Comics Steve Ditko Book

Kirk Langstrom

Apr 30, 2000
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Fantagraphics Books has announced a June release of the first critical retrospective of Steve Ditko, the co-creator and original artist of the Amazing Spider-Man, timed for the release of Ditko's 80th birthday.

Strange & Stranger: The World of Steve Ditko, by Blake Bell, will be a 220-page hardcover that will cost $39.99.

"For the non-comic- book reader," said Bell, an author and essayist for the Marvel Comics line of Ditko-related Omnibus reprint projects, "we tell the narrative of Steve Ditko, the artist, from humble beginnings in Johnstown Pennsylvania; to the dizzying heights of co-creating Spider-Man; to the spectacular Howard Roark-like determination, and tribulations, in bringing his personal and philosophical vision to a recalcitrant audience.

"There's a fantastic, dramatic storyline running through Ditko's career; the artist having walked away from the Spider-Man franchise -- and the billions it was to generate -- as it was reaching the height of its popularity. What price did Ditko pay, and what was the impact on his work?"

The book is also geared for hardcore Ditko fans.

"We explode many of the myths surrounding key moments in Ditko's career, as well as present reams of rare and unpublished Ditko artwork," Bell said. "For the comic art scholar, we also break down the 'hows' of Steve Ditko as a great sequential storyteller, dissecting his work in depth for the first time, also with analysis and commentary by some of the most skilled and articulate comic creators of the day."

They had me at "Steve Ditko", but the prospect of some unpublished Ditko art has me frothing at the mouth! :woot:

Hope it's Spidey-related! :spidey: :word:


Yep, count me in :up:

While we're on the subject of Ditko. Anyone heard that song "Goodbye Mr. A" by The Hoosiers? Pay no attention to the music video, but listen to the lyrics, i'm almost positive that song is about the same Mr. A comic book character that Steve created. Doesn't surprise me, their last song was about Ray Harryhausen! Catchy tunes. Cool band.

Ditko rules :spidey:
Count me in for this one. I have always been a huge fan of Ditko's art, in fact, my favorite Spidey artist. Oh, and if my memory serves correctly, Blake Bell has a Steve Ditko website online so it's good to see him writing this because he's a huge expert on Ditko.

Fantagraphics Books has announced a June release of the first critical retrospective of Steve Ditko, the co-creator and original artist of the Amazing Spider-Man, timed for the release of Ditko's 80th birthday.

Strange & Stranger: The World of Steve Ditko, by Blake Bell, will be a 220-page hardcover that will cost $39.99.

"For the non-comic- book reader," said Bell, an author and essayist for the Marvel Comics line of Ditko-related Omnibus reprint projects, "we tell the narrative of Steve Ditko, the artist, from humble beginnings in Johnstown Pennsylvania; to the dizzying heights of co-creating Spider-Man; to the spectacular Howard Roark-like determination, and tribulations, in bringing his personal and philosophical vision to a recalcitrant audience.

"There's a fantastic, dramatic storyline running through Ditko's career; the artist having walked away from the Spider-Man franchise -- and the billions it was to generate -- as it was reaching the height of its popularity. What price did Ditko pay, and what was the impact on his work?"

The book is also geared for hardcore Ditko fans.

"We explode many of the myths surrounding key moments in Ditko's career, as well as present reams of rare and unpublished Ditko artwork," Bell said. "For the comic art scholar, we also break down the 'hows' of Steve Ditko as a great sequential storyteller, dissecting his work in depth for the first time, also with analysis and commentary by some of the most skilled and articulate comic creators of the day."

They had me at "Steve Ditko", but the prospect of some unpublished Ditko art has me frothing at the mouth! :woot:

Hope it's Spidey-related! :spidey: :word:

It's only money. I'm so there.Went to Border's, you can't order it yet. It's due out next year.Save your pennies.
Spidey rules with his artistic creator
Gotta get the omnibus first, before maybe buying this.
Beg, borrow, steal if you have to. The Omnibus is a must-have!!!

