You want perfect Recipe for Steak?
Get perfered Cut of Meat.
Preheat Grill to 600 F
Salt and Pepper Steak, both sides.
Onion Power, both Sides to taste.
Take a little bit of Melted Butter, pour on Steak, leaving Half in Bowl.
Let stand till Grill is Pre-heated.
Put Steak on Grill, turn down Grill to 350 F.
Let Burn lines, flip over on part of grill that the steak hasn't touched yet, should still be above 500 F. Let lines burn onto Steak. Pour Melted Butter on Fresh Side.
Grill to internal Temp of 145 F.
Take Same Bowl, More Butter, add Fresh Crushed and Chopped Garlic. Add a pinch of Salt and Pepper. Mix. Put on Stove top to Melt Butter and bring to sizzle.
Pour in Sauce Dish. Dip Steak in Garlic/Butter Sauce.
Awesome! Not Healthy, but tasty!