhere I go.

Not only is he big enough for me to full body hug, but he is a constant source of amusement.

For instance, the last place I lived was a bedsit with an on suite bathroom, and my friend used to scare the crap out of people by holding him up to the door as they came out.
I had a Tweety Bird that I slept with well into my teens.

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