Spawn Reboot

Yeah this is definitely one of the times a reboot is highly necessary.
I hope they do re-boot it but I dont like that McFarlane still wants Spawn in the background in this movie like he wanted for the sequel a while ago. Now is the time of all times to make this movie as it should be with Spawn fighting demons, etc IMO.
His approach to the reboot sounds wrong. Why make a movie called Spawn and then put him in the background? Spawn is a 'superhero', and I'm assuming most fans want to see him fight demons or other super-powered people. McFarlane's about to screw it up again.
His approach to the reboot sounds wrong. Why make a movie called Spawn and then put him in the background? Spawn is a 'superhero', and I'm assuming most fans want to see him fight demons or other super-powered people. McFarlane's about to screw it up again.

Exactly, now is the time of all times to make a super-hero movie out of a super-hero, you dont keep him in the shadows when the movie is based on him.
Now is the time of all times to forget about Spawn completely! The last thing we need is another Spawn film.

I think Spawn has and always will be an overrated, shallow character (One of many in Image Comics) that McFarlane created to cash in on the lame, ultra-violent, dark and gritty anti-hero craze of the 1990s.

He's basically a rip off of other, better superheroes.
His approach to the reboot sounds wrong. Why make a movie called Spawn and then put him in the background? Spawn is a 'superhero', and I'm assuming most fans want to see him fight demons or other super-powered people. McFarlane's about to screw it up again.

I think that's a bold idea. It deviates from the generic superhero formula where you'd have him be the big heroic figure and fight demons and such. It didn't work in the first film and that would actually be kinda bold to have the movie called Spawn and yet have the title character to remain in the shadows, that would be actually kind of effective, there'd be more mystery surrounding him. That's a fresh idea. I like how McFarlane describes the project as a cross bw/ The Departed and Spawn. That's great. I'm all for something fresh and unique.
Please,no background character crap,Spawn is suppose to be the main character for his movie. If this is how it is going to go down,then I will refuse to see this movie for sure if it happens full circle. I thought the Spawn movie was pretty damn good.
I think that's a bold idea. It deviates from the generic superhero formula where you'd have him be the big heroic figure and fight demons and such. It didn't work in the first film and that would actually be kinda bold to have the movie called Spawn and yet have the title character to remain in the shadows, that would be actually kind of effective, there'd be more mystery surrounding him. That's a fresh idea. I like how McFarlane describes the project as a cross bw/ The Departed and Spawn. That's great. I'm all for something fresh and unique.
I kind of agree with your assesment. It will make the film less cliche and more mysterious.
I think that's a bold idea. It deviates from the generic superhero formula where you'd have him be the big heroic figure and fight demons and such. It didn't work in the first film and that would actually be kinda bold to have the movie called Spawn and yet have the title character to remain in the shadows, that would be actually kind of effective, there'd be more mystery surrounding him. That's a fresh idea. I like how McFarlane describes the project as a cross bw/ The Departed and Spawn. That's great. I'm all for something fresh and unique.

It didnt work in the first film because the first film was poor, thats the only reason, make a good movie and it will work.

Please,no background character crap,Spawn is suppose to be the main character for his movie. If this is how it is going to go down,then I will refuse to see this movie for sure if it happens full circle. I thought the Spawn movie was pretty damn good.

Agree with the bolded part, keep him front and centre.
If Clown is still in it I wonder if the similarities with TDK's Joker will hurt him.
I think the idea is bold for a STV/DVD animated film but not for a feature film. Why make a movie called Spawn and use Spawn as a selling point, and then not feature him? Many people would be under the false impression that they are paying to see Spawn, and not Sam and Twitch or whatever background character would dominate the screentime.

Citing the Departed, would the movie have been as good if they focused on the psychiatrist treating Leo's character rather than Leo?

What other comic book character is not the star of his/her own product bearing their names? The only ones I can think of, Blade the Series, and to some extent Blade Trinity, and you saw how universally loved both products were.

Spawn is the most interesting character, or should be, or you should rename the comic after whoever is. I get the sense that's it almost like McFarlane pretty much saying Spawn's not that interesting or something. I don't think the character is established enough or beloved enough to try such a risky type of film. Spawn needs to establish some box office punch before they decide to push him into the background.
not another spawn movie..not now/ not ever
I think the idea is bold for a STV/DVD animated film but not for a feature film. Why make a movie called Spawn and use Spawn as a selling point, and then not feature him? Many people would be under the false impression that they are paying to see Spawn, and not Sam and Twitch or whatever background character would dominate the screentime.

