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Sequels SR Sequel? Smallville movie? or Total Restart? What should the next \S/ film be?

The next Superman film (2009) should be:

  • A sequel to Superman Returns with Bryan Singer

  • A film that continues "Smallville" on the big screen.

  • A total restart with a new cast and director.

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Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
What should the next Superman film be? What would be the most successful?

1) A sequel to SR. Characters already established and familiar.

2) A continuation of "Smallville" on the big screen. Characters already established and familiar.

3) A total restart, new director, new actors, establishing the new actors as these characters.
As much as I love Batman Begins, I despise this new trend of wanting to restart everything it has ushered in. Dont like Spidey's organic webs? RESTART! Don't like Kate Bosworth's Lois Lane? RESTART! Don't like Hulk's haristyle? RESTART! Don't like the "nice coat" line in Batman Begins? RESTART!
Restarting with a new franchise for Superman would confuse an already retarted American audience (some of these people actually think Smallville is a representation of Superman for Pete's sake). This is the primary money market and they're generally clueless to begin with, so I just say continue the franchise. Plus, I liked the movie and the universe revolves around me...so yeah. Also, Smallville never needed to be made in the first place...so I see no point in taking a big turd and remodeling it into a gigantic turd. If they ever did make a Smallville movie, at least we know the soundtrack would own:down .
I would prefer two different films.

1. a Smallville tv movie after the end of the show (after season 7?)
2. a restart with mostly post-crisis elements for the big screen
KaptainKrypton said:
If they ever did make a Smallville movie, at least we know the soundtrack would own:down .

Yes because lameass emo pop rock owns :rolleyes:
I think a sequel is the way to go, they just need to fix some of the problems the movie had.
Deadman666 said:
Yes because lameass emo pop rock owns :rolleyes:
Hence my thumbs down, man. If I never hear another Lifehouse song ever again in my life...it'll be too soon.
even though SR was mediocore at best, I still didn't like it. I say a completely new restart... I dont want to see a sequel of Superman Returns.
Now that everyone in the movie is establihed, it's only righ tthat they continue the franshise with a better story. I want, better action, more things that involve the Superman mythos and things that just make Superman, Superman. In the sequel Superman needs to be kicking ass and taking names. I mean through a few punches ANYTHING that is the Superman we see in teh comics.
Wait about 10 years and restart. With me as the Writer and Director.
No, Singer already said he wants a 2009 release. Though, WB may not confirm it. I also wouldn't mind a movie based from the cast of Smallville. If Returns weren't to get a sequel.
How about a stand alone film featuring Brandon Routh that neither confirms or denies Superman Returns.
To start the franchise over again would de-legitimize the movies for the casual movie goer and be disasstorous for Supes
that could be interesting.
Shawn_Short said:
How about a stand alone film featuring Brandon Routh that neither confirms or denies Superman Returns.
GreenKToo said:
that could be interesting.

It could easily be done. Feature Kate Bosworth in a cameo appearance ala Superman 3 because lets face it, she is with Richard and her relationship with Superman is over. Forget Lex, Im tired of seeing the real estate mongul he is boring and isn't interesting in the slightest. Bring in Lana Lang as the love interest and don't make her character Smallville-esque. The have Braniac or Darkseid as the villian trying to conquer Earth and you have a whole new movie.
Shawn_Short said:
It could easily be done. Feature Kate Bosworth in a cameo appearance ala Superman 3 because lets face it, she is with Richard and her relationship with Superman is over. Forget Lex, Im tired of seeing the real estate mongul he is boring and isn't interesting in the slightest. Bring in Lana Lang as the love interest and don't make her character Smallville-esque. The have Braniac or Darkseid as the villian trying to conquer Earth and you have a whole new movie.
This is likely what you'll get in the sequel to SR. An alien threat. Check. Lois off the market. Very check. Lana could be a possibility, but they need to stay away from the Smallville neck of the woods in regards to her character. Lana is supposed to be the girl next door type. That show misses that mark by a parsec. Each episode that goes by, I wish death upon her more and more. It's not supposed to be that way.
They dont need an effin love interest. It was done and explored in SR. Just make the sequel action-packed, and resolve the stuff from SR... thats all.

Forget Lana Lang.
There is nothing of any interest to really resolve from Superman Returns.
Ya there is. The storyline with the astronomers discovering Krypton or what they thought was Krypton. The writers hinted the sequel would take off from there about Kryptonian survivors (not Zod). Ideally, it could also be tied to Brainiac. Either way, I want some closure on that....

And on Jason's future purpose.....is he meant to continue and grow up? Or be sacrificed at the villians hand to push Superman over the edge?
Katsuro said:
As much as I love Batman Begins, I despise this new trend of wanting to restart everything it has ushered in. Dont like Spidey's organic webs? RESTART! Don't like Kate Bosworth's Lois Lane? RESTART! Don't like Hulk's haristyle? RESTART! Don't like the "nice coat" line in Batman Begins? RESTART!
I totally agree. Except for the part about loving Batman Begins.
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