sooo wts the deal wit Harley?


Apr 9, 2006
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k i'll admit i havent seen that many episodes of TAS and read only a few comics but from wat i've seen in TAS Harley iz all there. i mean one minute she's all there and the next in ROJ she's got a screw loose up there. so wats this all about? :hq: :confused: :confused:
She was created in TAS. I don't really understand what you are asking though...
I think he's wanting to know what the deal with Harley is. She's crazy, bat-s**t loco. And the was in the Villians United Special for about 2 panels. No love for Harley in the comics, it seems.
No love for Harley?? she appeared in comics after she was loved by fans in TAS and I think she's only one from TAS appread in comics.
If you're wondering about her origin than here it is (from Wikipedia):

"Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric intern at Arkham Asylum. Before her meeting with the Joker she possessed considerable intelligence and receiving high grades and college, she graduated with honors in psychriatric training. While interning the inmates at Arkham, she became fascinated with one particular inmate, The Joker. Ambitiously volunteering to analyze him, she fell in love nearly instantly with the Joker during their sessions. After helping him escape from the asylum more than once Harleen was suspected by the authorities, who revoked her license and placed her in her own cell. During an earthquake in Gotham City, she fled and became Harley Quinn, the sidekick to the Clown Prince of Crime himself, The Joker."
Two Face said:
No love for Harley?? she appeared in comics after she was loved by fans in TAS and I think she's only one from TAS appread in comics.

That may be true, but she hasn't really been used in the comics since "No Man's Land". So, no love for Harley in the comics.
Fledermaus said:
That may be true, but she hasn't really been used in the comics since "No Man's Land". So, no love for Harley in the comics.

Not used since No Man's Land? She was in Hush.
oh yeah i forgot that. What was it, 6 or 7 pages? I'm not hating on the character. I like her. She has to be one twisted sister to have it for the Joker so bad. And everybody was in Hush.
I know, I was just saying even if it was not a huge role she was in Hush. That is where though that you did not see her in Hush Returns or in Gotham Knights #73 and #74....or at least even in part of Under the Hood leading up to One Year Later.
didn't Montoya appear in TSA before appearing in the comics?

Harley should be used in the comics more often :)
Wasn't there some small series called Harley and Ivy? Like a small team-up series.
Ya lol. I was waiting for someone to say that but did not want to be the one. :)
I guess he got a point there. Although you are the first I have seen to use that comeback. In other threads I have seen people diss others about their grammar in the posts and surprisingly enough haven't seen someone say what you said...which is the obvious. :up:
ganstaman56 said:
what are u my english teacher? it's called internet slang dumbass!

It's still really annoying. Would it kill you to type a few extra letters? Might make your opinions a bit more respectable, or even readable.
ganstaman56 said:
what are u my english teacher? it's called internet slang dumbass!
And now you revert to name calling. Wow, just wow. I mean, you really got me there. I guess I should take someone who can't even spell 'You' right and wouldn't know what punctuation was if it bit them in the ass seriously. :down
Anyone who feels it necessary to deliberately use bad grammar and spelling is a poser, and comes across as less than intelligent. BTW, Lyle Bolton, AKA Lock-Up, also originated in BTAS and made his way into the comics.
HarleenQuinzel said:
And now you revert to name calling. Wow, just wow. I mean, you really got me there. I guess I should take someone who can't even spell 'You' right and wouldn't know what punctuation was if it bit them in the ass seriously. :down
it's spelled you. hey ever think mabye i didnt feel like typing it? so i shortened it!? it still comes out the same!! *******!!!
Bathead said:
Anyone who feels it necessary to deliberately use bad grammar and spelling is a poser, and comes across as less than intelligent. BTW, Lyle Bolton, AKA Lock-Up, also originated in BTAS and made his way into the comics.
well mabye i'm not a stuck up *****bag like you!!!
ganstaman56 said:
it's spelled you. hey ever think mabye i didnt feel like typing it? so i shortened it!? it still comes out the same!! *******!!!
So if you already knew how to spell it correctly, than why didn't you? Are you really so lazy you can't take the extra 2 seconds to type the 'yo'?:rolleyes:

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