So, it seems like I developed a weird fear in my life :(


Dec 1, 2011
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Yeah, you read right. I have encountered the most obscure and weirdest paranoia since...lets say, a half year or so. I think it started early this year, January or February.

It started quite harmless, it was just an strange feeling I had, at first. I always good goosebumps and started to freeze when a CAR WAS DRIVING SLOWLY PAST ME OR BEHIND ME.

Yes, that is my fear. It is absurd, I know....but....I really cant take it anymore.

It got worse and worse ever since. I always feel uncomfortable when a car drives slow behind me or next to me. My stomach starts to hurt and I feel like I have to throw up. Sometimes I run away in sheer panic.

The feel of a car approaching next to me, the sound of an engine running on low rounds...It creeps me out, it gives me chills and panic.

I dont know where that paranoia originated from.

I now there are a lot of Gangster and Mafia movies out there, in which when a car slowley drives by the window comes down and someone on the street gets shot to death from inside the car. Or a car drives slow next to the victim, then a masked man jumps out and abducts the victim.

We all have seen movie scenes like that. But only I have developed such a paranoia. I am not even sure if that is really the reason. Until this very year I never had a problem with slow driving cars.

Frankly, I have absoludely no problem with fast driving cars.

It is just a bad thing to experience, since I encounter slow cars every day. It really makes me feel bad and sick.

I dont know what to do anymore :(
:: Puts on glasses and a white wig:: vell, itz obviously routed in you relationship with your mother.
I'm afraid of dying alone, surrounded by people who neither care nor feel saddened that I'm no longer on this earth. :dry:

Oh, and big, tall dudes with tiny, childlike hands. That ****'s freaky. :down
Yeah, you read right. I have encountered the most obscure and weirdest paranoia since...lets say, a half year or so. I think it started early this year, January or February.

It started quite harmless, it was just an strange feeling I had, at first. I always good goosebumps and started to freeze when a CAR WAS DRIVING SLOWLY PAST ME OR BEHIND ME.

Yes, that is my fear. It is absurd, I know....but....I really cant take it anymore.

It got worse and worse ever since. I always feel uncomfortable when a car drives slow behind me or next to me. My stomach starts to hurt and I feel like I have to throw up. Sometimes I run away in sheer panic.

The feel of a car approaching next to me, the sound of an engine running on low rounds...It creeps me out, it gives me chills and panic.

I dont know where that paranoia originated from.

I now there are a lot of Gangster and Mafia movies out there, in which when a car slowley drives by the window comes down and someone on the street gets shot to death from inside the car. Or a car drives slow next to the victim, then a masked man jumps out and abducts the victim.

We all have seen movie scenes like that. But only I have developed such a paranoia. I am not even sure if that is really the reason. Until this very year I never had a problem with slow driving cars.

Frankly, I have absoludely no problem with fast driving cars.

It is just a bad thing to experience, since I encounter slow cars every day. It really makes me feel bad and sick.

I dont know what to do anymore :(

I had the exact same thing for a while.

It started with a particularly vivid nightmare where a car was driving slowly behind me and I was very aware it was following me and I was being watched and all my hairs were on end and just as I thought about running, I was grabbed from behind... and then woke up.

After that, if a car was driving slowly past me, especially from behind, I literally did start running instinctively. I still feel very uncomfortable and will turn around so I can see it's not anything to be frightening of.

Maybe you had a dream and it affected you subconsciously, but you just don't remember it?

I wouldn't worry about it anyway. There are so many crazier things you can be afraid of. I have loads of weird paranoias :funny:
I'm afraid of dying on the toilet. Who the hell wants to be found dead like that???
I'm afraid of dying on the toilet. Who the hell wants to be found dead like that???

I once found my boss drunk and asleep on the toilet......not as bad as being dead....but close.
I once found my boss drunk and asleep on the toilet......not as bad as being dead....but close.

Im gonna go out on a limb and say you got the promotion you were after? Lol
The only thing I'm afraid of are caterpillars, I'm not quite sure why. And when I say afraid, I don't mean running off like some track star screaming like a banshee, I just feel my skin crawling and I get nauseous.
I'm afraid of being trapped in a ventilation shaft, while spikes slowly approach me from both sides.
I'm afraid of the Ocean. Especially at night... No one knows what creeps around in those dark depths.
I'm a bit wary of the deep end of my inground pool at night. :o

Last night I had a dream that I got a sunburn and my skin started peeling, as usual. Later in the dream I was sitting in front of a fan, and it started blowing my burned skin off layer by layer, spraying the wall behind me with blood. It was one of those that you wake up from thinking, "lol wut?"
I've got a fear of that a lovechild of a Lovecraftian horror and a liopleurodon appearing from the depths to eat me.
Sometimes I feel awkward under the shower, assuming that a shark might attack me from beneath.
Where the hell is braincrusher at times like this? He would absolutely shine with this topic.
Sometimes I feel awkward under the shower, assuming that a shark might attack me from beneath.
I'm afraid of fear....itself....:O
For about a year I had an irrational fear of touching escalators or handrails because of the occasional electric shocks one gets from touching them. I knew it was irrational but I still couldn't bring myself to hold onto them for the longest of times.

Thankfully I'm over that now. My staircase climbing has been enriched because of it.
I'm afraid of dying alone, surrounded by people who neither care nor feel saddened that I'm no longer on this earth. :dry:

Oh, and big, tall dudes with tiny, childlike hands. That ****'s freaky. :down

I have always had a mortifying fear of dying alone.

The concept of death itself freaks me out as well.

I was terrified of riding escalators for a long time since I tripped and fell partway down one when I was a kid, but I got over it. I also used to be totally paranoid about tornadoes and would get anxious if there were so much as dark clouds in the sky, but I think about it a lot less now.

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