SPAWN reboot


Half face half amazing
Nov 26, 2011
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Old news but since i haven't seen Spawn Movie Thread in Misc. Comics Films... Todd McFarlane says:

In 2011...

"I’m three quarters through it. I’ll finish it and put it on a shelf for about a week. What usually happens is, I come back to it so I can see all the flaws. I do a rewrite and there’s a first draft at that point. Then I’ll start soliciting comments from people I trust to see if I can get the script into working shape. If I can’t, I’m open to someone coming in and helping me with it."

"There’s only one way a studio is going to say yes, that’s if it’s a low-budget movie. To be honest, as a producer, even I wouldn’t hire myself to direct a big-budget film," he admits. "There are smarter people out there. But if you’re making it for $10 million to $12 million, you’re just going to go get some schmuck director so let me be the schmuck."

"In this new version, there are no supervillains, archenemies or any of that. It’s just a spook movie, something scary going bump in the night. I think I can shoot that for almost next to nothing."

In 2012...

"People are still interested in it. An Academy Award winning actor came out to the offices and said, Todd, I want to be in it, so get that thing done. He calls me once a week going, let’s go! Let’s go! So we’ll get that thing off the ground."

"The main character isn't Spawn, per se, it's the guy chasing Spawn,"And I've always had Leonardo DiCaprio in the back of my mind." ""It's a big wish, but his dad was a big fan of underground comic books and he came from that," "It's not a big special-effects movie, it's a character movie, so I could shoot it in 40-50 days and you don't have to budget that much time.""We had Sam and Twitch in the book, but because of some of the stuff I'm trying to sell in Hollywood, we might have to change the characters a bit," 'Godfather'-type movie, something weird is out there and no one knows about it except him and a few other people."


Wishful thinking or what?
Yeah, i hope they make it eventually, the Spawn franchise needs a ressurrection, the comics sales are really low, unlike many i don't think it's because the character was just extreme and not interesting, it's because the writers just lost the character and during some of the story arcs after issue 100 people just stoped caring.
Back in day it was a major name. I remember people who reads "Spawn" would considered cool in my school and others are "kids" :woot: Things changed a lot since then.

I liked Todd McFarlane's ideas. Spawn Animated Series were superior to the movie for similar reason. (even though it had super villians etc) Actually those series were fantastic for a comic book hero.

I seriously don't think DiCaprio would be that crazy to play in a low budget comic book movie which he is not the hero. :woot:

Batman Begins the docks scene type of stuff would work great for low budget Spawn movie.

"GB: The success went well beyond comics, too, with television, toys and film. Are there any new adaptation efforts in the pipeline?
TM: One of the things that happened is after the first movie came out I started the toy company and sort of got distracted. But these days, as you might imagine, with the [Hollywood] success of Batman and Spider-Man and some of the Marvel titles, everybody’s on a comic-book buying binge and the phone constantly rings. My attitude toward it is I can’t get my head wrapped around some big special-effects movie with a supervillain in there. There will be plenty of those and they’ve done pretty well.

I’ve always seen Spawn as being cut from a different cloth. It’s more of an urban, psychological story that’s being told. The answer I’ve given the last few years is that Spawn should be a small-budget movie in which the only thing that’s out of the ordinary is this thing that intellectually we know as Spawn and there would only be a handful of people that see it. I call it “it” because it never talks, it’s just a force of nature. Really, the story revolves around the people who are trying to decide: “Is the ghost alive? Is the shadow actually moving?” When I give that pitch, some of the executives scratch their heads. To a lot of people, a movie where the [title] character doesn’t talk doesn’t make any sense. There have been a few movies like that. “Alien,” you know, that guy didn’t say much. Or ”Jaws,” the shark didn’t have too many speaking lines. “Jaws” is the closest example, the movie wasn’t about the shark, it’s about the people chasing the shark."

He is on right track for sure. But i'm not sure if studios would accept these ideas.
I think they would be better off just focusing on another animated version. A live action Spawn is never. ever. going to happen methinks. ever. With animation they can do it as they want without having to limit themselves for the budget aswell.
I think they would be better off just focusing on another animated version.
When I met him at an autograph signing in 2006, I asked him about a new animated series. It's been on the net before about being in the works, but he said that they do have something in the works. He said that he was still trying to pitch it with different networks and didn't want to develop the series until it gets a deal. Other than that, he said he has a small animated short that he's been using to pitch it.
A live action Spawn is never. ever. going to happen methinks. ever.
I'll believe it when I see it. That goes for both live action and animated. McFarlane has been talk for a long time now. If he wants to get them off the ground, he needs to actually do something about it.
I think generally... Spawn has lost his appeal.

All McFarlane does is talk and talk and talk about a movie, stars and that animated series. Nothing ever comes to fruition.

I understand his passion for his creation, but even the comic is dipping drastically. Maybe he should start rebuilding bridges there.
If a movie is every officially announced, how long until the forums light up with Idris Elba pictures?
McFarlane is starting to sound more and more like Mark Millar everytime he says this, this movie has apparently been in the pipeline since the last one, wouldnt surprise me if we never saw it.
He claimed he wanted to go the route where Spawn is kind of this urban myth thing and Sam and Twitch are at the forefront. I don't know what happened there.
He claimed he wanted to go the route where Spawn is kind of this urban myth thing and Sam and Twitch are at the forefront. I don't know what happened there.

Thats what I remember (back in Wizard or Toyfare in the late 90s early 00s, side note I miss those magazines)......and like someone else said, this has supposedly been happening since the last one...

...and I partially agree, I don't think another film is going to happen......hasn't another cartoon been announced or coming soon for while too now?
Thats what I remember (back in Wizard or Toyfare in the late 90s early 00s, side note I miss those magazines)......and like someone else said, this has supposedly been happening since the last one...

...and I partially agree, I don't think another film is going to happen......hasn't another cartoon been announced or coming soon for while too now?

I think the cartoon has been coming out since 2006...
spawn movie low budget not even starring spawn wow really! this will never sell at the box office.
i miss spawn too would like to see a good movie version
Spawn movie not really about Spawn, but a guy chasing Spawn? Don't like it. A new Spawn movie would have to be rated R with lots of gore.
A Spawn movie would be great, and would have to be a reboot at this point. I would
LOVE it to be sort of like Sin City, artsy done so that that panels/art style are duplicate
on the screen:




The way they did the imagery above,
I would love them to do the stuff like this:






I would love to see Green Screens, prosthetics, and CG effects used to make the
comic come to life more. To bring Spawn into the movies and make him not seem silly
like a Ghost Rider or something.
A Spawn movie would be great, and would have to be a reboot at this point. I would
LOVE it to be sort of like Sin City, artsy done so that that panels/art style are duplicate
on the screen:

I would love to see Green Screens, prosthetics, and CG effects used to make the
comic come to life more. To bring Spawn into the movies and make him not seem silly
like a Ghost Rider or something.

That would help a lot with budget as well. "Sin City" was 40 million dollar budget movie. Much lower than today's comic book movies.

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