So Is Cooke Done On The Spirit?


Jun 28, 2002
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Cause if so, you know, I think I'm gonna drop it. So, is he done? Or is this just a break for an issue or 2 like he's done before?
His last issue was 12.

Why would you drop a series before you've even read the new interpretation?
Seriously. I don't understand that. Cooke is really the absolute only thing that's enjoyable about the Spirit to people?
But you don't even have other writers' work on the current Spirit comic to compare him to. :huh:
So? if he hears interesting things about the new creator he can always pick it back issues. whats the big deal?
When lots of people drop books because their favorite creators have moved on, they tend to get cancelled, whether the replacement is doing a good job or not.
I'm just not interested if it's not Cooke...he seemed to have a plan, and was going somewhere with the entire Octopus thing. I know he resolved the El Murte issue, but it still doesnt seem like an actual conclusion to where he was going. And the non-Cooke Spirit I've read (summer issue, holiday issue, etc.) just werent enjoyable to me. As GAH said though, if I hear good things, I might pick up back issues later.
When lots of people drop books because their favorite creators have moved on, they tend to get cancelled, whether the replacement is doing a good job or not.

oh well:huh:

and a book being good is subjective,i liked busiek's run on aquaman,hated tads the art didn't help either..dropped it.
That's not subjective, that just means you have bad taste, which we already knew.
I don't think The Spirit got cancelled; it's projected out through issue 17 I believe. Is there some news out there I missed?
Does anyone know when DC will publish the second volume of cooke's run?

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