Someone hacked my hotmail


Sep 11, 2001
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Someone hacked my hotmail. I was checking my emails and I had recieved a whole **** load of "post notification failure" emails. You know, the email you get when an email you sent didn't get through. I checked a few of these post notification things, and someone has sent everyone in my address book the same email, using MY email address.

This is the email.

Hi! How are you?
You know I've created my own website!
Can you check how it works?
Can you see video?

The link doesn't seem to be harmful to my computer, and people on my msn checked it too.

What should I do? Change my password? How did someone do this? It seems really pointless, like they're plugging some website.
Happens all the time. Hotmail is notoriously insecure. Get a Gmail account and close your Hotmail one.

I don't get how someone hacked it. I only use one computer. I haven't used another computer to check emails in months!!
kainedamo said:
I don't get how someone hacked it. I only use one computer. I haven't used another computer to check emails in months!!

It's not you. It's Hotmail. It's insecure. That's why it won't look a woman in the eye or strike up conversations with strangers. It's also why it will fall for any silver-tongued spammer who tells it that it looks really hawt and that it should let them have access to it. :o

Think I should change my password, or do you think this is a once off thing? First time it's happened to me. I've had the same email address since I was 16 and I'm now 21. The email the guy sent around seems harmless too.
kainedamo said:
I don't get how someone hacked it. I only use one computer. I haven't used another computer to check emails in months!!

Did you have a simple password? I use caps, numbers in mine
It's not a simple password. It's not something you can just guess and it's fairly long.
I bet it is KainelovesVicki
How many times do I have to say this? HOTMAIL IS INSECURE! It gets hacked by spammers regularly. Your password complexity will make little to no difference. If you want to stop it, delete your Hotmail account and get a different one like Gmail or another, more secure service.

Ok, thanks. All I'm saying is though, is that this is the first time this has happened to me.
kainedamo said:
Ok, thanks. All I'm saying is though, is that this is the first time this has happened to me.

Well, get ready for more of it, Junior.

Why do you think they do it? It seems like a big pointless waste of time.
kainedamo said:
Why do you think they do it? It seems like a big pointless waste of time.

Because they can then send out tons of spam from an account that cannot be traced back to them, that's why.

jaguarr said:
Well, get ready for more of it, Junior.


Had hotmail for years and never any problems
Morg said:
Had hotmail for years and never any problems

Consider yourself lucky. Seriously. Do you have the free version or the paid version? People who actually pay M$ for Hotmail tend to have fewer issues with it, interestingly enough.

Mine's free, use it to hold emails and so I have a account to use for trillian
Morg said:
Mine's free, use it to hold emails and so I have a account to use for trillian

Check your sent mail and make sure you haven't been hacked. It's really common. Some of the spammers are sneaky and clean out the sent box of stuff they've sent from your account and the only way you ever know they got into it is when you get responses back like the one's kaine did.

jaguarr said:
Check your sent mail and make sure you haven't been hacked. It's really common. Some of the spammers are sneaky and clean out the sent box of stuff they've sent from your account and the only way you ever know they got into it is when you get responses back like the one's kaine did.


Nope I have no weird sent mail, alot of junk mail on how to enlarge my penis though :o
Morg said:
Nope I have no weird sent mail, alot of junk mail on how to enlarge my penis though :o

Well, at least there's something in there you can use. :up:

Morg said:
Nope I have no weird sent mail, alot of junk mail on how to enlarge my penis though :o

You should read it... it might help. :)
Yeah, I've never had a problem with my hotmail being hacked either, and I've been using it for ages now.
kainedamo said:
I don't get how someone hacked it. I only use one computer. I haven't used another computer to check emails in months!!

You might have been careless one time using your school's computer. When I was in school, I used the school's computers and one day somebody had accessed their hotmail account without having signed off properly and so I was able to access their account.

If I had been somebody else than who I was, I could have signed him up for childporn or somethig and left him to try and explain why he wasn't a child molestor or something.
kainedamo said:
Why do you think they do it? It seems like a big pointless waste of time.
Really, get Gmail. You literally become a better human being. ;)

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