Citing the Departed, would the movie have been as good if they focused on the psychiatrist treating Leo's character rather than Leo?

What other comic book character is not the star of his/her own product bearing their names? The only ones I can think of, Blade the Series, and to some extent Blade Trinity, and you saw how universally loved both products were.

Spawn is the most interesting character, or should be, or you should rename the comic after whoever is. I get the sense that's it almost like McFarlane pretty much saying Spawn's not that interesting or something. I don't think the character is established enough or beloved enough to try such a risky type of film. Spawn needs to establish some box office punch before they decide to push him into the background.

I couldnt agree more, it'd be like making a Wolverine movie and adding in loads of useless cameo's and characters that just arent needed. Oh wait, Fox already did that :woot:.

But seriously, I dont see the point in naming the movie Spawn and then barely seeing him in it, it would confuse and anger people who paid to see the movie and paid to see some super-hero action at that.
MTV Splash Page:

EXCLUSIVE: Todd McFarlane Reveals ‘Spawn’ Reboot Details, New Character Costume
Published by Larry Carroll on Friday, May 8, 2009 at 1:21 pm.

Comic book fans know Spawn as a badass anti-hero who mixed religion and superheroism into a powerful, immensely popular mix that re-wrote the graphic novel template in the early ’90s. Movie fans, unfortunately, remember the character as the star of a 1997 suckfest that has been largely forgotten. Now, creator Todd McFarlane is finalizing plans to bring the character some respect on the big-screen with a new movie.
“With Spawn, I have five legitimate offers sitting on the table,” the writer/artist/entrepreneur revealed to MTV News recently. “Ever since ‘Iron Man,’ they’ve been phoning every day.”
At this point, McFarlane explained, he’s trying to decide between two options: “If I go with the lower-budget movie, they’ll let me direct it. And if I go bigger, than I sit in the producer’s chair; if the budget’s too big, they’re not going to give me the chance at [directing] it. So I’m trying to decide whether I want to go big production, bigger money, bigger marketing — or just do something that’s a little bit smaller, more rock ‘n’ roll, and the way I’ve had it in my brain for the last five years.”
If McFarlane does direct the film, it will be his cinematic debut behind the camera.
So, what exactly is floating around inside McFarlane’s brain? A dark, realistic crime flick styled after several classic films — and most certainly not starring John Leguizamo as an obese clown. “The thing I’ve had in my head for a long time isn’t a big comic-book movie,” he explained. “Everything’s real; it’s like ‘The Departed,’ ‘L.A. Confidential’ or something like that — and there’s only one thing out of the ordinary in the story I’ve written, which is the thing people know as Spawn. And only a few people see it.”
“To me, it’s more along the lines of ‘Jaws,’ where you didn’t see [the shark] for half the movie, and then you caught glimpses of him,” McFarlane said of Spawn, the only supernatural character in his vision. “Jaws was somewhat fantastic in that movie, and to keep it low-budget I can’t have spaceships and super-villains and all that stuff.”
“You’re not going to get an [origin story] with a rubber costume,” McFarlane explained of Spawn’s new look. “As a matter-of-fact, you’ll never see Spawn in his full regalia, because to me, he’s more of a sentinel, like a living shadow. I’ve shown the artwork [to potential investors] and he’s all black; he doesn’t look exactly like what people have seen in the comic book.”
I'm all for a new Spawn movie, but I don't like the sound of Spawn being pushed to the background. I want Spawn, not Sam & Twitch.
That sounds terrible. Todd really does need to step back and take a producer's chair.
That sounds stupid! Why even bother saying it's an adaption of a comic book?
If it means having Spawn be part of an ensemble cast a la TDK, why not. It all depends on the quality of the story imo anyway.
Did you not read what he said. He said he wont speak and will just be there. If they where to go in a ensemble way then yeah it would be cool but not make him a backround character with that only gets the peekaboo approach. That is just lame IMO.
Well he did create the character so has the right to mess about with him how he sees fit i guess.

I'm just gonna sit back and wait to see how he does it.
It worked for Predator, it could work for Spawn. I don't mind the mysterious and barely seen approach as long as we get some decent action in the 3rd act of the movie.

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