Couldn't agree more.Whenever you talk of Amazing Spider-Man continuity,FF Annual #1 and Strange Tales Annual #2 are often forgotten. The Omnibus is great. Can't wait for Omnibus 2 with all the Lee/Romita Sr. Stuff.It would be twice the size of #1 or maybe two books.
Spidey rules
Couldn't agree more.Whenever you talk of Amazing Spider-Man continuity,FF Annual #1 and Strange Tales Annual #2 are often forgotten. The Omnibus is great. Can't wait for Omnibus 2 with all the Lee/Romita Sr. Stuff.It would be twice the size of #1 or maybe two books.
Spidey rules

Definitely. The Omnibus has fast become my most treasured possession.

I often find myself considering the content of future ASM Omnibus editions.
I have come to the conclusion that Volume Two should contain (as well as the Annuals and other goodies) issues #39 to #75 of ASM. I believe that would be the perfect cut off point for a true Lee/Romita Omnibus. In both size and content.

For Volume Three, I think issues #76 to #118 would do nicely.

Your thoughts?
Definitely. The Omnibus has fast become my most treasured possession.

I often find myself considering the content of future ASM Omnibus editions.
I have come to the conclusion that Volume Two should contain (as well as the Annuals and other goodies) issues #39 to #75 of ASM. I believe that would be the perfect cut off point for a true Lee/Romita Omnibus. In both size and content.

For Volume Three, I think issues #76 to #118 would do nicely.

Your thoughts?

Do you like Fantastic Four at all? A bit off-topic, i guess, but the first FF omnibus is pretty cool as well...just so much Marvel history came out of those Lee/Kirby issues, every Marvel fan should pick it up...:ff:
Do you like Fantastic Four at all? A bit off-topic, i guess, but the first FF omnibus is pretty cool as well...just so much Marvel history came out of those Lee/Kirby issues, every Marvel fan should pick it up...:ff:

I do have an interest in the Fantastic Four. I recently saw the Volume Two Omnibus and was disappointed to learn i'd completely missed Volume One! But I understand there's a second edition on the way soon. So I intend to pick that up :up:

I'm also quite looking forward to Millar/Hitch's upcoming run on FF. I really liked the run Millar had with Greg Land on Ultimate FF so I have high expectations!

I also have The Frank Miller/Klaus Janson Daredevil Omnibus and eagerly await the companion. Even if you don't much care for the character, the evolution of the collaboration between Miller and Janson is something to be appreciated in and of itself! :daredevil
I'd like a volume of the EARLY Daredevil stuff that Lee did with Orlando/Wood/Romita... .:daredevil :heart: :up:
Definitely. The Omnibus has fast become my most treasured possession.

I often find myself considering the content of future ASM Omnibus editions.
I have come to the conclusion that Volume Two should contain (as well as the Annuals and other goodies) issues #39 to #75 of ASM. I believe that would be the perfect cut off point for a true Lee/Romita Omnibus. In both size and content.

For Volume Three, I think issues #76 to #118 would do nicely.

Your thoughts?

This is exactly what I was proposing on another thread.If we break down ASM continuity into Ages and Eras. Silver Age- Lee/Ditko af#15,AS-M 1-38 Annual 1 and 2,FF annual 1,Strange Tales Annual 2,
Then as you suggest-Lee/Romita Sr era-AS-M #39-75 including annuals,
Then you would have to say Lee/Conway/Romita/Andru from #76 to 118 including annuals.There is no longer uninterrupted continuity in Spider-Man.Breakining down the periods of stories into Ages and Eras, helps me cope with the Modern Age madness.
Spidey rules
This new Steve Ditko book sounds absolutely brilliant. I'll definitely have to get a copy. :up:
Anyone get the current Wizard Magazine? There's an exerpt in it concerning Ditko's contributions to the early days of Spider-Man...definitely worth a look! :up:
Anyone get the current Wizard Magazine? There's an exerpt in it concerning Ditko's contributions to the early days of Spider-Man...definitely worth a look! :up:

Haven't seen that yet. Did get a look at several reviews of the Book itself. Ditko is quite the brilliant mis understood artist. I'm looking for the best deal on getting the HC.So far, seems to have the best price-$24.
Spidey rules

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