The Amazing Spider-Man Spider-Man vs. The Lizard


Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
In the film we get three rounds of this fight. There will be spoilers in this thread, so keep out if you dont want to know any.

1) Spider-Man vs. The Lizard in the sewers. This fight is short, but has a lot of great moments. Spidey setting up his web trap, the small lizards marching towards their master, Spidey playing on his phone, realizing he cant shoot webs under water. Then just the whole underwater tracking shot of them fighting.

2) Spidey vs. Lizard in the high school. This one stands out the most. You get a STan Lee Cameo, Lizard coming through the toilet, Spidey displaying his moves to full effect, and some great web shooting, wall crawling action.

3) Spidey vs. Lizard on top of Oscorp. This features the death of Cap. Stacy, awesome image of Lizard being frozen, Plus the progression of watching Spidey get to the building itself was spectacular.

Which one did you like the most?
High school. Not as good as the fights in SM2 or SM3, but that one was still pretty fun.
High School was the best fight in the movie, it doesnt compare to the best fights in SM2 and SM3, but it was the best in the movie, in fact the final battle was a little dissapointing compared to it.
I don't even count the sewers as a "fight". It was as quick as the bridge spot, imo. But, between the OsCorp Tower battle and the high school battle...I choose the high school one. So many things just made it fun such as Spidey pulling Lizard's tail out which was gross but hilarious, Spidey and Lizard crawling over the ceiling, Spidey webbing up Lizard to slow him down and the amazing Stan Lee cameo with music in the forefront while we see Spidey and Lizard go at it.
The High School battle was the best. Flinging each other through walls and stuff was awesome.

Plus we got that awesome Stan Lee cameo lol.
The High-School battle seemed the lengthiest, and the had the most verbal interaction. That was enough to make it at least entertaining.
The Stan Lee cameo was golden, and that made the school fight more enjoyable as well, I thought they would up the ante for the final battle but unfortunately they didnt, it was a little dissapointing compared to the school fight.
Plus we got that awesome Stan Lee cameo lol.
Heheeh indeed. Definitely his best cameo of the lot. Oblivious as mayhem erupts around him. If I recall correctly an object was inches away from hitting him but Spidey webs it away.
The high-school fight simply because it was the longest but I wasn't impressed with the fight.
Loved the high school fight...great display of Peter's powers.

"Someone's been a bad lizard..."
The high-school fight simply because it was the longest but I wasn't impressed with the fight.

What didn't you like about it?

I liked all the fights in this movie but the sewer and school fight are stand out sequences for me because they put the fattest smile on my face. For the first time in my life, I was watching a real spider-man movie. As for the final fight, I thought it was still an amazing sequence too and IMO beats the end fight between Ock and spidey in sm2 easily, however, I can't decide if the end battle between spidey and GG in sm1 is better. I think the end battle of SM1 is the best end battle out of all the 4 films .
High school fight. One of the most enjoyable fights in a CB movie, in my opinion.
I thought the Lizard was really well done in terms of look and CGI, I was hoping for a little bit more lab coat though. He looked very good during the fights.
Didn't realizde the ENTIRE sequence including the school hallway was CG also..:up:
The high school fight is without a doubt my favorite in a spiderman movie. The destruction that they cause, the fact that Spiderman doesn't stand a chance but keeps going after him. I love that he is so fast and uses his webshooters a lot. The quips and Stan Lee's cameo are the cherries on top of an excellent fight scene.
I loved every fight in the movie. It wasn't like in Spider-Man 1 where the fights never really impressed me (save for the brutal fist fight at the end), nor was it as epic or as ****-hitting-the-fan as the fights in 2 and 3. It felt more like a brawl between two super-powered enemies, and it was nice to see Spidey's webs being used as weapons rather than just to swing around and save people.

If I had to chose one fight, though, it's gotta be the high school scene. Just the visual of Stan Lee idly walking by is enough, but the whole webbing the Lizard up while crawling like a spider, the Lizard bashing Spidey against the lockers with his tail, bombs being thrown, lockers being used as arm-blades--just so crazy! That being said, Denis Leary shooting the crap out of the Lizard at the final battle was awesome.
The entire high school scene was CG? WOW!

That one was definitely my favorite, I'm a sucker for day light action scenes. Reminds me how much I loved Spidey vs Ock on the train.
I f'n love day time action fights.

I know the sewer fight is short, but I dont think it gets the respect of being so damn fun to watch progress. First we see Peter's smarts come into play as he does his mulitple web thing to feel for noise.

Then we get the little lizards crawl toward their master. We get Peter killing time playing a game. Then we go into the savageness of Lizard in his element vs. Peter out of his.

Its quick, but its a heck load of fun.
I love the obligatory votes for sewer and OsCorp. :hehe: OsCorp was a great fight, but it's not even close to the school fight's level.
I f'n love day time action fights.

I know the sewer fight is short, but I dont think it gets the respect of being so damn fun to watch progress. First we see Peter's smarts come into play as he does his mulitple web thing to feel for noise.

Then we get the little lizards crawl toward their master. We get Peter killing time playing a game. Then we go into the savageness of Lizard in his element vs. Peter out of his.

Its quick, but its a heck load of fun.
I also liked the failed attempt to shoot webs underwater. I thought that might come back later in the story, but it never did. Still a nice touch. :up:
High school fight was better than all in SM2 and 3. :up:

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